Saturday, June 4, 2016

Desperately Seeking: Political Asylum-Europe Bound or Bust-France Said:"NO,"UK Said:"NO," Sweden Said:"Yes, maybe we can help you!"

June 4, 2016
Freelance Reporter. Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Cellphone: 352-519-9722 Text msg. or Voicemail.
Email Communications: In Search of Emergency Assistance: Political Asylum in Europe Sought!
(Low Speed WiFi Unable To Attach Photos At This Time)
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04.06.2016, 18:12, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

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04.06.2016, 14:58, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:
June 4, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
      I am writing from the downtown Orlando, FL Philips Center, outside pavillion-which fortunately, has small outside tables, as well as umbrellas, to shield the harsh and almost unbearable, Florida, early Summer, afternoon heat. I have been writing all over the world, and placing phone calls, for emergency assistance, regarding to my particular situation in the US-for over 4 years now. Although, I have in some miraculous way,been able to travel, outside of the US, I still not received any assistance-not from anyone, and not from anywhere. It was then, this past Friday morning, that I contacted a representative, who assists with political asylum application in Sweden, that I finally received some good news. The receptionist, in Sweden told me-finally: "Yes, Ms. Cary, we may be able to help you?"
       I attempted to apply for political asylum, in both: France-last year and in the UK-this year.  France told me no, at the island of Martinique, and the prefectures office there, because, I do not speak any French. Just recently, in the UK, I was detained at low security prison unit: Pennine House, at the Manchester Airport, while my application for political asylum, began to process.  I was forced to under go, mental health check, after mental health check in the UK-including one at the local Manchester hospital. I passed all of the mental health checks, however, I was still deported to the US, only 5 days into my application for political asylum, in the UK. An African nurse in the UK, who saw me at the Pennine House-who barely even spoke with me, and who works for Obama-wrote me up, as a:"runaway slave,' who had to be returned to the US.
       Upon my return to the US. My situation here, is much worse than it was, prior to my trip to the UK, on the 1st of May, to apply for political asylum. I am being heavily persecuted, by US police. My Federal benefits disability check, for the permanent injuries to my: bank, ankles, and wrists-that occurred, while individuals here in the US, were assaulting me, in the attempt to end my life-were stolen, and most likely by US police again. The same situation, occurred, when I was in Seattle, WA. I was trying to make arrangements, to escape from the US forever, when, the Seattle, WA police-false arrested me, attempted to beat me to death, and then stole, a number of my: ID's, including-my Social Security Card, my food stamp card, and my Federal benefits debit card.  I am too hot, exhausted, and I want nothing more, than to leave the US forever. Swedish Migration Services, were on holiday, when I called this past Friday, and said, that I should call this coming Tuesday, to make arrangements, and to see how the country of Sweden, is willing to help me, with my application, for political asylum, to Sweden.
       Tomorrow, I return to my PhD studies, in business administration. I have qualified, for, close to: $ 10,000.00 in financial aid, after my classes are paid for, to complete part 1, of my doctoral studies degree program-working towards my PhD, in business administration. It is my desire-having been so poor my entire life, to utilize, my PhD, in business administration, to open a: "Dollar Tree Store-even a chain of stores," in whatever European country, finally decides to accept me, as an applicant, for political asylum. Having almost no money, my entire life, has led me to appreciate the luxuries, of a store, like: Dollar Tree, which allows me, to purchase, all name brand products-for the most part, for a large variety of areas, where-as a consumer, I have needs, ie: house wears, food, cleaning supplies, make-up, hygiene items, party fun, seasonal celebrations, etc. I intend to utilize, my Phd, to establish my: "Dollar Tree Stores," and to donate products-instead of money, directly to those in need, such as: homeless, refugees, abused women and children, the hungry, etc.
      It is sad and scary to me, that after years of: emails, faxes, long distance phone calls, and even visits abroad to foreign nations, with tons of evidence and documentation in my favor, and supporting my application for political asylum, that I was still deported, and forced to return from the UK-to an even more dangerous situation in the US.  I have had soo many personal belongings, ID's, college diplomas and transcripts, and other personal information items stolen from me, and soo often, that I had to come to a place of realization, whereby, I have decided to simply leave the US-again, with whatever, I have been able to hold onto this time around. Every time I re-enter the US, valuable, and irreplaceable items, are stolen from me-sometimes by my adopted family, sometimes by law enforcement-who, ironically, are supposed to protect me, and sometimes, by strangers.
       I am not a prostitute. I will never be a prostitute. My 3 children, are also in desperate need of assistance, to escape from the US. I was not born a slave. Nor was I raised a slave. Again-I can foresee, no real reason, for the UK, to deport me back to the US. My life is in immediate danger here-every second of everyday. My adopted family makes fun of me, and they ignore me. My adopted family excludes me from the lives of my children, and for no reason. My adopted family leaves me homeless and sick and dying on the street corner, although, they are relatively well educated and wealthy-by US standards, with several vacation homes, and or rental properties. I have not been allowed to attend any of my childrens' birthdays, in over 7 years now. I spend every major US holiday-including: my birthday, Christmas, and Easter alone. I do not ever receive: birthday presents, or Christmas presents. There is no reason for me,or my children, to remain in the US. I am  tortured here, and have been tortured in the US, for over 17 years now. And, because I refuse to prostitute-even: $10,000.00 dollars, in financial aid, will not get me housing in the US. I have been homeless in the US, for 6 years now. I have friends, who are unwilling to leave the US, who have been homeless here-for over 20 years.
       Thank you for continuing to receive my communications. Please assist me in anyway, the you are both: willing and able, and please pass my emails on, to others, who are also willing and able to assist. My life is in danger. I am reaching out, and begging for emergency assistance, in the only ways, that I know how. Please rescue me!
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A, M.L.I.S.
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12.04.2016, 08:48, "no-reply" <>:
Dear Mumbai Bayo Elizabeth Cary,

Thank you for your e-mail.

The Migration Agency have received your information. If I understood your request, you want to seek asylum in Sweden?

A person who wants to receive protection in Sweden must submit an application for asylum at one of the Migration Agency application units, or with the border police when entering Sweden. The Migration Agency cannot approve an application which has been submitted at a Swedish embassy. Those who are not able to come to Sweden to apply for protection can turn to the UNHCR.

Please visit the link below for information about asylum and how to seek asylum in Sweden,

Best regards,

Isabelle Debbagh Olsson
Customer service
The Migration Agency

Please note that you cannot reply to this message. If you have further questions, please use the form on our website and send us a new message.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: []
Skickat: den 11 april 2016 22:41
Till: GB-Trio-Asyl
Ämne: Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. [trackid=JN667185040]

My question:
4-11-2016 From: Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. Cellphone US: 352-519-9722 I submitted pre-application materials, and paid a small fee. I was told my pre-application materials for political asylum, would be forwarded on, to the migration offices there in Sweden. I called Sapo-maybe 6 months ago, to inform them, that I may have to apply for political asylum in Sweden. I am extremely physically ill. I am not a sex worker. I have been systematically denied everything I need in the US, because of the constant changing of political powers, and a continuing huge influx, of immigrants, from less developed countries, such as: Africa, Israel, Berlin, etc. I have never been a sex worker. I have been tortured, and many attempts have been made on my life, over the past 18 years, because I refuse to prostitute. I rarely have anything that I require to survive in the US, because I refuse to prostitute. I have three children, who desperately need to come with me, and so many legal problems, that the US government, and local law enforcement are ignoring, that-unfortunately, I will be forced to return to the US, to collect my 3 children. At present, I am denied; housing, medical care, employment, enough food, access to restrooms, and fresh water-etc., in the US, because I refuse to prostitute. I am an American citizen, although my gene pool is in India. I am too uncomfortable in the US. I have been desperate to depart, for over ten years. My application for political asylum to the UK, was turned down over the phone, by Africans, who have taken over the UKBA political asylum screening unit. My email accounts are not working very well. I am in excruciating pain, from all of the assaults, and attacks on my life, that I have suffered repeatedly, here in the US. I have no friends, or family here in the US, who are willing to help me at all. I have two suitcases full of evidence to support my application for political asylum, and, much of my evidence, has been illegally stolen from me, over and over again. The situation in the US, is so extremely dangerous for me, that I should have departed from here, years ago, and the US government, is refusing to provide me, with funds, that they owe to me, and in full, so I can leave the US, as soon as possible. I have no money-although I am well educated. I will arrive needing almost any service that Sweden is willing to offer an applicant, for political asylum-and maybe in the next few days. The UK told me no, over the phone, without looking at any of my application materials, or evidence, because I am in soo much physical pain, from the continued assaults, and attempts on my life, here in the US, that US law enforcement, and the US legal system, both refuse to deal with-even if they acknowledge, that the serious problems exist. Please help me some, after I arrive. I am in contact with The Hague. I have been sending The Hague information about my situation, for almost 5 years now-I have a case. This morning, when I contacted The Hague, the receptionist, allowed me to leave a message, for the prosecutors office, for the very first time.

Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

E-mail address:
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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.
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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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