Thursday, June 16, 2016

NCU LOW Grade UnFair John Kuhn-Professor Personally Dislikes Me:"Feminist" June 16, 2016

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16.06.2016, 14:57, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

June 16, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
       I returned to my studies, at NCU, because I love academics, and I thrive in a learning environment. Last year, while studying at NCU, I was unable to attend classes, for reasons beyond my control. I greeted a return to classes, at NCU, as a blessing-however, the situation, is not favorable towards me at all. The new professor I was assigned; Mr. John Kuhn-apparently, dislikes me personally, although I have never met, and know nothing about the man. When I was enrolled in the class last year, my professor was Mrs. Wendy Achilles.
      Mr. John Kuhn, gave me a very low, and unfair grade, of a: 9 out of 15, for my penultimate assignment, for my classes, that I was completing, from last year. I am unhappy, with the unfair, and low grade, that Mr. John Kuhn issued for me-it is not a fair reflection, of the quality of my homework assignment. In addition, Mr. john Kuhn, ended the class, pre-maturely. When I spoke to both: the disabilities department, and to the financial aid office, I was told, that homework assignments, would be due, every: Sunday, as they were last year, when I was also enrolled.
      It was my intention, to begin writing, my final assignment, for my course from last year-today. However, when I logged into my online classroom, I was more than chagrined, and seriously dismayed, by the incredibly low, and unjust grade, that Mr. J. Kuhn assigned, to my last homework assignment. It is inappropriate, for a professor, who dislikes a particular student, to agree to facilitate, any sort of learning experience, with a student. had Ms. Wendy Achilles, been grading my last homework assignment turned into: NCU, the grade would not have been, so low, and soo incredibly unfair.
       I sent an email to Mr. J. Kuhn, regarding the due dates on my online classroom, being incorrect. In the email, that I sent to Mr. J. Kuhn, I did communicate to him, my understanding, that homework assignments were due, every Sunday, and, that I had only two homework assignments left, for this particular course. I need a new professor, to replace Mr. J. Kuhn, in order to complete my class, from last year. I am absolutely devestated, by the grade the Mr. J. Kuhn issued to me, and, by what ever argument, he may have made, or is presently making, in regards to him, moving up the due dates-to earlier in the week, from the Sunday due date-when assignments were due, last year.
    I am a bright,and hard working student. I pay a great deal of money, for my education. I expect to have a fair experience, in the classroom, regarding the grading of my homework assignments submitted, as well as the agreed upon due dates, for classroom assignments. I am extremely dis-satisfied, with the experiences I have had thus far, with Mr. J. Kuhn, as a professor.  I think, for my own personal comfort, I would prefer, to only have female professors.  I am not comfortable, with how many men, in the US, relate to me.  My fear, is that Mr. J. Kuhn, strongly dislikes me, because he has caught a tail wind, of my: "feminist values." Women, do not generally have any issues, with me being an independent, free thinking women, and, with me choosing to focus my free time, on my education, and not, on any sort of: "dating", or other sort of: "promiscuous love life"-that will never interest me.
        In conclusion-again, I am requesting, a different professor, for the last two assignments, in my course, as well as, a female professor, as opposed to another man. Additionally, I am disgruntled, about the stated due dates, for assignments, that were posted to my student webpage.  It was never clear to me, that any corrections had been made, to my student academic portal, as to when my homework assignments were due. Up until the point, when I just spoke to: disability services, I was still under the impression-based on my classes, and experiences with the university last year, that I had one more final assignment due, this coming Sunday. I did attempt to leave, a voivemail message, in regards to the above mentioned matter, with: Ms. Elizabeth Miller, at NCU, earlier today.  Thank you, for your continued patience, and support, regarding the facilitation, of my expensive educational experience, at: NCU.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-519-9722
Attached Files: Includes Homework Assignment Just Submitted This Past Sunday-As previously stated, my last homework assignment, needs to be re-submitted, and re-considered, by a different professor at NCU, who is more favorable to me, and my abilities, as a student.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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