Monday, June 6, 2016

Northcentral University:The Return To Doctoral Studies Today:Advanced Accounting

June 6, 2016
Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Re: Return To Doctoral Studies, At: Northcentral University Today: June 6, 2016-Monday

Dear Dr. Kuhn,

     Thank you for agreeing to be my academic supervisor and facilitator, as well as instructor, for the last two assignments, of this advanced accounting course, which I began last year. I have been online today, updating my laptop, so that I will be able and prepared to complete my assignments, in the following months, for my doctoral studies program with NCU, in a timely, and professional manner.  I wonder, if you might be able to update the calendar, attached to my current assignments, so that the due dates, and the due times, are related, to the here and now, and to when my current assignments are now due-this year?

       I love academia, and studying and learning. I have had extremely positive experiences with Northcentral University thus far.  Your academic direction, instruction, and guidance, as well as professional perspective, are welcome. Thank you again, for your time, and for your assistance, with my continuing graduate education.  look forward to beginning my studies again, this semester. I have been taking notes on assignments due, and logging into various aspects of the NCU online student portal, all afternoon, in preparation, for my next assignment due, this coming Sunday.

       I am an early to bed, and early to rise individual. I have indeed already had quite a long day. I will most likely, complete my first assignment due, in this class, early tomorrow morning-before the crow rises. I will head to bed, in an hour-and not much later. I do tend to turn assignments in early, because I worry, that for any given reason-even because the NCU student portal, or because my own WiFi connect has been disconnected, that I will not get the completed assignments, turned in on time.

          I work very hard, on my academic assignments. I take academic honesty seriously. I try to improve the quality and quantity of my assignments, with each homework.  It is my intention, not just to complete the work assigned for my degree, it is my objective, to also: learn as much as possible, contribute something intelligent and useful to academia, present something that is interesting and informative to the Internet community-in general, and to complete all of my assignments, at the highest: quality and quantity as possible, with absolutely no deviations, in integrity. Thank you again, for your time, and for your continued attention. I look forward to working with you.


Miss. “Mumbai” Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Cellphone: 352-519-9722
Secondary Email:

Sent from Windows Mail

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