Friday, May 6, 2016

8 hours of In Flight Assaults-From Both: Passengers and Staff, On: Thomas Cook Airlines-Manchester, U.K., To: Orlando, FL International Airport

May 6, 2016

Regarding: Legal Complaint Against: Thomas Cook Airline Lines: 8 hours of In-Flight Physical Assault, from: A Passenger, And From The Thomas Cook Flight Staff-Manchester, U.K., to: Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.-Permanent Injury: Large Settlement Fee Requested: Pain and Suffering

           My name is Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. . On May 1, 2016, I left to seek political asylum, in Europe, because America is not safe for me, due to the current sociopolitical situation. When I arrived in the U.K., the Manchester Airport, refused to allow me to continue my travels onto-Holland, to plead for political asylum, because I had not yet, been denied political asylum in the U.K., and, I entered the U.K. first.

        I was legally detained, while in Manchester, at: The Pennine House Prison Detention Center, by the Manchester Airport-although, I am not a criminal, to await, while my initial application materials, for political asylum, were considered. The stay at: Pennine-overall, was pleasant and fun, the one exception being, an African nurse, to whom, I was forced to speak. The African nurse, sent me to the local hospital, to discuss my health, and my application, for political asylum, to the U.K. . 

            The physician, to whom I spoke at the hospital, gave me a relatively, clean bill of health, and recommended, no mental health treatments, and mental health medications-either. When I returned to the terrorist detainee Pennine Prison unit, at the Manchester airport, the African nurse, wrote me up, as being: "a slave from the US-who is trying to escape to Holland, and a paranoid, because I was afraid to speak with me. 

        As an applicant, for political asylum, from the United States-where I have been: tortured and abused, with no intervention, from the U.S. government, although, I have repeatedly sought intervention, from U.S. law enforcement, and financial remedy, through the U.S. court system, it was incredibly inappropriate, for an: "African"-to force me to speak to him, and for an: "African," to evaluate my mental health response to him in general. My country, is run by an African dictator-Mr. Obama, and based, on my many continued negative experiences, in the U.S., I have a logical right, to have developed extreme rational fears, against Africans. 

         On the return flight, from Manchester U.K., yesterday, I was repeatedly attacked, on the airplane, by one of your stewards. A steward, ran the plane beverage troly, in to the seat where I was sitting, as hard as he possible, could, over and over again-then, I was in so much pain, that I was shaking with a fever. When I first boarded the flight, I explained to the plane staff, that I have a permanent physical injury, to my: arms, back, ankles, and wrists, and therefore, I could not remain sitting, in a vulnerable seat, such as an asile seat, and, the woman sitting to my right, had already assaulted me as well.

         The plane staff, refused to trade me seats, with another ticketed passenger. I have had to increase my over-the-counter pain killers, a significant amount, since the in-flight assaults, that I suffered from.  Thomas Cook airlines, owes me a settlement payment, because, I told staff, on the plane, about both: the woman who was sitting on the plane, to my right who was assaulting me, and, about the steward, who was assaulting me, and, the attacks continued, for all 8 hours of the flight, from the U.K., to the Orlando International Airport. I am now suffering, from excruciating pain-much worse, that I was experiencing, prior to boarding. 

       I am requesting, a million dollars, from: Thomas Cook Airlines, as a fair financial settlement, for the large extent, of injuries that I received, in-flight yesterday, and for, the inhumane length of time, for which I had to suffer-the entire length, of the 8 hour plane flight, from: Manchester, U.K., to: Orlando, FL, U.S.A. . 

         I can be reached, at the following email address, to further discuss, the financial settlement, that: Thomas Cook Airlines, now owes me-in full:  I also have available, for communications, my current cell phone number: 352-519-9722, please leave a voice mail message, when I don’t pick up. Please respond to my: complaint, and communications, in a prompt, and responsive manner. Thank you.


Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

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