Sunday, May 22, 2016

Facebook:Continued Illegal Blocks To Accounts Online and To "Log-In To Participate" May 23 2016

May 23, 2016

Law Suit Against Facebook Corporation
Complaints Continued
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

To Whom It May Concern:

         Facebook continues to block my communications, with my close friends-who, I can reach, by no other way, at this time. The blocks by Facebook are illegal, based on: The US Constitution and Bill of Rights. I have a strong, and strengthening legal case, against Facebook, for the continued un-founded blocking, of my access, to my active Facebook account. 

        The blocks are malicious, and detrimental to my current needs, and fundamental rights, as a US citizen, to communicate: freely and openly, in regards to my life, and the sociopolitical situation, here in the US. In other words, Facebook, is once again-blatantly disregarding my rights, as an American citizen, to: Freedom of Speech. 

        I have begun process, cases, such as this one-which is growing in favor against Facebook-through: The Hague, and: The European Court of Human Rights in France. I will not be able to relinquish or forgive, the faults incurred against me, by: Facebook now-not until, a sizable financial remedy, and a public request for forgiveness, are both issued formally, to me, by Facebook Corporation.

 My current cell: 352-519-9722  My current email:


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Another Serious Assault Compounding Previous Permanent Physical Injuries-Legal U.S.-Where Is My Representation?

L.S.A.C. Student I.D.: Friday, December 9, 2011

Dear Mr. Walker, Esq.

      I contacted your office, Monday of this week, regarding a very serious litigation issue, involving: malpractice, personal injury, and basic civil rights violations, to my person: Ms. B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A..  I was held, when I had no mental illness and no symptoms of a mental illness, for an extensive and protracted time period, at several mental hospitals, here in the Florida area.  Prior to the forced hospitalization, and immediately prior to it, I had been evaluated by both: a resident psychologist and a qualified psychiatrist, and I was found to be both: of sound and stable mind.  I was also, just prior to the ex-parte enforced Baker Act, evaluated by a general medical doctor, who stated that I was fit to return to the university to study law.  I was applying to law schools in both: the U.S. and the U.K., at that time.

     I was abused throughout my stay, which lasted almost a year, in the three mental hospitals, which refused to: not only release me, but one hospital refused me my right to a habeas corpus, and access to the telephone to make local calls, as well.  I was finally released, with no diagnosis, by a psychiatrist, after a long awaited hearing, with a judge from Tallahassee, and a court assigned public defender.  I am more than a little disgruntled, regarding the year that I lost.  I had to delay my applications to law school and law school itself.  I had to spend all of my savings, in order to maintain myself, and I was unable to see my children, and then again, there were the repeated abuses which were inflicted upon me--including the medications, and in excess, which I do not require, at all--whatsoever.

    I spoke to a very kind representative from your office this past Monday, and I was expecting a call back on Tuesday, regarding my request for the assistance of an attorney from your office.  However, due to a temporary housing situation, I was unable to be near a phone, when she offered to return my call in order to litigate the issue.  I hope, and sincerely so, that your office has agreed to take my case.  I have records from: psychiatrist's (showing my fitness), from my previous psychologist, from general medical doctor's, and I made numerous complaints to: a 1-800-96ABUSE hotline, when I was even allowed or able to utilize the phone.  I also put in: complaint after complaint in, both: writing and verbal message form (on a voice mail system, at the facility itself), when I was able.  I have several hard copies of complaints on my person.  The other records can be subpenaed.

    The list of complaints and civil right's abuses, at each of the three facilities, which unlawfully detained me for almost a year, is more than a mile long, and that is not even an exaggeration.  I want to sue all three facilities, for: the unlawful detainment, for the abuses that I suffered while I was detained, for the money that I was forced to spend to maintain myself while I was being unlawfully detained, for the numerous items and money that were stolen from me, and for the lack of care and concern and the lack of quality and quantity of care that were provided to me, for the entire length of the unwanted stay, and for extensive amounts of, both: pain and suffering.  I suffered a great deal.  It was extremely unpleasant, and that is an understatement.  The experience will never be fully or adequately forgotten.

      In addition, I have finally been accepted to a law school that I plan to attend in the Spring of 2012.  Prior to the forced hospitalization, I had already been accepted to 4 law schools here in the United States.  I have absolutely no criminal history or record.  The paperwork which initiated the ex-parte Baker Act, was completely false, and that was the second time that my mother executed, that ex-parte Baker Act paperwork, when it was completely inappropriate and inapplicable to my situation, and wherein, she was responding to my desire to move abroad to study both: law and medicine, and when I had no mental illness or symptoms, and I had been recently evaluated by a medical professional, who stated such.  I discussed the situation, regarding my difficulties with my mother, at length, with both: the psychiatrist and psychologist who saw me, prior to the second fallacious ex-parte Baker Act.

     I am absolutely certain that this a litigious situation.  My personal rights, have been violated in too many ways, based on my mother's judgements of me, which were more than just inaccurate.  My mother was in an acommunicata state with me, prior to both ex-partes, and she is not a qualified medical professional.  My mother has never been medically trained, and has been very difficult for me to deal with, for a number of years now.  My mother has a history of both: arguing with me regarding my studies and making herself unavailable to me when there is a family situation, which requires discussion, such as: my three children, being returned to my care.

       My mother s very upset about the fact that I will be moving abroad, to study both: law and medicine, and therefore, she has attempted, through whatever means available to her, including false ex-partes, to block me from regaining my children, in my direct care, so that we can move abroad together.  I have sole-custody of my three children as stated through child support court in Tallahassee, FL.  The child support case, has recently been completely closed.  My mother has been opposing the return of my children to my care, for the past 12 years, and recently, again and again.  Numerous individuals have supported my desire to have my children returned to my care.  In addition, prior to my discharge from the last mental hospital, with no diagnosis, my mother made a number of significant mistakes, regarding my personal history and mental health, and on record, during the hearing.  I imagine, that a transcript from the hearing can be easily subpenaed, as well.

    Thank you so much for your time and attention, regarding the matter briefly mentioned above.  I can be reached only by email at this time.  My email address, is: .  I check it frequently.  I look forward to your prompt response.  I apologize, but time is of the essence for me.  I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible.  My law school classes are set to begin in: January/February 2012.  I will be studying for my L.L.B., so that I will become a practicing Barrister, in the U.K., in the field of International Law.  Your assistance, regarding this matter, is more than appreciated.  Thank you again for your time and attention.


Ms. B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dear Mr. Walker, Esq.

      I contacted your office, Monday of this week, regarding a very serious litigation issue, involving: malpractice, personal injury, and basic civil rights violations, to my person: Ms. B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A..  I was held, when I had no mental illness and no symptoms of a mental illness, for an extensive and protracted time period, at several mental hospitals, here in the Florida area.  Prior to the forced hospitalization, and immediately prior to it, I had been evaluated by both: a resident psychologist and a qualified psychiatrist, and I was found to be both: of sound and stable mind.  I was also, just prior to the ex-parte enforced Baker Act, evaluated by a general medical doctor, who stated that I was fit to return to the university to study law.  I was applying to law schools in both: the U.S. and the U.K., at that time.

     I was abused throughout my stay, which lasted almost a year, in the three mental hospitals, which refused to: not only release me, but one hospital refused me my right to a habeas corpus, and access to the telephone to make local calls, as well.  I was finally released, with no diagnosis, by a psychiatrist, after a long awaited hearing, with a judge from Tallahassee, and a court assigned public defender.  I am more than a little disgruntled, regarding the year that I lost.  I had to delay my applications to law school and law school itself.  I had to spend all of my savings, in order to maintain myself, and I was unable to see my children, and then again, there were the repeated abuses which were inflicted upon me--including the medications, and in excess, which I do not require, at all--whatsoever.

    I spoke to a very kind representative from your office this past Monday, and I was expecting a call back on Tuesday, regarding my request for the assistance of an attorney from your office.  However, due to a temporary housing situation, I was unable to be near a phone, when she offered to return my call in order to litigate the issue.  I hope, and sincerely so, that your office has agreed to take my case.  I have records from: psychiatrist's (showing my fitness), from my previous psychologist, from general medical doctor's, and I made numerous complaints to: a 1-800-96ABUSE hotline, when I was even allowed or able to utilize the phone.  I also put in: complaint after complaint in, both: writing and verbal message form (on a voice mail system, at the facility itself), when I was able.  I have several hard copies of complaints on my person.  The other records can be subpenaed.

    The list of complaints and civil right's abuses, at each of the three facilities, which unlawfully detained me for almost a year, is more than a mile long, and that is not even an exaggeration.  I want to sue all three facilities, for: the unlawful detainment, for the abuses that I suffered while I was detained, for the money that I was forced to spend to maintain myself while I was being unlawfully detained, for the numerous items and money that were stolen from me, and for the lack of care and concern and the lack of quality and quantity of care that were provided to me, for the entire length of the unwanted stay, and for extensive amounts of, both: pain and suffering.  I suffered a great deal.  It was extremely unpleasant, and that is an understatement.  The experience will never be fully or adequately forgotten.

      In addition, I have finally been accepted to a law school that I plan to attend in the Spring of 2012.  Prior to the forced hospitalization, I had already been accepted to 4 law schools here in the United States.  I have absolutely no criminal history or record.  The paperwork which initiated the ex-parte Baker Act, was completely false, and that was the second time that my mother executed, that ex-parte Baker Act paperwork, when it was completely inappropriate and inapplicable to my situation, and wherein, she was responding to my desire to move abroad to study both: law and medicine, and when I had no mental illness or symptoms, and I had been recently evaluated by a medical professional, who stated such.  I discussed the situation, regarding my difficulties with my mother, at length, with both: the psychiatrist and psychologist who saw me, prior to the second fallacious ex-parte Baker Act.

     I am absolutely certain that this a litigious situation.  My personal rights, have been violated in too many ways, based on my mother's judgements of me, which were more than just inaccurate.  My mother was in an acommunicata state with me, prior to both ex-partes, and she is not a qualified medical professional.  My mother has never been medically trained, and has been very difficult for me to deal with, for a number of years now.  My mother has a history of both: arguing with me regarding my studies and making herself unavailable to me when there is a family situation, which requires discussion, such as: my three children, being returned to my care.

       My mother s very upset about the fact that I will be moving abroad, to study both: law and medicine, and therefore, she has attempted, through whatever means available to her, including false ex-partes, to block me from regaining my children, in my direct care, so that we can move abroad together.  I have sole-custody of my three children as stated through child support court in Tallahassee, FL.  The child support case, has recently been completely closed.  My mother has been opposing the return of my children to my care, for the past 12 years, and recently, again and again.  Numerous individuals have supported my desire to have my children returned to my care.  In addition, prior to my discharge from the last mental hospital, with no diagnosis, my mother made a number of significant mistakes, regarding my personal history and mental health, and on record, during the hearing.  I imagine, that a transcript from the hearing can be easily subpenaed, as well.

    Thank you so much for your time and attention, regarding the matter briefly mentioned above.  I can be reached only by email at this time.  My email address, is: .  I check it frequently.  I look forward to your prompt response.  I apologize, but time is of the essence for me.  I would like to resolve this issue as soon as possible.  My law school classes are set to begin in: January/February 2012.  I will be studying for my L.L.B., so that I will become a practicing Barrister, in the U.K., in the field of International Law.  Your assistance, regarding this matter, is more than appreciated.  Thank you again for your time and attention.


Ms. B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

Downtown Bomb Threat Orlando FL and Prince Harry At Disney-U.S. Not Safe!

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
11.05.2016, 12:10, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

May 11, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

      Border Patrol and Immigration, of the U.K., just returned me to the United States, based on a recommendation, by an African nurse-which, essentially states, that he perceives me to be: "A runaway slave, from the United States." My name is: Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S., I am a distant relation, to both: Princes Harry and William of the U.K.-through my adopted family. I am also, a: political prisoner, and hostage, here in the United States. I am desperate to leave this country. I enjoyed my brief period of time-recently in the U.K. . Border Patrol and Immigration of the U.K., also stated, that they could not consider my application, for political asylum, because America-is such a: "Safe Country."

      My experiences in the United States have not been safe. I have been denied all employment in the U.S.-since: 2008. I have been homeless in the U.S.-since: 2010, because I have not qualified for any employment in the U.S., although, I have placed applications for work, all across the U.S. .  I am now working on completing my: PhD. in business administration, and I aspire, to being law school through the U.K.-on full scholarship, this coming September of 2016. My: civil and human rights, have been violated in the U.S.-to such an extent, and soo much has been stolen from me, and not just in the way of evidence, and official records, to support my international legal cases, that I began-4 years ago, to email case evidence to my distance cousins: Prince Harry and Prince William.

      It is my understanding that Prince Harry, is at Disney World-until tomorrow, celebrating the Invictus Games, with America. My 3 children and I, are soo desperate to leave the U.S., that I cannot begin to fully explicate the full extent of my chagrin, regarding my experiences-here in the U.S. .  I am in contact with the: Royal Household, of the U.K., because I applied for the full-time Tweeter/Twitter employment position, that was offered by: Her Royal Highness, of the U.K. .  I am trying to get this message through, to my distant cousin: Prince Harry. My 3 children, and I, require his immediate assistance, in order to escape from the U.S. .

      I attempt to keep Prince Harry abreast of our situation-mine and my 3 children, through Twitter. I am too upset, that the U.K.-illegally denied my application fro political asylum, in the U.K. . I was in Manchester, U.K., for only 5 days, and I was never allowed to speak to a Barrister. I was soo upset, about returning to the U.S., that, today, I did call the U.K. government, to complain about the denied application, for political asylum, and, I was given a number, to contact, within U.K. Parliament, to contact, to perhaps plead my case for political asylum, directly to U.K. Parliament.

       I am not able to care for myself in the U.S., due to an almost total lack of finances. I have almost no way to obtain finances. I have been repeatedly assaulted, as many attempts, on my life, have been made. While I have attempted to follow the appropriate legal courses, to address issues, pertaining to violations, of both: my civil and human rights, the U.S. court system, along with U.S. law enforcement, have failed to respond-in every situation. I am now, in soo much physical pain, that I am unable to even walk around Orlando today. I have the burden, of heavy case files, and suitcases which are falling apart-that need to be transported to: The Hague, in the Netherlands. I have no: friends, or family, in the U.S., who are willing to assist me enough. I am reaching out, and exerting as much effort, as possible, and I am not receiving much response. Please help me, in any way, that you are both: willing and able.

      My present contact information:  Phone: 352-519-9722 Text msg or voice mail. I think that the bomb threat, at the court house-here, in down town Orlando, FL-may have been the last straw for me. I am homeless. I am hungry. I am in need of  shower. I am in need of somewhere to wash my clothing. I am not mentally ill. I do not consider myself a slave. I am not African. My 3 children and I, require the immediate emergency assistance of Prince Harry, to return to the U.K., and or, to fly directly to: The Hague. It was Prince Harry, who did recently express his full interest, in also, attending law school-perhaps even this coming: September 2016. At the very least, I would like to copy and share case files, and present: Prince Harry, with a fully loaded flash drive, that he can take back to the U.K., with him-if, he cannot at this time, copy the documents and evidence, to a computer. Thank you for your continued assistance.


Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.