Saturday, May 7, 2016

Re: Stake Out-Man Hunt-Jeffery: “The Hired Killer:MUMBAI, Die, Just Like Princess Diana-Die!”-Orlando, FL U.S.A. Central Blvd.:

May 7, 2016

Re: Stake Out-Man Hunt-Jeffery: “The Hired Killer!”-Orlando, FL U.S.A. Central Blvd.:

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07.05.2016, 16:32, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

May 7 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

      I am on stake out right now. I have to bounty hunt-in order to collect the remainder of the evidence, that I need, for court. Located: Jeffery-in January: 2016-Jeffery tried to kill me, for a: Jennifer Vandenberg, from: Seattle, WA. Jennifer Vandenberg stalked me to Gainesville, FL, and, I avoided her there, after I spotted her on bus 8, city bus, headed towards: 23 Avenue, on public transit, in Gainesville, FL. I had already notified both: police and U.S. F.B.I.-with no support, communication, or reaction from law enforcement, in the U.S., or abroad. I do not want to die.

         Then, it happened again. I just got out of the hospital here, in Orlando, FL. Passed another mental health check. Was at the Orlando Health ER, for less than three hours. On the way back from Manchester, U.K., 2 days ago, after I was released, from the Manchester, U.K. Airport Pennine Prison Terrorist Detention Center, I was assaulted, over and over again-for the entire 8 hour flight back, from the U.K., to the U.K.-and in-flight, by both: the airplane crew, and, by other passengers on the plane.

       The U.K., refused to consider my application, for political asylum, because, they have determined that the U.S., is a: "Safe Country," and I know that is not true. However, in order to win a case, against the government, of the United States, for: inhumane treatment, and: War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity-through: The Hague and International Criminal Court, I need more: "compelling" evidence, to bolster my case-for political asylum, outside of the United States.

         In January of 2016: Jeffery-tried to kill me, for: Jennifer Vandenberg, of the Vandenberg United Nations-Police State Family, because I refused to prostitute. At that time, I reported the situation, to: police and to the F.B.I. . Neither the police, nor the F.B.I. in the U.S., were willing to do anything to keep me safe. Jennifer Vandenberg, continued to threaten my life, because, I refused to prostitute, and she tracked me, with her son: Gunn, to Gainesville, FL, and to a hotel there, where I was staying. Jennifer an her son Gunn, because they are actively trying to kill me, for refusing to prostitute-are not approachable, for me.

        However, Jeffery-the killer, hired by: J. Vandenberg, is taking tons of anti-psychotic mendications, to calm him down, and therefore, as a forensic mental patient on medications, he, is safer for me to approach, for an interrogation. I had prior knowledge of the fact, that: Jeffery, is from: Orlandoo, FL-he is Puerto Rican, and I can communicate to a limited extent, in Spanish. I need to interrogate Jeffery, to gain the last bit, of: "compelling," evidence, necessary for court at The Hague, to win my case.  I tracked Jeffery today, to a plaza area, in downtown Orlando, FL: Central Blvd?-where I am staked out, and waiting for his return. Bounty Hunter-I found my man, and now, I need to close my case, and then get back to the airport, to get my case materials, to court!

        I need a new SIM card, for my Boost cell-it was stolen-the SIM card, by: Immigration and Border Patrol U.K., at the: Pennine House, Manchester Airport low security penal unit.  I am on stake out, at this location, for-maybe 1 week, until I have my last bit of evidence, from Jeffery-himself. I will take breaks, for: food, water, sleep, re-funding, re-charging my batteries, etc. I am in desperate need, of financial support. I am almost ready for court, and, almost no one anywhere, has been willing, to assist me.  I will purchase a new SIM card, for my Boost cellphone, when I take a stake out break, sometime on Monday-maybe?

       I promise to send you, the new cellphone number. I am working hard, and praying that I will qualify for the: 20,000.00 dollar kick start scholarship, after I complete my: post masters certificate. I am the president and director, of my own nonprofit: Emergency International Internet Relief, and I am working the entire company-myself-every position. I need more support.  Thank you or your continued patience and interest. I am eager to return to my doctoral studies, with: Northcentral University.  Thank you again, for your continued patience.


Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

07.05.2016, 10:52, "" <>:
We Know You're Busy
Hello Bayo Elizabeth,
Thank you for taking the time to inquire about becoming an online student at Northcentral University.  I'm reaching out today to address any questions or concerns you may have.  Please let me know if there is a better time, phone number or email address to contact you at.  I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to discuss the benefits of becoming an online student with Northcentral!
Thank you,
Danielle Hannigan
Northcentral University
(480) 458-2392
Stay in touch with NCU on Facebook and Twitter.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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