Monday, February 29, 2016

Zen Hostel in Gainesville, FL Under Terror Attack By Non-Buddhist

2-10-2016 Additional information, to support my application, for political asylum, and emergency amnesty, in the UK:

         "Mumbai" I am a political prisoner, and hostage, in the US. I am in desperate need, of finances, to reach the UK. I am trying to stay safe, at a Zen Hostel, in Gainesville, FL, which is a Buddhist sanctuary, for practicing and professed Buddhist. Meat eaters, who don't respect Buddhism, have showed up, and checked in, and are forcing me, out, to be homeless in the streets. They are: prostituting, refusing to wash their bodies, smoking Crack and marijuana, drinking heavily, and cooking disgusting stinking meat, in the vegan/ vegetarian kitchen.

        The terrorists, who Obama supports in the US, are torturing, and abusing everyone everywhere. The terrorists, follow people around, and try to force us, to prostitute. Many Americans, have requested politely, that the terrorists leave the US, and, with no response-it is similar to the situation in Burma-what monks there, are being forced to deal with. Please share my communications, with: Burma, India, and the remainder of Asia. The situation in the US, is out of control.

           My MI5 email account: My active email accounts: Someone hacked my cell phone yesterday. I can no longer place any calls, or check my voicemail. I am penniless, as well. The US government, is refusing me, my pithy benefits check, so I can purchase a plane ticket, to leave the US. Immediate assistance, and response, is requested. Thank you. Namaste. Player! Player! I was located at the Zen Hostel, in Gainesville, FL-until 11:00 am, tomorrow: 2-11-2016: The telephone number here, is: 352-336-3613 Reservation form: I don't know, if there will be any vacancies, or availability, for me to stay here, past tomorrow-yet?

       The best way, to contact me, is by email:  Further more, it seems as though, although I am not able to call out, on my cell phone, or check voice mail-I can still receive text messages? My old cell number: 352-363-3969. This cellphone, was stolen, along with the others, that were illegally taken, by police, here in Gainesville, FL USA. Please try to contact me. If you cannot reach me, please send someone in person, to assist me, face to face.

     I currently spend more time on Twitter, because Facebook, illegally edits and deletes my posts-for no good reason. I Tweet daily. I rarely post information, to my currently active Facebook page:

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