Monday, February 29, 2016

My Social Security Benefits Are Being Illegally Denied To Me! Why? How Will I Survive?


Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

      Materials, with support information, for my application, and the application of my 3 children, for political asylum in the UK. Your immediate and emergency assistance, is respectfully requested. The US government is denying me my welfare check, because I intend to purchase a plane ticket, to the UK, to plead for political asylum, and to request emergency amnesty.

Complaint submitted, to the fraud department, of the US Social Security Office:


             I have gone into the local Social Security Office, here in Gainesville, FL 3 times, in the last 4 weeks. I am attempting to gain access, to my benefits, for my permanent physical injury. Every time, I go into the office, to make arrangements to receive the payment, the representative at the window, provides excuse after excuse, as to why he, or she, is unable to assist me, in obtaining access to the pithy benefits, which are due to me.

       I am homeless. I have no money, or family in the US, that are willing to assist me, with anything at all. I have a permanent physical disability, and, I am highly asthmatic, along with several other general medical conditions. I cannot stay at a homeless shelter in Gainesville, FL, or anywhere else, in the US-I will be denied access.

     Additionally, I am in such excruciating pain, that I require a special bed, to support my back. I am also highly asthmatic. I cannot breathe, if there is smoke of any kind in the air. My rescue inhaler, is not enough. When people smoke, or are around people, who have smoke in their clothing, then, that is second hand smoke for me, because the strong odor of the smoke, comes off of the clothing, in a room.

        I did visit St. Francis House, a homeless shelter in Gainesville, FL. I stood out front, for less than 3 hours. Not only, were the homeless, who receive services there, smoking, the staff who work and volunteer there-maybe all of them-they smoke as well. I had to leave the location, as quickly as possible, because I am soo incredibly asthmatic, and I could not breathe. I accepted a ride, to my adopted mom's house, from a complete stranger, just to get away from the smoke in the air, as quickly as I possibly could.

        When I complained, this past Thursday, to the Social Security representative, about being homeless, and, about being in an emergency situation, and needing my benefits check-immediately, the man, refused to assist me. he told me, that he would not issue and emergency payment, that the check, without my knowledge, had been re-directed, to an address, which is temporary, where I cannot afford to remain. I explained to the man, that I would not be here, at this homeless hotel location, after this coming Tuesday, the 9th of February, 2016. I told the representative, that I have no money, and that I cannot stay at a homeless shelter-and, he did not care. I asked to speak to his supervisor, and he refused to allow me to do so.

     The Gainesville, FL Social Security representative, told me, that my check had been cancelled, and then re-issued to this location: 1900 SW 13th Street-where the business is refusing to hold my check for me, if I am not still staying at the hotel. I asked the representative, to please put his statement in writing, so I would have some proof, of what he was telling me, and, he refused to do that as well. Then, I told the man, I have been taping our conversation, because Social Security always treats me like this.

     I ask for assistance, and then I am told one thing, while people in the back, issue paperwork for something else, and then, they intentionally neglect to inform me. I desperately need my check. The Social Security Office in Gainesville, FL, has already intentionally mis-directed the check two times-once last month, and then again two Mondays ago, on the first of February, 2016. The representative, at the Social Security Office in Gainevsille, FL, did not care that I had been repeatedly assaulted in the office, while waiting to be seen, and, he kicked me out of the office, after 6 long hours, and no resolution to my situation, for asking to speak to his supervisor, after he refused to assist me, in the appropriate manner.

      I need my benefits check. It is freezing cold outside here, and raining outside, almost everyday, all day long. I have no money for shelter, or for anything else that I require. Going back to the Social Security Office, here, in Gainesville, FL, would not be helpful. Where is my benefit check? I may be reached at my current email address:

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