Monday, February 29, 2016

Assaults and Threats Against My Life-Continue on The City Bus in Gainesville, FL USA

2-26-2016 Additional information to support my application for political asylum and emergency amnesty in the UK:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Current locale-until Tuesday March 1, 2016: Motel 6 room:108, 4000 SW 40th Blvd., Gainesville, FL 32608.

       My cellphone was stolen, shortly after I arrived at this motel. Valuable court evidence, and information supporting my claim, and the claim of my children, to political asylum, were once again, illegally taken from me. It is my strong opinion, that I am being Group Stalked, by Isreali and Africans, who are being supported and encouraged, by The Obama Administration. I become ever and increasingly more uncomfortable, in the US, as every day passes.

          I have a free bus pass, to ride the city bus, whenever I need, and I can hardly do so. I am assaulted, by other individuals, who board the city transit, after me, every time, I need to take the bus anywhere. In my opinion, Gainesville, FL, is the most unfriendly place-with the exception of Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR-that I have ever lived, in the US. I think the biggest problem, with the Gainesville, FL area, is the University of Florida, and its attachment to the Shands Medical School, which, seems to be supported entirely, by the huge: Israeli and Jewish community here. The situation in Gainesville, FL, did grow exponentially worse, after 2000, however, it has become, too uncomfortable, to even visit, since the university, decided to build, a brand new-giant, student union, for the Jewish students on campus.

      I have had no issues, with any Muslim students, and, I have to avoid: Israeli and Jews, in Gainesville, FL-they are like: "The Plague"-itself here. I am terribly unhappy, that I still have no money, in order to depart from the US! As the situation has become more and more uncomfortable, my reluctance to leave my 3 children behind, here in the US, has become quite solid. I am uncertain, as to what I should do. I am incredibly concerned-not just for my own wellfare-for the welfare of my 3 children, and none of us, have any resources, to depart from the US, at this point in time.

        Please do assist us, in any way, that your offices are able. The situation, is so dire, that none of my communications, are intended to be private, or to be held, in any sort of confidence. Thank you. I may be able to be reached, by email? I have begun submitting complaints, and evidence, in the form of photos, and photographed documents to: The Hague, and, The European Court of Human Rights. US post mail, is completely unreliable.

         Shortly after I arrive in the UK, I will have to travel to both: France, and to The Netherlands, to submit my initial case materials, in person. I am still requesting consideration, for a: "Safehouse." I know there are housing shortages in the UK, and, as a family of seekers of political asylum, as well as pressing International court cases, I am concerned, that we may receive-short shrift, as we have, over and over again, here in the US. Additionally, I am inconsiderable pain, for the continued assaults, and lack of medical care, that I continued to suffer from, here in the US. Thank you again. I do hope, your offices, we choose to assist us?

Recent letter to Social Security:


           Social Security, is making it impossible for me to receive the benefits, that are due to me, as a disabled American citizen. I have been in and out of the local Social Security Offices, here in Gainesville, FL- for almost 3 months now, and I still have not received, any of the benefits, that are due to me, from the month of January 2016. When I went into the Social Security Office yesterday, I was assured, that I would be receiving my benefits-owed to me, in full: 1205.91, within 7-10 days, on my newly updated debit card information.

           I have paperwork confirming the fact, that I total of: 1205.91, is owed to me, before the 733.00, that I am supposed to receive, this March, of 2016. I am homeless, and I desperately require the money. However, when I just contacted your offices, at the: 1-800-772-1213 number today, I was for the very first time informed, that I owe some sort of over-payment, which, never existed, prior to me going into the local office, to request full payment of monies owed, to my debit card-just yesterday.

           The purported over-payment, was submitted to the appropriate staff at: Northeast Florida State Hospital:Mirage Bank, and Social worker: Deborah Talcott, in August, of 2015. I did not owe an over-payment to social security, when I was finally released from: Northeast Florida State Hospital: 904-259-6211 x1108, in January of 2016-where I was being illegally detained, as a political prisoner and hostage, here in Florida-USA. It is illegal, for the United States, and for the state of Florida, to continue to deny me, the benefits I am entitled to, to prevent me, from having enough money, to safely depart from the US, to plead for political asylum abroad.

       The US, does absolutely nothing for me. I have had no work in the US, since 2008, for sociopolitical reasons. Everything I own, is constantly stolen, in this country. I am badly abused, tortured, and many times, beaten-anywhere I go, in the US-in addition to being left homeless in the streets constantly, without even the disability benefits, or Food stamps, that have been promised to me. My children and I, do not want to stay in the country. Again, it is illegal, for the US government-in anyway, to continue to prevent my children, and my self, from departing this nightmare of a country, by restricting my access, to the financial funds, due to me. My "disability" has been established, and the money, must be paid to me-and not, "with all deliberate speed."

          I am severely physically disabled, from the continued attempts on my life, and cannot survive, on no money at all. And, I will exit from the US, as soon as I receive the benefits, that are most recently owed to me. I am owed, the full: 1205.91, from both: January 2016 and February 2016, as well as: 733.00, from March of 2016. I have not received, any of the monies mentioned above, and, I did not receive any of the: July 2015 Social Security Benefits, that were held in a separate Mirage Bank account, at: Northeast Florida State Hospital.

       I am not a terrorist, and, I hate the US. This country, has never done anything for me. I want out! And, I am not leaving my children behind-not even 1 of them. I hate this country. You may be able to reach me, at my current email address? I am completely homeless. I have no home address, and I have no cell phone number.

          The information on file, is still incorrect, although, I have called in to your offices, and spoken to people, over and over again, about entering the correct information on file. Your offices request that the information be updated within 10 days, of a move, and, the offices refuse to update the information-almost every time, I speak to someone-either, in person, or by phone. That is a serious problem-as well, and not just for me. Other Americans, also utilize Social Security.

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