Monday, February 29, 2016

Group Stalker:Jennifer Vandenberg-From Seattle, WA and Northeast Florida State Mental Hospital

2-6-2016 Additional information, to support my application, and the application of my 3 children, for political asylum, and emergency amnesty, in the UK.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

      I am still requesting consideration, for a: "Safehouse." I am soo physically ill, from recent attempts on my life, and physical assaults, that, many days-such as today, even after having taken many pain killers, I ma barely able to: sit, stand, or walk, for most of the day. I have serious injuries, and will require medical care. I am not able to obtain medical care, here in the US, although, I do now have medical insurance. I was told, that there are no doctor appointments available, for at least 3 more weeks. I do hope to be in London, by that time?

A copy of the complaint, that I submitted to the Social Security Fraud Audit Office-US, today:

           In 2013 I was false arrested, in Seattle, WA, where I was homeless, and physically ill, because I am being neglected by my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.-and her extended family-John Epler, and Jean Fisher, who live in Seattle, WA. I was homeless, and at a bus stop, trying to stay out of the freezing rain.I was not allowed in a single homeless shelter in the US. I am still homeless. I am still not allowed in any homeless shelter in the US.

          I have been homeless, in the US, for 6 years now. I was trying to leave the US, to plead for political asylum in the UK. I was complaining about a prostitute smoking Crack cigarettes at the bus stop. It is illegal to prostitute in the US, and, it is illegal to smoke, at any Seattle, WA bus stop. Officer Meier, and another officer, false arrested me, at the bus stop, and tried to beat me to death, for refusing to prostitute in Seattle, WA, and, for complaining about the Crack smoke, in the air, at the bus stop. I am highly asthmatic.

         When officers took me to the Seattle, WA police station substation, to continue beating me, because I did not die. Officer Meier, denied me my Miranda Rights, and, he stole all of my identification, with the exception of my US Passport. He, and his officers, stole, my US government welfare debit card, my social security card, my student alumni picture ID, ect. I was illegally detained, in Seattle, WA, for an extended period of months, in the freezing cold-homeless, with no assistance from extended family, with very few exceptions, while I waited to be heard in court.

         Because I complained about the severe beatings that I received from officer Meiers, for complaining about Crack smoke in Seattle, WA, and, because I refused to prostitute, Officer Meier, pretended that I was mentally ill, and tried to have me committed to the mental hospital Western, for: "rape therapy"-which is illegal, in the US. My personal identification cards, and other belongings, were either damaged irreparably, or, not returned to my person at all. I have complained about the situation, over and over again-with no resolution in the US.

         I complained about my personal information being sold, for identity theft, and other purposes on the Black Market, at a Social Security Office, in Denver, CO, and the Social Security representative, was not concerned for me, or the security of my personal confidential information, and records, at all. Recently, individuals from Seattle, WA-most likely related to Officer Meiers, or other people, who work for the Seattle, WA police, came to Florida, to stalk, and to harass me. A Jennifer Vandenberg, and her son Gunn, from Seattle, WA, are threatening to kill me, for refusing to prostitute. I have already contacted local authorities, and the FBI in Seattle, WA, and nothing has been done, to resolve the situation.

        Jennifer Vandenberg, is a mental patient, and I also believe, that J. Vandenberg, may be a Transgendered, threatened to have me killed by the police, or others, over and over again. Then, she had her closest friends, assault me, over, and over again. I am almost certain, J. Vandenberg, is connected to the Police Department, of Seattle, WA. I am being assaulted-everywhere I go-even to the store, and on the bus, and at the local Social Security Office, here in Gainesville, FL. I am now, in soo much pain, that I can hardly: walk, sit, or stand.

        I am homeless, and I have no resources in the US-including medical resources. I cannot be seen by a general medical doctor, for at least 3 weeks. J. Vandenberg's son, Gunn, I do believe, is Cyber Stalking me, right now, where I am living homeless, at a hotel in Gainesville, FL. Gunn, is threatening my life, over, and over again, by harassing me online, while I am working hard, to make arrangements, to move to the UK, to plead for political asylum and amnesty.

      My life is in danger, and US law enforcement, does not care at all-they are not keeping me safe. Police in Gainesville, FL, are beginning to harass me, just like the police, in Seattle, WA. the experience, is more than a little unsettling. I am extremely uncomfortable. Thank you for continuing to receive my communications, from the US. I may be reached by email?

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