Sunday, June 12, 2016

HigherOne Bank of New Haven,CT: Stealing My Federal Student Financial Aid: Homeless-Bank Stole My Money AGAIN! June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016

Re: Complaint Against HigherOne Bank Student Bank Account Continued: "Do you want to bank with America-you thought you had money in your account?"

Complaint Being Filed By:
Miss. “Mumbai: Bayo Elizabeth, Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Freelance Reporter.
Cellphone: 352-519-9722

To Whom It May Concern:

            My HigherOne bank account has been locked, with a negative 99,000 balance-for over a year. Information on the account is wrong. I have notified the bank, time and time again, of the fact, that information connected to my student HigherOne bank account-is incorrect. I need to update information, which is attached to my HigherOne bank account. I have not been able to update information, related to my HigherOne bank account, or to, access my money, in my HigherOne account, for over a year now, because HigherOne employees, are refusing to assist me, with accessing my money. 

          It is against the law, to prohibit me, from accessing my own funds, in my own bank account, and, to pretend as though, I owe HigherOne, or anyone else money, in regards to my student bank account, and the negative 99,000 debit transaction, that HigherOne placed on my account. There is no way, on any planet, in any universe-that I would authorize, such an outrageous transaction, against the pithy amount of financial aid, that I hold, in my student bank account. It is illegal, for HigherOne, to continue to make it impossible, for me to access, my student financial aid. I am a student, at Northcentral University.

          I am studying towards my PhD, in business administration, with a specialization, in advanced accounting. It is an act of financial fraud, for HigherOne bank, to continue to illegally prohibit me, from accessing the money, that is being held for me, in my student bank account. Cellphone: 352-519-9722 Freelance reporter. This is a litigious matter, at this point. 

          I need access to my student financial aid, to pay for my education, and expenses related to obtaining my education, and, HigherOne, is illegally preventing me, from finding: housing, and anything else I need, in the US, by-essentially stealing, my US Federal Student Financial Aid-that I did qualify for. I submitted the application, for US Federal financial aid, in order to complete my PhD-through: Northcentral University. The money in my HigherOne bank account-that is my money-alone. 

      I do not owe HigherOne a cent of it. I am too upset, that HigherOne banking staff-after over an entire year, continues to feign, that they have no comprehension, of whose money, is sitting, in my HigherOne, student, bank account. See you in court. At this point, due to what I have had to suffer through, because HigherOne, has not allowed me access, to my student financial aid-from last year, HigherOne now owes me-far more, than just the pithy amount, of financial aid, that has been rotting in my bank account, and growing cob webs-over the past year and a half. Email: I will look for your prompt reply. 

       There is no way, that HigherOne bank, can possibly justify, taking over a year to resolve, a minor compromised student bank account-issue.  I am beginning to send you-the bank, more written communications, due to the fact, that is it simply a waste of air-when I attempt to speak to representatives at the bank, by phone, and, because I am preparing a paper trail, to take to court with me. 

      Please respond appropriately, to my most recent communications-again, still regarding, the negative 99,000 dollar frozen balance-which is denying me access, to my small amount, of: Federal US Student Financial Aid, to help to pay for, costs, related to, and associated with, my chosen academic program-a PhD program, through: Northcentral University, and, I am presently enrolled, and, attempting to complete my required homework-which is extremely difficult, with no access, to my desperately needed, financial aid. 

      I need the above state issues, related to my HigherOne student bank account, to be resolved-immediately. Again, too much of the information, that the bank has on my file, is-incorrect, and, it needs to be corrected-however, I am unable to do so, because, my account, is still frozen, from last year: 2015! Thank you for your time, and continued attention-your assistance in the matter above, is once again-requested. HigherOne bank, and the banking services, must continue to be available to me. I continue to have a student bank account with: HigherOne. I can make no changes, to my student bank account, while my bank account, is frozen. Illegal: HigherOne-again, is essentially stealing my student Federal Aid, and making it impossible, for me to have money, to care for myself, while, I study in school.


Miss. Bayo E. Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Cellphone: 352-519-9722

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