Friday, June 10, 2016

Obama Supports International Terrorism-Tell Obama, To Pay Back, His Nobel Peace Prize-Where is the Peace of Mind!

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08.06.2016, 21:17, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

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08.06.2016, 20:54, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:
June 8, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
      Unfortunately, I was unable to resolve, any of the previous issues,that make America, such an impossible and uncomfortable country for me. I sent out numerous emails, and attempted to contact different people overseas, to increase my support network. Thank you for answering a telephone-if you received a call from me.  I followed through, with any resolutions, or plans for resolution, that I thought would be helpful.  I was still unable to: find housing in the US, locate employment in the US, make meaningful time and family connections in the US-with my own children, I was still unable to afford, almost everything I need to survive in the US-including clothing and food, etc.
        The situation in the US, has been much worse for me-now that I have returned from my second application for political asylum in Europe-my application to the UK. The US police, continue to persecute me. My valuable belongings, continue to go missing. I still have no: law enforcement, or legal authority, in the US, to complain to, when something, outside allowable US laws-occurs.  I am still exhausted-with nowhere safe to sleep at night, I am forced to simply wander the  streets, until my total exhaustion takes over me.  It is difficult for me to develop close friendships in the US. I do not trust Americans, who have left me: homeless, indigent, physically disabled, and destitute, for 6 years now. I find it too hard to believe, that not one single solitary person in the US-could be of assistance to me, in some helpful, and meaningful way?
      My physical ailments are troubling. I am in excruciating pain-all of the time now. I have tried to reach out to local lawyers-right here on Orlando, FL area, in regards to my many personal injury cases, that must be tried, before my statutes of limitations, are up.  I began by calling the biggest names, the most popular lawyers-the ones with celebrity status. Then I went with lawyers who max out a yearly business expense budget, with marketing-to get the word out-and still no luck. Today, I moved on to, the Florida Bar Association, lawyer referral telephone line, and, the receptionist there, never returned my telephone call, or my inquiry-I will have to call again-tomorrow!
       Next Thursday, June 16, 2016, I will fly out of Orlando, FL, to Oslo, Norway, in order to apply for political asylum in Europe, for a third time.  I will be taking my European cellphone, and a long list of local and not so local contacts,to call-while I am in Oslo. I have no idea, how my third application, for political asylum, might go? I have more than enough evidence, on my person, and posted everywhere online, to support my application, for political asylum, as: necessary, appropriate, legally required, and so on. My question-once again, will have to be, do people in Norway, respect me, and value me, as a human being, or, will they too, attempt to deport me back to the US, as just another; "Runaway Slave?"  Thank you for your time, and your continued concern.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.
I returned to my PhD. studies, this past Monday, with: Northcentral University.
Cellphone: 352-519-9722 Text message or voice mail. Freelance Reporter. Thank you again!
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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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