August 2, 2016
Complaints Against Border Patrol & Immigration UK, RE: “Safety
of UK Royal Family!”
Complaints from:
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA,
Cellphone: 352-219-1872
To Whom It May Concern:
What follows, is a summary of email
correspondence, between your border patrol & immigration offices, and my, email account-through: Russia. It is unacceptable, that border
patrol, and immigration, is unwilling, to accept a complaint from me, in
regards to interactions, that I had, with their officers, while located at:
Pennine House, in: Manchester, UK. I have made very clearly elucidated complaints,
to your offices on several occasions. I have explicated, to the best of my ability,
the situation that unfolded, when I encountered UK Border Patrol, and
You stated, in your reply, to my most
recent email, that, UK Border Patrol & Immigration, has established this
email account, in order to respond to complaints, regarding-staff, however,
your offices are not willing to respond to my complaints. When you establish a
complaint department-because it is required by UK law, and then, the complaint
department, at UK Border Patrol, & Immigration, pretends like I am not
making a valid complaint, and therefore, there is no need to respond to my
concerns, then, it is as though-there were no complaint department at all.
In cases, such as this one-where my
life, is in danger, and, I am soo concerned, about the lives, of my distant
cousins: Prince William and Prince Harry, and for many good reasons-after the untimely
death of: Princess Diana-then, your entire department comes across, as being
supportive/in collusion, with the: violent, and pre-meditated death, of:
Princess Diana. Then too, I have to
be-with: UK Border Patrol & Immigration, ignoring my valid complaints-even
more concerned, about my own safety, and the safety of my 3 children, and my 2
distant cousins: Princes William and Harry.
This situation, has become a litigious
matter. I have several valid complaints. I have submitted, some of my
complaints to you-and in a timely manner, in regards to when I was in: Manchester,
UK, and interacting, with: UK Border Patrol & Immigration staff. You have
failed to respond-as previously stated, to any of my complaints, while, at the
very same time-not referring me to a legal department, or to anyone else on
your staff, such as: an ombudsman, who was hired, in order to begin to
negotiate, situations-such as mine, when the must-frequently arise.
I am extremely dis-satisfied by our interactions,
and, by the email correspondence, that has followed. I have a bad impression of
your department-as though, you all, care about no one-it is traumatic, for
people like me, who are soo incredibly desperate needy, to be forced to
interact, with people like you, who do not care about anyone! I am sending this
email, to a number of individuals, who must be informed, of the outcome of our
communications, to follow through, with a former legal complaint.
Thank you for receiving my email
communications. I am sorry, your department, at: UK Border Patrol &
Immigration, are not willing to be of any service, to: the Queen of England, or,
to any of her distant relatives-regardless of how far they must travel-when
life and limp are under fire, in order to beg, for your assistance, or, end up
dead, in an unmarked grave.
Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary,
Current Email:
Cellphone: 352-219-1872
3rd Response To Complaints, Received from UK
Border Patrol & Immigration & No Response Offered or Additional
Contacts Provided, To Move Towards Resolution:
This correspondence is not relevant for the Border Force Correspondence Team (BFCT) to answer.
Yours sincerely
Ms Button
Correspondence Officer
Border Force Correspondence Officer”
*Complaint 3:
Direct Quote-Original Messages:
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you, for notating my on-going complaint, against UK border patrol, and immigration. I was discouraged by your officers, from applying for political asylum in the UK. I was told, by your border patrol officers, that, is does not matter, how poorly I am: tortured, or abused in the US, because, the US has been voted by UK Parliament-as a: "Safe Country,"-even when it is not.
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-219-1872
As a distant relation, to: Princess Diana, who is being Stalked by the Dottie Fyad family, it matters-in more ways than you realize, that border patrol UK, told me, that I would never receive political asylum for myself, and for my 3 children. Africans, and relatives, of Dottie Fyad-who look exactly like: Mohamed Al Fayed, chase after to me, and tell me for hours and hours, when I am working on my PhD homework, about how they are going to kill me, and why. It should be embarrassing to your border patrol, and immigration services-that, as English, and living in the UK-you care nothing for the UK Royal family, and , it is their country, and their land.
UK border patrol and immigration, allows extremely dangerous terrorists, into the UK,-who pose as immigrants, in desperate need, of political asylum in the UK, while, at the very same time, your officers, turn someone like me away-when you must know by now, that: Mohamed Al Fayed-himself, chases after me, and tries to kill me dead himself, because he hated: Princess Diana, and, for unknown reasons, believes that I have soo much in common with: Princess Diana.
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you, for notating my on-going complaint, against UK border patrol, and immigration. I was discouraged by your officers, from applying for political asylum in the UK. I was told, by your border patrol officers, that, is does not matter, how poorly I am: tortured, or abused in the US, because, the US has been voted by UK Parliament-as a: "Safe Country,"-even when it is not.
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-219-1872
As a distant relation, to: Princess Diana, who is being Stalked by the Dottie Fyad family, it matters-in more ways than you realize, that border patrol UK, told me, that I would never receive political asylum for myself, and for my 3 children. Africans, and relatives, of Dottie Fyad-who look exactly like: Mohamed Al Fayed, chase after to me, and tell me for hours and hours, when I am working on my PhD homework, about how they are going to kill me, and why. It should be embarrassing to your border patrol, and immigration services-that, as English, and living in the UK-you care nothing for the UK Royal family, and , it is their country, and their land.
UK border patrol and immigration, allows extremely dangerous terrorists, into the UK,-who pose as immigrants, in desperate need, of political asylum in the UK, while, at the very same time, your officers, turn someone like me away-when you must know by now, that: Mohamed Al Fayed-himself, chases after me, and tries to kill me dead himself, because he hated: Princess Diana, and, for unknown reasons, believes that I have soo much in common with: Princess Diana.
At this point, I think that the UK, is
not safe enough, for my distant cousins: Princes William and Harry. I do believe,
that many immigrants, who were invited into the UK, by: UK border patrol and
immigration-celebrated the death, of: Princess Diana, like it were the best occurrence
ever, and, that is more than-just a little sinful, and unforgivable.
2-6-2016 Additional information, to support my application, and the application of my 3 children, for political asylum, and emergency amnesty, in the UK.
2-6-2016 Additional information, to support my application, and the application of my 3 children, for political asylum, and emergency amnesty, in the UK.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
I am still requesting consideration, for a: "Safe house." I am soo physically ill, from recent attempts on my life, and physical assaults, that, many days-such as today, even after having taken many pain killers, I am barely able to: sit, stand, or walk, for most of the day. I have serious injuries, and will require medical care. I am not able to obtain medical care, here in the US, although, I do now have medical insurance. I was told, that there are no doctor appointments available, for at least 3 more weeks. I do hope to be in London, by that time?
A copy of the complaint, that I submitted to the Social Security Fraud Audit Office-US, today:
In 2013 I was false arrested, in Seattle, WA, where I was homeless, and physically ill, because I am being neglected by my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.-and her extended family-John Epler, and Jean Fisher, who live in Seattle, WA. I was homeless, and at a bus stop, trying to stay out of the freezing rain. I was not allowed in a single homeless shelter in the US. I am still homeless. I am still not allowed in any homeless shelter in the US.
I have been homeless, in the US, for 6 years now. I was trying to leave the US, to plead for political asylum in the UK. I was complaining about a prostitute smoking Crack cigarettes at the bus stop. It is illegal to prostitute in the US, and, it is illegal to smoke, at any Seattle, WA bus stop. Officer Meier, and another officer, false arrested me, at the bus stop, and tried to beat me to death, for refusing to prostitute in Seattle, WA, and, for complaining about the Crack smoke, in the air, at the bus stop. I am highly asthmatic.
When officers took me to the Seattle, WA police station substation, to continue beating me, because I did not die. Officer Meier, denied me my Miranda Rights, and, he stole all of my identification, with the exception of my US Passport. He, and his officers, stole, my US government welfare debit card, my social security card, my student alumni picture ID, etc. I was illegally detained, in Seattle, WA, for an extended period of months, in the freezing cold-homeless, with no assistance from extended family, with very few exceptions, while I waited to be heard in court.
Because I complained about the severe beatings that I received from officer Meiers, for complaining about Crack smoke in Seattle, WA, and, because I refused to prostitute, Officer Meier, pretended that I was mentally ill, and tried to have me committed to the mental hospital Western, for: "rape therapy"-which is illegal, in the US. My personal identification cards, and other belongings, were either damaged irreparably, or, not returned to my person at all. I have complained about the situation, over and over again-with no resolution in the US.
I complained about my personal information being sold, for identity theft, and other purposes on the Black Market, at a Social Security Office, in Denver, CO, and the Social Security representative, was not concerned for me, or the security of my personal confidential information, and records, at all. Recently, individuals from Seattle, WA-most likely related to Officer Meiers, or other people, who work for the Seattle, WA police, came to Florida, to stalk, and to harass me. A Jennifer Vandenberg, and her son Gunn, from Seattle, WA, are threatening to kill me, for refusing to prostitute. I have already contacted local authorities, and the FBI in Seattle, WA, and nothing has been done, to resolve the situation.
Jennifer Vandenberg, is a mental patient, and I also believe, that J. Vandenberg, may be a Transgendered, threatened to have me killed by the police, or others, over and over again. Then, she had her closest friends, assault me, over, and over again. I am almost certain, J. Vandenberg, is connected to the Police Department, of Seattle, WA. I am being assaulted-everywhere I go-even to the store, and on the bus, and at the local Social Security Office, here in Gainesville, FL. I am now, in soo much pain, that I can hardly: walk, sit, or stand.
I am homeless, and I have no resources in the US-including medical resources. I cannot be seen by a general medical doctor, for at least 3 weeks. J. Vandenberg's son, Gunn, I do believe, is Cyber Stalking me, right now, where I am living homeless, at a hotel in Gainesville, FL. Gunn, is threatening my life, over, and over again, by harassing me online, while I am working hard, to make arrangements, to move to the UK, to plead for political asylum and amnesty.
My life is in danger, and US law enforcement, does not care at all-they are not keeping me safe. Police in Gainesville, FL, are beginning to harass me, just like the police, in Seattle, WA. the experience, is more than a little unsettling. I am extremely uncomfortable. Thank you for continuing to receive my communications, from the US.
Information Current as of The Following Date:
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
I am an applicant for political asylum in the UK. I am in contact with MI5.I have begun to send in materials, that support my application, for political asylum, in the UK. I have an MI5 email address, that I should be able to access, upon arrival in the UK, that I am emailing some of my supporting evidence, in to, however, I am penny-less. I have been a political prisoner, and hostage in the US, for the past 16 years. I have been brutally tortured, for refusing to comply, with the: "New Africa America," and the rule, of the Obama Administration.
There have been many recent attempts on my life. I am in excruciating pain, now, as I type, however, I am safe to fly-no communicable diseases, or any negative history of flights, within the US. The US government, is trying to cut me off, from all of my finances-which are not much at all, so, I will not be able to fly to the UK, to begin the application for political asylum in person. I am requesting your emergency assistance.
I require a free plane ticket, to the UK. I have no way to pay for the flight myself, and I have no friends, or family in the US, who are willing to assist me. Personal Email: There is also a telephone, here at the hotel, where I am temporarily located-however, I never receive many calls, through the operator directed phone system, here at the hotel: 352-372-1880 My current locale-just until next Tuesday: Americas Best Value Inn, 1900 SW 13th Street room 138, Gainesville, Florida 32608.
More information, about my situation, is available, at the following websites: Current Active Online Evidence Collection Accounts:
Several Online Accounts-
Current Active Account:
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Several Google+ Accounts-Bayo Cary Cary:
Bayo Elizabeth Cary:
Several Google+ Accounts-Bayo Cary Cary:
Bayo Elizabeth Cary:
Google Blogger:
I also have social networking accounts with: LinkedIn, Vuvox, BlipTV, etc. Please Google my name, and see what else, is out there, on the Internet, about me. I am currently, actively seeking employment!
I am still locating other online archived evidence, in my social networking accounts, which, I no longer have access to. Thank you for your time, and consideration. I am still requesting housing, in, a: “safe house” housing situation, upon my impending arrival, in the UK. I have a considerable amount of luggage, because of all the hard copy evidence, that I must bring with me, in addition to my HP Notebook, etc. .I would like to bring my: scanner/copier/printer, as well, for more support, in the work environment, and field, in London.
I am seriously physically disabled, due to recent physical assaults, and permanent injuries, from past attempts on my life. I cannot stand, or walk with my belongings, for prolonged periods of time, and will need somewhere safe to rest, almost immediately upon arrival. I have almost no access to financial resources, from here-in the US. Thank you again.
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Materials, with support information, for my application, and the application of my 3 children, for political asylum in the UK. Your immediate and emergency assistance, is respectfully requested. The US government is denying me my welfare check, because I intend to purchase a plane ticket, to the UK, to plead for political asylum, and to request emergency amnesty.
Complaint submitted, to the fraud department, of the US Social Security Office:
I have gone into the local Social Security Office, here in Gainesville, FL 3 times, in the last 4 weeks. I am attempting to gain access, to my benefits, for my permanent physical injury. Every time, I go into the office, to make arrangements to receive the payment, the representative at the window, provides excuse after excuse, as to why he, or she, is unable to assist me, in obtaining access to the pithy benefits, which are due to me.
I am homeless. I have no money, or family in the US, that are willing to assist me, with anything at all. I have a permanent physical disability, and, I am highly asthmatic, along with several other general medical conditions. I cannot stay at a homeless shelter in Gainesville, FL, or anywhere else, in the US-I will be denied access.
Additionally, I am in such excruciating pain, that I require a special bed, to support my back. I am also highly asthmatic. I cannot breathe, if there is smoke of any kind in the air. My rescue inhaler, is not enough. When people smoke, or are around people, who have smoke in their clothing, then, that is second hand smoke for me, because the strong odor of the smoke, comes off of the clothing, in a room.
I did visit St. Francis House, a homeless shelter in Gainesville, FL. I stood out front, for less than 3 hours. Not only, were the homeless, who receive services there, smoking, the staff who work and volunteer there-maybe all of them-they smoke as well. I had to leave the location, as quickly as possible, because I am soo incredibly asthmatic, and I could not breathe. I accepted a ride, to my adopted mom's house, from a complete stranger, just to get away from the smoke in the air, as quickly as I possibly could.
When I complained, this past Thursday, to the Social Security representative, about being homeless, and, about being in an emergency situation, and needing my benefits check-immediately, the man, refused to assist me. he told me, that he would not issue and emergency payment, that the check, without my knowledge, had been re-directed, to an address, which is temporary, where I cannot afford to remain. I explained to the man, that I would not be here, at this homeless hotel location, after this coming Tuesday, the 9th of February, 2016. I told the representative, that I have no money, and that I cannot stay at a homeless shelter-and, he did not care. I asked to speak to his supervisor, and he refused to allow me to do so.
The Gainesville, FL Social Security representative, told me, that my check had been cancelled, and then re-issued to this location: 1900 SW 13th Street-where the business is refusing to hold my check for me, if I am not still staying at the hotel. I asked the representative, to please put his statement in writing, so I would have some proof, of what he was telling me, and, he refused to do that as well. Then, I told the man, I have been taping our conversation, because Social Security always treats me like this.
I ask for assistance, and then I am told one thing, while people in the back, issue paperwork for something else, and then, they intentionally neglect to inform me. I desperately need my check. The Social Security Office in Gainesville, FL, has already intentionally mis-directed the check two times-once last month, and then again two Mondays ago, on the first of February, 2016. The representative, at the Social Security Office in Gainesville, FL, did not care that I had been repeatedly assaulted in the office, while waiting to be seen, and, he kicked me out of the office, after 6 long hours, and no resolution to my situation, for asking to speak to his supervisor, after he refused to assist me, in the appropriate manner.
I need my benefits check. It is freezing cold outside here, and raining outside, almost every day-all day long. I have no money for shelter, or for anything else that I require. Going back to the Social Security Office, here, in Gainesville, FL, would not be helpful. Where is my benefit check? I may be reached at my current email address:
Dear Ms. Truscott,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Four nights ago, here in Phoenix, AZ, I was egged, at a bus stop, in front of a Women’s Resource Center, where I utilize the free phone and the free computers. I was scared to death, and out of cell phone charge, and, I had to walk down the same street, that my attackers assaulted me from--McDowell. I had no way of obtaining any shelter at all at that time. I had no money, and, it was in the middle of the night. The complete lack of money, and, a complete lack of available shelter, here in Phoenix, AZ, has not changed at all.
After having been egged at the bus stop, an attack, which I initially, did not consider seriously, another car sped by, and shot at me. I have been actively seeking safe and clean housing, and well paid employment, here in Phoenix, AZ, ever since I arrived here in Phoenix, AZ, on an emergency need for medical care flight on: Delta, out of Orlando, FL. On June 19, 2013, I was run over, by State Farm Insurance client Sara Amanda Cole, while she was speeding down Granada in Ormond Beach, FL, at approximate 45 miles--minimally, per hour, according to the Ormond Beach, FL homicide detective, to whom I spoke, in a 3 ton vehicle--a Mitsubishi (2008), also according to a police homicide detective, in Volusia County, FL.
Additionally, there was a sign posted, across from the historically Black university in Daytona Beach, FL, named Bethune Cookman, at a gun shop, that was selling some style of gun, that I am not familiar with, at a discounted price, and for the expressed and solely intended purpose, of killing, "Bayo." I was soo shocked, that, I took a picture, of the gun stores advertisement, outside of their place of business.
And, that is a just a report to you, of
what has happened to me, here in the USA, most recently. The last 15 years of
my life, here in the USA, have been pure misery, in too many ways—ways-which involve
torture, as if I were, foreign terrorists, which, is: completely, and totally,
and without any exception, not, the case, in so far as me, and who I am, and
how I behave, and interact with others, is concerned.
Thank you so much for your recent communication. I am changing my password again, on my gmail email account, however, someone other than myself, who does not have permission to do so, is accessing my email again, and is apparently answering some of my emails. This situation has occurred to me before. I am not close to anyone, here in Phoenix, AZ, and my children, who need to be returned to my care, are currently located in Florida, with my Mother. The security of my yahoo email account, was breached, about a year ago, and now, I no longer utilize the yahoo account at all, because, I was unable to keep the perp., out of my yahoo email, although, I did discover who he was, and, I did report him right away, to the USA FBI. Thank you again.
Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your prompt reply. When I initially began to inquire in to the asylum process, I did contact the American Embassy in London, from a Mental Hospital in Florida, where, although I have no mental disorder, I was being unlawfully detained. The American Embassy in London, did refer me to your office in Washington, DC initially.
Thank you so much for your recent communication. I am changing my password again, on my gmail email account, however, someone other than myself, who does not have permission to do so, is accessing my email again, and is apparently answering some of my emails. This situation has occurred to me before. I am not close to anyone, here in Phoenix, AZ, and my children, who need to be returned to my care, are currently located in Florida, with my Mother. The security of my yahoo email account, was breached, about a year ago, and now, I no longer utilize the yahoo account at all, because, I was unable to keep the perp., out of my yahoo email, although, I did discover who he was, and, I did report him right away, to the USA FBI. Thank you again.
Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your prompt reply. When I initially began to inquire in to the asylum process, I did contact the American Embassy in London, from a Mental Hospital in Florida, where, although I have no mental disorder, I was being unlawfully detained. The American Embassy in London, did refer me to your office in Washington, DC initially.
I attempted to contact your Embassy via phone,
however, unfortunately, the phone did ring, and ring, and no one did answer.
When I called the American Embassy back in London, I inquired as to whether the
British Embassy in Washington, DC, was fully staffed at all times, or, if the
Embassy staff, might only be on site and available for special occasions, such
as when Royalty like Prince Harry, come to visit the USA?
Is there another British Embassy, here in the USA, that may be able to assist me, with my application for asylum, for myself, and for my 3 children. I have honestly been tortured, and held against my will in a number of mental hospitals, in Florida and Georgia--USA, that I did not belong in, long after medical professionals--psychiatrists, did attest to my mental and physical fitness.
Is there another British Embassy, here in the USA, that may be able to assist me, with my application for asylum, for myself, and for my 3 children. I have honestly been tortured, and held against my will in a number of mental hospitals, in Florida and Georgia--USA, that I did not belong in, long after medical professionals--psychiatrists, did attest to my mental and physical fitness.
I just left, Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, and
Hollyhill Florida, where there were threats against my life--a billboard in
front of a gun shop, that used my actual name to advertise a gun to kill me
with, and on sale, and then, a woman, named Sara Amanda Cole, attempted to kill
me with her vehicle, by running me over, that is why I flew here, to Phoenix
Arizona. I did take a picture, of the bizarre advertisement, in front of the gun
shop, that actually stated my name: "Bayo," and "to kill,"
and the even stranger on sale price tag, of whatever weapon, that particular
gun shop, was trying to sell.
I will contact the UKBA, as you have suggested, to request further information, about the asylum seeking process, however, I am not prepared at this time, to leave my children, in this country--the USA without me, in order to file the asylum application, from another country. I began the immigration process to the UK, several years ago, when I knew that I was seriously interested in studying medicine at Oxford University. I have had my university diplomas evaluated and compared, so that I may apply to and attend university in the UK. I am interested in studying and practicing both: International Law, and International Medicine. I have already been accepted to the L.L.B. .
I will contact the UKBA, as you have suggested, to request further information, about the asylum seeking process, however, I am not prepared at this time, to leave my children, in this country--the USA without me, in order to file the asylum application, from another country. I began the immigration process to the UK, several years ago, when I knew that I was seriously interested in studying medicine at Oxford University. I have had my university diplomas evaluated and compared, so that I may apply to and attend university in the UK. I am interested in studying and practicing both: International Law, and International Medicine. I have already been accepted to the L.L.B. .
Programmes at: The University of
Buckingham, Northumbria, and my application is almost done processing, for the
L.L.B. Programme, at Cardiff in Wales--they did state that they would accept
me, but, I still have not completed the application process, due to the fact,
that I wanted to apply for the Vice Chancellors full-tuition scholarship, but,
when I began to submit my application to study, I did, unfortunately, just miss
the deadline. I do intend to apply to Cardiff in Wales, to their L.L.B.
Programme, but, in enough advance, that, I will not again miss, the Vice
Chancellors full tuition scholarship, again.
Thank you again, for your time, and for your continued attention. If there is another British Embassy, here in the USA, which may be able to assist me, if you would notify me of such, by email, to this address:, then, I would once again, greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you so much.
Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary AA, BA, MLIS
Social Security: 594-30-5249
State Department USA Passport #: 452462116
Expiration: November 2018
Florida, USA Driver’s License (Stolen Last Year) C600-065-76-799-0
You are welcome to run a criminal background check on me, if that has any bearing at all, with you assisting me, and my request for asylum in the UK. I have no criminal record. I do engage in any criminal behaviors. I do not: date, drink, party, smoke, or prostitute, beg, or destroy the property of others.
Thank you again, for your time, and for your continued attention. If there is another British Embassy, here in the USA, which may be able to assist me, if you would notify me of such, by email, to this address:, then, I would once again, greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you so much.
Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary AA, BA, MLIS
Social Security: 594-30-5249
State Department USA Passport #: 452462116
Expiration: November 2018
Florida, USA Driver’s License (Stolen Last Year) C600-065-76-799-0
You are welcome to run a criminal background check on me, if that has any bearing at all, with you assisting me, and my request for asylum in the UK. I have no criminal record. I do engage in any criminal behaviors. I do not: date, drink, party, smoke, or prostitute, beg, or destroy the property of others.
I am a responsible adult, however
destitute and homeless at this point, and well educated, by USA standards. I am
also the sole custodial parent, of three children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omar
Jonathan, and Nadira Helena, who, I hardly been allowed to see at all, over the
past 14 years, although, I have no history of child abuse what-so-ever. I was
trained, when my children were very, young, and certified, to work, and I did
do so, in a Florida pre-school, as, assist teacher, a lead teacher, or a day care
owner. Thank you again.
UK Asylum Request From: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. for myself and for my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth, Omari Jonathan, and Nadira Helena.
Edited Version: 08-29-2013
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my intention to seek asylum in the UK. I have been tortured here in the USA, with medication that I did not require, to the point of complete retardation of dysfunction, for the past 14 years, and, I have been forced to be homeless for the past, almost 4 years. My children were removed from my care, because of the torture which ensued, and, because I lacked the financial resources to support my family. I have not had a job interview, since 2008, although, I am capable of working, and, I have a Master's Degree.
I have had little to no time at all, with any of my 3 children, who are all now in high school, over the past 14 years. I am tired of being homeless, although the medical abuse, within the healthcare system here in the USA, has abated, I am still being refused gainful employment, and safe housing, and access to my 3 children, to whom, I am the sole custodial parent--the sole decision maker according to the court system in Florida--USA. I would like to apply for asylum in the UK, for both myself, and my 3 children: Hadiya Elizabeth (17 years), Omari Jonathan (16 years), and Nadira Helena (14 years).
I am having considerable difficulty surviving here in the USA with no money, and not much family, and no housing, and no job interviews since 2008, although I am well qualified to work. I have no mental problems, although I was persecuted here in the USA, for the past 14 years, as though I were a dysfunctional mental patient. I just passed another psychological examination, at another hospital here in Phoenix, AZ.
How do I apply for asylum online? Is it possible to apply for asylum in the UK online? I am not able to relocate to the UK at this time, in order to apply in an asylum application office in person, at your London asylum granting and application office, however, I could very easily relocate from Phoenix, AZ, closer to the British Embassy and Consulate location in Texas, USA, and, apply from there, or to one of the other British Embassy locations, here in the USA? I could apply in person at the British Embassy location here in Texas, USA.
I would not feel comfortable, after what I have suffered, in flying to the Washington, DC area, not at this time, to apply to The British Embassy in Washington, DC, for UK asylum, I would prefer to leave the USA, and to apply in Canada instead, if, that is at all possible—in British Columbia, or, anywhere else in Canada? My full legal name is: Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. .
I will have a phone number again shortly,
until that time, I can only be reached by email, at: , at this
time. I am completely homeless, and really struggling, without enough financial
resources, after years of medical mis-treatment, abuse, torture, and
ostrification, to continue to survive, here in the USA.
Thank you for your time, and for your immediate attention. I will look for your prompt reply by email. My situation is pressing, and requires an immediate resolve. Thank you again.
Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Border Force Complaints Team<>26
jul. at 05:38
Dear Miss Cary
Show full quote Show all correspondence
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A.,
UK Border Patrol & Immigration, Response to 2nd
Thank you for your email dated 21 July. This email address is for complaints about the services provided by UK Border Force and the professional conduct of our officers.
I note your email concerns a claim for a refund for an American Airlines ticket from the US to Mexico. This is not a matter for the UK Border Force. (No Signature-Again)”
*Complaint 2:
July 26, 2016
Complaint: Denied Political Asylum In The United Kingdom
Unfair Decision, Based on My Country of Origin, Discouraged From Completing,
The Political Asylum Application Process, Through The UK
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell: 352-219-1872
Dear Staff At Border Patrol Force, Immigration and Enforcement, and UK Safety:
Although, my current complaints, to your department, are in reference, to continued serious problems, that I am encountering in the US, due to the current sociopolitical state-here, may complaint originates, with the UK. I was an applicant, for political asylum in the UK, earlier this year. UK Border Patrol, and Immigration told me, that there was no way, that I would qualify, for political asylum-regardless of how much documentation, that I have in my favor, and I think this is a serious problem.
Complaint: Denied Political Asylum In The United Kingdom
Unfair Decision, Based on My Country of Origin, Discouraged From Completing,
The Political Asylum Application Process, Through The UK
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell: 352-219-1872
Dear Staff At Border Patrol Force, Immigration and Enforcement, and UK Safety:
Although, my current complaints, to your department, are in reference, to continued serious problems, that I am encountering in the US, due to the current sociopolitical state-here, may complaint originates, with the UK. I was an applicant, for political asylum in the UK, earlier this year. UK Border Patrol, and Immigration told me, that there was no way, that I would qualify, for political asylum-regardless of how much documentation, that I have in my favor, and I think this is a serious problem.
I am a distant relation-by adoption, to: Princes William and Harry. When the UK, refused to allow me to process my application, for political asylum in Manchester, UK-then, because my situation, is really dangerous to me, and not imagined, I had to fly to another country in Europe to apply-Noway/Norway. Norwway, told me: Noway, when they should have told me: “Yes!”
When I came to the UK, to apply for political asylum, I brought more than an adequate amount of: information, documentation, and evidence with me, to more than adequately support my claim, for political asylum. UK Border Patrol and Immigration told me, that, if I were to apply, for political asylum, in the UK, that my chances of obtaining a visa, for my legal studies programme this September, 2016, would be in jeopardy.
I was deported, all the way back to the US, from Manchester, UK, on Thomas Airlines-an 8 hour flight, or longer. There was a member on the Thomas Airlines crew-an Obama supporter, who beat me up, the entire 8+ hour trip, back to Orlando, FL-my back still has not recovered, and, I boarded the flight, with several permanent physical injuries-from where people have been trying to kill me in the US-not just my back.
When I was deported, by UK Border and Immigration, to the US, I arrived in Orlando, FL, to a situation, even less favorable towards me, than the one I left. My life is in danger, every day, all day long in the US. I could not remain in Orlando, FL. As soon as I had money, I flew on to Oslo, Norway, to apply for political asylum there-instead, even though, I am not educated, in the Norwegian language.
Norway UDi, issued me a letter, stating-from what I understand of it, that, I qualify for political asylum, based on my negative experiences in the US, however, they do not agree, that my experiences are: political, or based on my: culture, race, religion, sexual orientation, political a affiliations, etc., and this is complete nonsense. I was told, by UDi, in Norway, that I could speak to a lawyer, to appeal the decision. UDi, hired a lawyer, who never spoke to me, and who filed paperwork, that I did not approve of, or agree with. Then, UDi, and Norwegian-foreign police-a Kurdish and African police officer, deported me back to America-illegally, on the day I was to speak to my lawyer.
I was returned to the US, with a huge stack, of legal documents, all from UDi-regarding my application, for political asylum, in: Noway/Norway, and, I cannot read any of them. I had an appointment, with a lawyer, that I had to walk 13 hours to make, and, it was with a legal aid free lawyer, because UDi-refused to pay for the services of a lawyer, who would really assist me. I needed to speak to the lawyer-not just about the stack of legal paperwork in Norwegian-also about appealing the UDi decision, in case for political asylum, through: UNE.
I called UNE, several times, while I was in Oslo, after, I walked to Norwegian Secret Service, and to the Norwegian Immigration police, to complain, that the staff at the refugee hostel, were not allowing me to use the telephone. It was explained to me, by UNE, several times, that, I could not appeal the UDi decision myself-although I could send emails in to UDi stating, that I want to appeal the decision.
I was told, that I must have a lawyer, who views the evidence, and documentation, that I have brought with me, from the US, to support my case for: political asylum, and then, that lawyer, must take on my case, and represent me at a UNE hearing-where my evidence is shared with others, and for free, because, UDi, paid a lawyer, who wasted all my free legal services time, filing the wrong paperwork, without my permission.
I am now back in the United States again, after having been illegally returned here, by Norwegian foreign police. I was returned to the US, by a Kurd, and by a Somalian. I think that is unfair, and it is obviously the Obama agenda again-with his extended hand, into the Norwegian police. When I was in Manchester, UK, and trying to apply for political asylum, a Crazy male, African nurse, came to: Pennine House, he decided, that I had to be returned to the US, because, he identified me, as a: "Runaway Slave," and he had the retarded impunity and "Obama audacity"-to put his unqualified opinion about me, in writing.
I am not a slave. I have never been a slave. I am a PhD candidate, who is turning in homework-completed and on time, on a weekly basis. I have already earned, the degrees, prior to a PhD, necessary, to enter my PhD studies program. I am supposed to begin law school, in the UK, or through the UK, beginning this September, 2016. I was illegally: "Blacklisted," by the Obama Administration, in 2008. I am qualified to work, in some position, in the US, and have been refused all employment, since: 2008.
I am homeless, in the US, because I have been refused all work, by the Obama Administration. I cannot afford housing, because, I have no paycheck. I have no family, or friends, in the US, who care for me, who call me to see how I am doing, or, who give me anything that I need. In fact, my adopted family, here in the US, is just the opposite-my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.-steals, everything I own, from me, and I have no legal recourse, in the US. I have no one in the US to call, if I need help with anything.
My adopted mom, has 3 homes-while I am homeless, and 2 of the homes, are mine, and I cannot access any of them-not he home either. If I go to my adopted mom's house, to visit my kids, and I even need to use the toilet, she forces me to do so, on the front porch, in front of the entire neighborhood. I have never stolen from my adopted mom-she, on the other hand, has an entire household full of my belongings, that she, has stolen from me.
I cannot get my money out of the bank. I have no access to any bank in the US. Every time I open a bank account, my account is illegally overdrawn, by the bank itself. I need money, just like anyone else, to survive, and I have no access, to any real amount of money, that would allow me to even fundamentally care for myself, in the US. I am enrolled in a PhD program. I qualified for financial aid, and, I have no access, to even my student financial aid. I am homeless, and working on my PhD homework, in the public library, while I fight to stay alive, on the streets, all day and all night-with no help.
I have no access to medicine I need. I go to a doctor, and I get only some of the prescriptions I need. I get text messages from the pharmacy, saying my medications are available-when they have been filled. If there is an African, working in the pharmacy, then, I am not allowed to pick up my scripts. I have massive infections, all over my body-all of the time, from being forced to live as homeless, and I have scripts, to treat some of the infections, and then, I have no way, to force a pharmacy, to give me my medications-if Africans, do not want me to have them.
I can barely sleep at night. Africans, run around the US, raping everyone, on every other corner. Last night, for example, I tried to sleep in front of the public library and city hall, in West Palm Beach, FL-where, the police allow it. Africans came, to clean up a car garage close by, and, I work up, every 5 minutes for hours last night, because, the Africans, who were supposed to be cleaning out the garage, kept walking up to me-when they thought I was sleeping, and trying to touch me.
There is a Nigerian man, who pretends he is Jamaican, who sits around with White women, all night long, telling them how much he hates, everything about them. I told the Nigerian-already, that I cannot stand him. I told him that he is disrespectful, and that I am not a: “dumb White women.” I am Indian, and I am not sitting around all night long, listening to his retarded conversation, about how he hates anything White, or anything White people do.
The Crazy Nigerian, started stalking me-anyway. The Nigerian followed me all over the place yesterday. I finally called the man: a retarded, Crazy, Nigger-he is a pimp or something, and he chases after homeless White women. The man is soo Black, and he only seems to be out a night, so I cannot even take a photo of him, for the FBI Most Wanted List. I told the man, that he is a: "Bigger Thomas," and to find something else to do with his time, than to follow me around. I need a weapon, at this point, to keep myself safe, in the US.
Police in the US, do absolutely nothing, to keep anyone safe-from what I can tell. Sometimes, the police are everywhere, with their lights flashing, and their extra security crews, and, the behavior of the people around me-actually worsens. When police are out, and about in the US, Africans, become even more unfriendly and aggressive, and violent. The Obama Administration, pays US police, to: harass, threaten, frighten, and to kill people.
Police in Seattle, WA, in 2013, false arrested me, and tried to beat me to death on site. Then they hauled me to a substation underground, and they tried to beat me to death there-as well. I had internal bleeding. My US Miranda Rights, were completely denied. I confronted the judge, at the courthouse, regarding the circumstances, that brought me into the jail-in the first place. Judge Lynch, did not care about my Miranda Rights, or my need for medical care, after the police beating, or, about the fact, that I was being detained, in solitary confinement. I am still in excruciating pain from, the beatings.
I received no resolution, with the above mentioned situation, as with many other, there is no legal recourse, in the US. Lawyers will not take my cases. Judges will not hear my cases-although, they have agreed that my cases are valid. Security at the courthouse, and elsewhere, where there is security, cut up my brief cases, and my small suitcases, for flight between major US cities, when I try to pass into, and out of, any US courthouses, or Federal or State buildings-that are monitored.
I received a full scholarship, to attend law school in the US, and could not attend, for any number of reasons. I had all of my tuition, and books paid for, for US law school, in 2012, in Boston, MA, and-as a homeless woman, with no family or friends, and a bank account, that was being illegally drained, I could never have afforded housing in Boston. Then too, had I gone to law school in the US, I would never have been allowed to practice.
I am not allowed into US courthouses here-it is a new suit case, and a new brief case, every time I enter, a state or Federal building, with security in the US. Additionally, no one, would have been willing, to work with me. Lawyers need the help, of other lawyers, all of the time. I need a partnership, just like any other successful lawyer, to handle difficult legal cases, that will take time to deal with, in order to make a secure living, in the practice of law.
I am now stranded, as a political prisoner, and hostage, in: West Palm Beach, FL-because of how Africans, at MIA, in Miami, FL, cancelled my flight, to Cozumel, Mexico. I know that the US is not a safe country for me, so, I made plans, was illegally deported from: Noway/Norway, to fly straight down to Mexico. I know I need housing, because of my severe back pain, and on-going infections, so I made reservations, for housing plans in Mexico, up until the 31st, of this month, July, 2016.
When American Airlines, refused to issue me another free ticket, to Cozumel, Mexico, and the also, refused to refund my money, directly to my visa debit card, they-American Airlines, and their African crew members, left me stranded, homeless, and hostage, in America again, to be the object, of: hate and loathing, by the current political administration, and their Obama supporters. I know how to take care of myself. I know what I need. America, will not allow me to care for myself, and takes extra steps, to prevent me, from adequately caring for myself.
I am chased, all of the US, by Africans, and by Obama supporters, who hate the Royal family of the UK. It is of some great importance, that I am related, to Princes William, and Harry, by adoption. In America, Obama supporters tell me to: "Die Bia, die just like: Princess Diana!" And then, they take steps, to try to kill me. When I was in Norway, Africans there, said out loud, and in English-all of the time, that I should die, just like: Princess Diana, because I will not give anyone a blow job.
It is unfair to me, that I came to the UK, where English is the language, and was not allowed to apply for political asylum, although, one of the main reasons, that I need political asylum, is because of my distant relation by adoption, to Princes William and Harry. When Africans get really pissed off at me, they call me: Diana. I think, that the UK, has no business, allowing any Africans, to visit the UK, or, to live in the UK, or to apply, for: immigration, or refugee status in the UK, after what happened to Princess Diana.
Prince Harry is in the US now, and on major US talk shows, speaking out again, about how much, he still misses his Mum. Is the UK like Africa now-you can only have permission to live your life, if you give everyone a blow job, all of the time, or, do you still have a White population of people, living in the UK. I am never going to give blow jobs, for a living.
Asking me for sex, in exchange for
money, is more than just a small matter of contention, with me, and, I know for
a fact, that I am not the only person on the planet, who thinks, and feels this
way. I will never be a prostitute. It is illegal, for the Obama Administration,
to tell me, or anyone else, that, I have to prostitute, or, I have to die! Is
Prince Harry well in the US-after he was illegally forced to dance naked, at a
gay military bar in the US-you, his country, should sincerely worry, and then
do more than just that!
It is not fair to me, that I qualify for political asylum, based on the: rules, and regulations, and guidelines, for the application process, and then, the UK says to me, we think Obama is soo safe, that we will not even consider and application, for political asylum from the US-regardless of what evidence you have collected, in your favor. I now have strong legal cases, against 3 countries in Europe: France, UK, and Norway-with: The Hague, and The European Court of Human Rights, for turning down my applications, for political asylum.
This is not the end of the story-though, because my life is still in danger, in the US. I am still in the process, of applying for law school, at Northumbria, in Newcastle, UK, for a September, 2016 matriculation. And rumor has it, that, my distant cousin, who I have been writing to by email, tweeting to, and posting to on Instagram, for over 4 years, is also now, considering attendance, and beginning this year-2016, at a UK law school.
I do not like the feeling, that I have to be completely alone and persecuted in the world by Africans, because I am a distant relation, and by adoption, to Princes William and Harry. I should think, that Border Patrol and Immigration, would have some sympathy, and some sincere empathy, for my extremely difficult situation-that I am managing, all on my own-instead of inviting more Africans, to: seek political asylum, in the UK, and to immigrate, to the UK. You, at the UK Border Patrol and Immigration, are unfairly endangering the lives, of the UK Royal family, by keeping out, extended family and friends-who are of no threat to the UK, and by encouraging, population growth-and exponential, among African terrorists, and other supporters, of the Obama Administration, who are moving closer and closer, to the Royal UK family, to decimate us.
I feel unhappy-to the point of disgust, and resentful, about how the: "English," have treated me, as, I am barely surviving the US, and was strongly discouraged, from applying for political asylum in the UK-although, my life depends upon it. I have rightfully, identified Obama, as another: "African Dictator," and America, as another: Uganda. I have sympathies for the Scottish, because I am under the impression, that they side with me, and are not in support, of the genocide, of the UK Royal family, and their friends.
My complaint continues. I will most likely send another email, with my continuing legal complaint, in a few days. I will now, have to fly to Washington, DC-next, in order to apply for temporary political asylum in Russia, with Snowden, while I wait, for UDi, and UNE to respond, to my constant requests, for re-entry into Norway, in order to see, a Norwegian attorney. My attorney, at free legal services, has already stated to me, very clearly-through his secretary, that I must return to Norway, for him to see my evidence and legal paperwork, and, for him to handle my appeal, against Udi, with UNE. The waiting process, is taking too long. In the meantime, my life is still in danger. I have no money, for anything I need-again, today! America is Kampala for me, all over, and over, and over again.
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell: 352-219-1872
Border Force Complaints Team<>26
jul. at 05:38
Dear Miss Cary
Show full quote Show all correspondence
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A.,
Initial Response from UK Border Patrol & Immigration RE:
1st Complaint:
Thank you for your email dated 21 July. This email address is for complaints about the services provided by UK Border Force and the professional conduct of our officers.
I note your email concerns a claim for a refund for an American Airlines ticket from the US to Mexico. This is not a matter for the UK Border Force. (No Signature)”
*Initial Complaint to Border Patrol & Immigration,
Complaint 1:
July 21, 2016Complaint From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Complaint: American Airlines-Continued-No Resolution Achieved:
Complaint Number: 0017893756184
American Airlines Wrote:
“Your refund for ticket number 0017893756184
We'll mail your refund check for USD74.63 within 10 business days to:
To Whom It May Concern:
No, I do not want you to send a check, to the address, that you have on file. American Airlines, owes me the entire: 177.00 balance of the ticket, not just a small portion of the ticket, based on a connecting flight, that I was not allowed to take. I made housing arrangements, for this entire month, in Cozumel, Mexico.
When your African, American Airlines employees-almost 3 weeks ago, illegally cancelled my ticket, and would not allow me to check into my flight, after I waited at the gate, the entire night, I was left homeless, here in South Florida. I need money to live off of, and it is expensive, paying for what I must have, in a community that I cannot leave, because I have no money for a plane ticket. I need to leave the US-again!
I am incredibly physically ill. I have excruciating back pain, and nowhere safe and comfortable to sleep, or anywhere to take a daily shower, to care for the infections on my back, and face, and arms and legs. What your African staff did to me, in Miami-at the airport there, was really wrong, it was not some sort of minor mistake, that is going to be brushed under the rug. I am an applicant, for political asylum in Europe.
It is not safe for me to be in the US-at all. The Africans, that American Airlines hired-which was irresponsible, knew that I needed to fly down to Mexico, to get back out of America, to go somewhere that would be safer for me-again. It is more than just unfair, that you-American Airlines, are pretending like you only owe me, half of the ticket price, and then, you want to mail it to a mailing address, that I do not live at, when, I paid for the ticket, with my debit card.
When you pay for any service or product, with a debit card, or a Visa card, or a debit Visa/Master card, credit card-then you credit a refund, for services, that have been illegally cancelled-immediately, back to the: credit/debit card. I paid for my plane ticket, with my Visa debit card. My Visa debit card, needs to be credited, for the entire cost of the plane ticket, from: Newark International airport, to Cozumel, Mexico, because American airlines, has already caused me, to many problems, and too much pain, and suffering, by illegally cancelling my plane ticket to Mexico, and then, taking forever, to begin to resolve the issue.
Instead, you at American Airlines, are pretending like the incredibly abusive way, in which your airline staff handled me-that, American Airlines is culpable for, is just an acceptable mistake. My life is in danger, every minute, of every hour, of every day, that I have to remain here in the US. I speak conversational Spanish.
I have almost no money all of the time, and cannot afford to live in the US-even if people were not trying to kill me here. I would have been safe, and very happy, in Cozumel, Mexico, playing on Wifi, eating mangoes, and sun tanning, on the beaches, and visiting the various Mayan ruins-I have been there before. I would have been extremely happy, and comfortable in Mexico-I love it there, and, Mexicans, are not trying to kill me, in America-Africans, however-are!
American Airlines, had been unprofessional, in regards to their services towards me, through out, this entire complaint process. Because your American Airlines African staff-illegally cancelled my ticket, at MIA-my ticket to Mexico, should have been immediately reissued. Do you think it is funny, to always be in extreme physical pain, and to have nowhere to live, and to have no friends or family to turn to for help?
I have no one who is willing to help me in this country. I made plans to fly to Mexico. I spent hours booking housing arrangements in Cozumel, so I could have needed accommodations, for my permanent physical injuries, and somewhere to shower, to clean the infections all over my body out, and every day. I was as responsible, for myself, as I could possibly be, and then-your African staff, at MIA, cancelled, everything I needed, for my: safety, health, and survival needs. I am really angry at American Airlines, for treating me, and my needs, with complete apathy, and lethargy-like you believe, I do not matter to anyone-not even to myself.
I care about myself, and American Airlines, has caused me more than a little, serious damages, by not allowing me to catch my connecting flight in Miami to Mexico, after I sat, and then spent, the entire night at the gate-waiting to check in. The illegal way, and completely careless way, in which American Airlines, has treated me-when my life is hanging in the balance all the time that I am located in the US, is a much bigger financial problem, for your entire airlines, than you have had the opportunity, as of yet, to clearly reflect upon.
Sending me a small check, of only: 77.00 dollars, to my adopted mom's home address, is not an acceptable resolution, for me-in regards, to how badly I have been abused by American Airlines. American Airlines needs to feel really badly-the entire company, about how badly you have abused, and literally tortured me, by leaving me homeless, and on the side of the road, in this community of West Palm Beach, FL-which is not even Miami.
After my plane ticket was cancelled, by your American Airlines African staff members in Miami, at the MIA airport, I was chased out of the airport, by African security-for nothing. Your African staff, at MIA, would not assist me, in making arrangements, for a replacement plane ticket, after they acknowledged, that it was their fault, that I was unable, to: check into my flight, or, to board my flight.
Then, your African staff, for American Airlines, told the African security on duty, that they did not like my attitude, because I was complaining about my cancelled plane ticket to Mexico, and one of the African men on duty, was threatening to re-book my flight to Las Angeles, instead of allowing me to fly on to Mexico. Your American Airlines Africans at MIA, made the airport soo scary for me, that, I had to take the train, all the way to West Palm Beach, FL, soo I can leave Florida, and fly out of the US, from a different airport, that is not full of Crazy Africans.
I do not, in any way, appreciate you, at American Airlines downplaying the incredibly uncomfortable, and dangerous situation, that your airline, has placed me into. If I had no sense at all, and if, I were not as bright as I can possibly be-all of the time, and if, I were not completely Competent-I would be dead already, and, it would entirely be the fault, of American Airlines.
I arrived in West Palm Beach, FL, with almost no money, after I had to pay so much in transportation, to get, from Miami, to West Palm, and, my money reserves were low, because I had already changed some of my US dollars, into Mexican pesos. Mexico, is much cheaper than America, so, I did not arrive in West Palm Beach, FL-from MIA, with thousands of dollars, in my back pocket.
I am soo poor, and it is soo difficult to live in the US, with no money, that I have to depend upon concerned individuals-who even come from different countries-even from countries that are as far away as Europe, to keep me safe, and to give me small financial donations, so that I do not die. It has already been weeks, since I first requested my refund from American Airlines, or even just a replacement ticket, to somewhere else in the world, and, your response, is-yet again-rude, and completely dis-concerned about me, as a customer, or even a human being.
American Airlines owes me a full refund, for the entire: 205.00, and directly to the Visa debit card, that I used to pay for the plane ticket. I never get any post mail in the US, and then, I get a piece or two, of post mail, that has no money in it, and, post mail, that is not important at all. I do not live in Gainesville, FL. I do not have access to any post mail, that arrives at that address. I gave my adopted mom's home address, in Gainesville, FL, as a point of reference, for emergency situations. My adopted mom, offers me almost no help, she has never paid my bills, and, she steals my post mail from me-along with everything else I own.
I think that American Airlines, is being as evil, as they can possibly be, by pretending like I would get any money, send to my adopted mom's address, in Gainesville, FL, and by pretending like, the way I was treated, by your African staff members, in Miami, at MIA, was in anyway-acceptable. If, American Airlines, does not want to credit, the full amount of the plane ticket, that they owe, directly back to the Visa debit card, that I used, to pay for the original ticket with, then, American Airlines needs to give me a free first class plane ticket, to anywhere in the world, that I want to fly to! No deal.
I do not agree, with what you-American Airlines tried to offer me, as an apology, after you left me: homeless, with no resources, and stranded-as a political prisoner again, in South Florida-US. I am an applicant, for political asylum in the US, for many, many good reasons. And, in considering what you-American Airlines owe me, financially, or in any other way, your lawyers need to consider, the whole of my circumstances, and not just the value, of the stupid plane ticket. I am a person. I am a human being.
I deserve to be treated with: care, concern, respect, understanding, etc. I am not an object. I am not just money. The pain and suffering, that American Airlines, has knowing caused me, is going to be far more costly, to American Airlines-as a company, than a first class plane ticket, to anywhere in the world, if you try to ignore my complaint, and if you try to brush me off again-like I do not matter. I resent the disrespectful and mean ways in which, your staff, and representatives, have treated me, thus far.
I do not care, if you say sorry, you owe me more, that a fake apology, for how you have intentionally tortured and abused me. How can anyone live in the US, or anywhere in the world, with nothing-no housing, no food, no WiFi, no shower, no friends. You need to reconsider your inappropriate offer to me, and then, immediately get back to me, with something else-something that says: "Sorry Miss. B. Elizabeth, American Airlines feels bad now, about how we have mistreated you."
American Airlines, may even have to give me, a very public apology, that is shared Internationally, through the Associated Press-it is that dangerous for me, to have to stay here in the US, while you, at American Airlines, pretend, like you are going to give me a swift refund, of my full plane ticket fare. I will be waiting to hear your reply again, and in writing, and by email again:
My current contact information, is as follows; email: bayoelizabeth.cary@yandex
My current cellphone: 352-219-1872
Every day that passes, with me here and homeless, and stranded, and in danger, in West Palm Beach, FL, is the complete fault of: American Airlines. Every day that American Airlines does not respond, to my continuing complaint, and my continuing pain and suffering, increases exponentially, the culpability, of the entire American Airlines company, and not just the fault, of your local-Miami, FL, or West Palm Beach, FL-offices.
I have nothing I need and my life is always in danger in the US, and it is the entire fault, of only American Airlines-at this point, that I was not allowed, to fly somewhere safer-think about that. I will look for your prompt reply. I advise you to speak seriously to your legal department, prior to responding to my complaint again.
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.
End of Email Communications 24 pages long.