Monday, February 29, 2016

Update 2-29-2016 Online Evidence Accounts To Support My Applications For Political Asylum

Online Evidence Collection-More to come: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S

              Please try to reach me by my current email account. I do not know if you will be able to contact me this way? I am not receiving phone calls, or any other phone messages-even when I do have a private cellphone. As soon as I receive money, I will try to purchase, a new cell, and an International calling plan, to finalise plans, for my children and I, to come to the UK. This process, has been far to lengthy.

           The US government, has knowingly placed too many roadblocks, in our way. I am still awaiting Social Security benefits, for the permanent injury, to my: back, ankles, and arms-that, are intentionally being denied to me, and since January of 2016, because my children and I want to utilize the monies, to leave the US, to plead for political asylum, in the UK. No one in the US-not at this point, is really helping me at all. I will not be able to stop into, the US Embassy in London, after my children and I, arrive in the UK.

 The situation is much worse, than I am able to briefly communicate to your offices, through emails, and a few photos. Thank you for your continued support, and agreement, to receive my on-going communications, in support of my application, for political asylum.


            I have switched over to a Russian email provider. I lost access-recently, to another email account, that was attached to my stolen cell-valuable communications-court evidence, were stolen again. I no longer utilize a US email account: Not: gmail, yahoo, or AOL-they all have serious problems with hacking, and denying access, to email account owners.

           There are several new emails, that are being advertised online: , and Quip.RU-for starts. I am having soo much difficulty, in the US: financially and otherwise, because I am constantly being denied, everything I require, in order to pack my few belongings, that are left, in order to relocate with my three children, to the UK, to plead for emergency political asylum, and emergency amnesty, that I am asking any other countries-who care, and who are willing to assist me, to please step up to the plate, and provide some resources.

             Russia, and a few other countries-such as: India, have begun to respond to my requests. The UK, as well-however, in a very small way-in the Media-which, is still not enough. My children and I,we do require further assistance, from the UK, and other concerned countries, and individuals. Thank you.

Previous Location: Americas Best Value Inn, 1900 SW 13th Street room 138, G-ville, FL 32608.

Latest stolen cell: Verizon Wireless Cell-never returned-valuable evidence, taken again-most likely by American police-hired specifically to harass and threaten Americans, by The Obama Administration: Previous tele: 352-363-3969

Current Locale-Untill this Tuesday, March 1, 2016.: Motel 6, 4000 SW 40th Blvd. room: 108, Gainesville, FL 32608 Phone: 352-373-1604 Fax: 352-335-8314

          I have been at this hotel-Motel 6, in Gainesville,FL USA, for two weeks now. I am being Group Stalked, by aggressive terrorists, who are flying here, from all over the world. I cannot really stay at this hotel for another week-even if I had any money. The population, of Israelis, and Africans, who are Group Stalking me, in support of: The Obama Administration, become more and more aggressive towards me-i.e.: smoking CRACK cigarettes right outside my hotel room door, all day and night, so I can never turn the air on, or open the window, and, my asthma has grown increasingly worse.

             I have also had the unfortunate experience, to witness first hand, for the very first time, the prostituting of very small children-here at this Motel 6. The Africans, who have arrived at the hotel, were engaging in the activity, very late into the evening last night. I was extremely uncomfortable, with their behaviors. I opened my room door, as a young girl was yelling, from a car: "Let me Go!" I closed the curtain, after the young girl, was taken back into a hotel room. She had been walking-in cold weather-with almost no clothing on, in between a hotel room, and cars that had been pulling up, and parking for a short while, in front of my hotel room.

       I could not responsibly ignore the situation. I waited, about 10 minutes, after the young girl, had finally been returned to the hotel room, and then opened my curtain again, and, I saw a small girl again-and this time with a boy, walking about the Motel 6, with an African adult-I had to presume the man, was looking for cars again-this time, to prostitute the children in, and, it really may have been, the very same young girl, whom, I had just rescued in some small way-from an unknown vehicle, parked in front of my room. Disturbing activities, that are supported by The Obama Administration-are inhumane, and illegal and the US, and, they are widely practised, in both: Israel, and the continent of Africa.

Update: US News about Russia

           BBC US News: You should watch this in the UK. Obama is now calling the war in Syria, a"Proxy war." The Obama Administration is also stating, that the beginning of WWI, was a complete accident. The US is sending the United Nations, into Syria-they say that it is to provide relief, for 1.7 Million starving people, who are in other ways in need, as well. However-in my sincerest opinion, I think the U.N. is serious trouble. The U.N. works on The US agenda, because they receive US Aide, from the Obama Administration, and their headquarters, are located in New York. I have contacted the UN, on a number of occasions, with no response. I began sending my case information, directly to: The International Criminal Court, in the Netherlands: The Hague-I have begun submitting evidence online, through the Internet, when the United Nations, did not respond. Is there an International Court, in the UK, that is fair and honest enough, to hear my cases-at least initially, in English?

               I am still requesting special consideration, for a: "Safehouse," provided by the UK government, upon arrival in the UK, for my three children and myself. I am in a considerable amount of pain. I cannot even ride public transport in the US-now, without being constantly assaulted. The number of evidential items, and personal items, illegally stolen from me, by: US law enforcement, adopted family, and others, is mounting. Most of what has been stolen from me, can never be replaced.

            I have to carry my case files with me everywhere, and, I receive a significant amount of objection, from my adopted mom: Susan E. Cary, Esq.-1215 NW 4th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601 Tele: 352-219-3459 and Home: 352-372-7899, Email: - in regards to, me bringing my case files with me, so they are not stolen, and, in regards to taking pictures, to keep myself safe, and to document my cases-significantly. My situation in the US, grows ever more and increasingly uncomfortable-exponentially soo. I am in desperate need of many things, including medical care, for general medical issues, which, I have been denied, here in Gainesville, Fl USA-several times, although, I do now have medical insurance. I have medical insurance, and no doctor in Gainesville, FL, is willing to see me right now, although, some of my health care issues, are extremely serious, such as my asthma. I have already run out of, some of my asthma medications, and, I have no way to replace them right now.

More info. :Online Evidence:

I have several other Facebook accounts. I have not had the opportunity yet, to research online, to see if I can locate those accounts, and the valuable evidence-they should still contain.

Twitter: A significant amount of court evidence has been cached, at my various Twitter accounts, although, I only have access, to the 1st Twitter account listed.




Google+:Bayo Cary Cary

Bayo Elizabeth Cary


         If I have another opportunity, I will place more court evidence, and documents online, for all to see. More of the photos, are available online for viewing, at the various social networking websites, where, the URL addresses, are provided above. Thank you for your continued concern.
I have already sent this email, by , to your employment applications, email address, as I have done so, many times in the past, just in case, there are any holds, with receiving my submissions, from this link. I will be homeless again, after tomorrow.

          The US government, is still denying me access, to any of my guaranteed Social Security benefits, for my permanent physical injuries. My adopted mom, does not want to assist me, any at all. I pray she will not again decide, to drop me off on the street corner, in the pouring rain, because she is-and for no reasonable reason-whatsoever, unwilling to allow me, to even sit on her front porch-for an extended period of time.

           All three of my children, and I, are desperate to exit safely, from the US. Under no uncertain circumstances-as I have stated before, should the UK government, pay the US, any monies at all, for our speedy release. We are, all four of us, in a tortuous political hostage situation, and, the US government, has a prolonged history, of trading hostages, for weapons, and or money-etc., and, in the past, that has only made the situation worse. At this point in time, the US government, and US citizens, are not helping me at all.

       If the UK government, were to proffer a financial exchange, my children and I, would receive none of what was offered, and we, would still not benefit at all. Thank you.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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