Friday, July 15, 2016

New York Too Dangerous Due To Excessive Crowds And African Door Security And New Free Obama Cellphone July 15, 2016

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11.07.2016, 17:47, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

July 11, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
        I have returned to the United States. New York City was too dangerous, for me to walk around, and, I was not allowed into the public library there. It was not one minute, that I stepped off of the bus, from the airport, that I had already to worry, about people intentionally running into me, as I attempted to walk down the street. I was bumped into several times, then I worried, that someone would continue to knock into me, far too hard. Along with my serious permanent injuries to my back and ankles, I have also to be concerned about both of my wrists. Another hard hit, from any person passing by me in New York, might have landedme in another wheelchair, for another 6 months.
        I made arrangements from Newark Airport in New Jersey, to fly to MIA-the Miami airport, and then to transfer to a flight, at MIA, to a n American Airline flight to Cozumel, Mexico. I made housing arrangements in Cozumel, MX, for the entire month of July, 2016. I have almost no money, all of the time. The US government, has refused me all employment, since 2008. I have been illegally: "Blacklisted." Without employment, I cannot afford anything I need, almost all of the time. My life is in danger, in the US, because the US refuses to hire me, and therefore, I am subject to all of the dangers, of not just homelessness, also all of the dangers of not being able to afford, anything I need most of the time-including, and not limited to: clothing, shoes, food, housing, medicine, household supplies, cellphone, WiFi, transportation, etc.
       I have complained for a number of years, in regards to my current situation, and nothing has been done, by anyone, in order to assist me-in fact it has been just the opposite, my situation has only grown worse. My friends and family, have completely abandoned me. I can no longer have a US  bank account. My bank accounts, have been illegally overdrawn, by the bank itself, for a number of years. I am no longer willing to try banking within, or with, the US, anymore. I currently have, a bank account attached to my PhD studies program, that have been negative, by: -99,000.00, for over a year now, and it is completely frozen. higherOne bank, is not willing to assist me with the account at all, and I have money in the account, that I cannot access, and, it is my student financial aid, active bank account, which receives my student financial aid-intended to assist me, with costs, related to my PhD, doctoral studies program.
        Additionally, it is too stressful for me, being ostracized, by my family and friends in the US. I understand, that normally, people believe, that the US, is a wonderful and function country, however, for my particular case, the United States, is a complete nightmare. I have been homeless, in the US, and with almost no assistance from anyone, for over 6 years. My family and friends, want nothing to do with me. My adopted mom, Susan Elizabeth Cary, Esq., has stolen all of my belongings,a nd she pretends, that I have sold them to her, at a fair price. My adopted mom, is verbally abusive towards me as well, she is constantly telling me, that I have no family-although she is in contact with my three children. Susan Cary tells me, that she, and my children, want nothing to do with me. When I ask my 3 children about this, they tell me, just the opposite.
        For almost 10 years now, I spend every: birthday, Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day, Thanksgiving Day-alone. I receive almost no phone calls, and no gifts to celebrate, any of my achievements-mostly academic-not from anyone anywhere. I spend most days alone, or working very hard, for no pay, or trying to meet people, and trying to make friends, and, no one in the US is interested in me at all. People here, do not even ant to say hello to me, or to speak to me at all. Usually, people walk past me, as if I did not exist. At other times, people go out of their way, to walk up to me, to spit at me, or to say something devestating to me, about how much they dislike me, and I have no idea, who these people are!
         American Airlines airport staff in Miami, illegally, cancelled my plane ticket from MIA, to Cozumel, MX. When I complained to the in staff airport representatives working for American Airlines, one man, threatened to send me to Las Angeles, CA, for complaining too much, about the canceled ticket. African security at MIA, chased me out of the airport, after my plane ticket was cancelled. I bought a train ticket to West Palm Beach, FL, where my adopted mom, has a home office-The Public Defenders Office. My adopted mom, has friends in the area, who I have stayed with before. It is beginning to pour down rain, as though a hurricane were approaching, and I am calling my adopted mom, and sending my adopted mom text messages, asking her, is she could please assist me some temporary housing, until American Airlines, decides to refund my airplane ticket cost. I could only afford housing in Mexico, until the 31st, of July, 2016, because, housing in Mexico, that I arranged, was only: 10.00 USD-per night. American Airlines, could care less, that I am left homeless in West Palm Beach, FL, where I have no family, friends, or other support, while I wait impatiently, for them to refund, my plane ticket, that was illegally cancelled, by their African staff, at MIA, in Miami.
         I am frustrated by my circumstances in the US, that have in no way improved, since I returned from Norway. I still have nothing I need, almost all of the time, and nowhere to turn, for any of my legal issues-which I now have, in: the US, France, the UK, and Norway. My circumstances continue to become, more and more difficult, and no real assistance is being offered-not from anyone anywhere, that I have spoken to, thus far. I am in the process of trying to prepare for a flight to Washington, DC. I am making arrangements to meet with: Consulate/Embassador, at the Russian Embassy, to request: political asylum. It was illegal, that my previous attempts at application for political asylum in Europe, were turned down. I have met the burden of proof. My life is in danger in the US. I do not have access to financial resources, or otherwise, in order to provide for myself, or, to take adequate care of myself, and, that is not fair to me, I am a well educated, and competent adult-who could, if I had access to at least financial resources, care for myself. My situation, in the US, is soo bad, that it would not matter at this point-even if I did have money, I would not be allowed access, to the many fundamental resources, which are necessary, to thrive, in any society, anywhere, including, and not limited to: housing, banking, transportation, employment, medical treatment, medications, etc.
         I have tried, on many occasions, to deal my legal issues, right here in the US. Law enforcement, and the legal system, in the US-they do not respond to me.  Lawyers do not want to represent me, although I have valid cases. I have tried to file cases myself. Some courthouses, are soo difficult, that I cannot even get past the front door. While other courthouses, have assisted me with filing cases. However, the Sheriffs Department, refuses to serve my cases, and judges, refuse to hear my cases in the US. The ruling, regarding the cases, that I have filed in the US, has been dismissed, and without prejudice. A dismissal without prejudice, means that the complaint is valid, however, the judge who read the complaint, is not willing to hear the case, therefore, the dismissal without prejudice, gives me permission, to bring the case up again, in a different courtroom-even in another country: International Human Rights Court. 
          When I enter into courthouses in the US, many of my belongings are often stolen, as I check through the mandatory security, and, US security at US courthouses, cut up my brief cases, almost every time I enter the building, in addition to, chasing me out of the courthouse, after I have only been accessing resources, for an hour or so. I was accepted full scholarship to law school in the US, and chose not to attend, I already owe too much, in US student loans, and the US government will not allow anyone to hire me, and, the US law enforcement system, is so disrespectful towards me, because of my ongoing concerns, regarding, international violations: civil and human rights, that I cannot even access, the US courthouse itself-more less, the overall, US court system. In the US, people testify, and lie on record all of the time-what the legal system traditionally defines as: "perjury," and most of the judges, that I have encountered in the US, are of such low: morals and ethics, that they do not care at all, if a witness in a hearing, or in court, is not telling the truth-even if there is hard copy evidence, to the very contrary!
        I am constantly running out of financial resources, and out of energy. I make calls, and end up spending almost all of my pithy supply of money, on cellphones, and international calls. I receive, almost no personal emails, in response, to my constant outreach to others, both, in the US, and abroad, for emergency assistance, in regards to my application for political asylum, in Europe.  I am homeless, in such difficult situations in the US-bad weather, etc., that my clothing, shoes, and suitcases, must constantly be replace, and this is extremely expensive for me-every time I travel, and over, and over again, in the interim, while I am being illegally detained within the US, as a: political prisoner and hostage. I am growing older, I have worked hard, at my academics all of my life, and because of my adopted family, and their continuing dislike for me, I own nothing, I am not allowed to communicate with my 3 children-although I have sole custody paperwork, from the child custody court, in Tallahassee, FL, and I have no friends, because my adopted family, is always sharing their unfair, and extremely negative opinions of me, with anyone, who would be a friend to me.
        I am not afraid to ask for help, when I have needs. And, I am incredibly bright, not only do I ask the correct people, and not only do I ask for exactly what I need, I also request assistance, for any given issue, in a timely manner. The problem is that no one is responding to any of my requests for help, within the US. Law enforcement in the US, refuses often times, to even write a complaint, when I have been assaulted. I already have permanent injuries to my: back, ankles, and wrists, from being run over by a car, in 2013.  Then, after 2013, I was repeatedly assaulted, by a number of various individuals, and I complained every time. No lawyer anywhere in the US, would even speak to me, about the assaults, and, law enforcement US, at every level: police, Sheriffs Department, State Troopers, FBI, and CIA-all refused to help me, or, to keep me, safe, from future attacks. Walking down the street, for me, and sleeping outside all night, on the very edge of the sidewalk-when I know for a fact, that there are people, who are traveling both through, and within the US, who are trying to kill, is absolutely terrifying. I wake in the morning, with my most valuable belongings missing, because people attack me, and threaten me, and rummage through my belongings, to steal from me, while I am homeless, and asleep on the pavement, and there is nothing, that anyone in the US, is willing to do about the situation.
          I hired legal aid, in Orlando, FL, to assist me, some pressing legal matters, that I could not handle on my own at all. Legal aid, in Orlando, FL, did absolutely nothing for me. I agreed to give them two of my cases, because I need help that badly, and I have no money right now, to hire a private lawyer. Social Security US, is supposed to give me, a predetermined amount of money, every month, to help with costs, associated, to my permanent physical disabilities. Social Security US, is incredibly dishonest, they cut my check over and over again-pretending that I owe them money, that I never received. I explained the situation, to the local offices, in: Orlando, and in Gainesville, FL, too many times, and then I had hoped, that the legal aid office of Orlando, FL, would be able to make some progress, however, that has not been the case. The legal aid office, in Orlando, FL-which is supposed to be free, is requesting that I provide them with a: 200.00 dollar retainer, so they can afford to obtain legal records, which I have already allowed them to copy. The legal aid office, in Gainesville, FL: Three Rivers Legal Services-are the exact same way-they do not actually help, in many cases, they make the situation worse, it is as though, they were prosecutors, hired by the State, to punish anyone, who files a genuine complaint. At this point, I am more than a little reluctant to contact the legal aid office, here in West Palm Beach, FL.
      I have more problems, that are legal, than I know what to do with, and I have not been able to discover any legal representation anywhere, who are willing to even listen to, my laundry list, of complaints. While I am being ignored by US government, and private industry, I continue to suffer too much on the side of the road. My life continues to be in immediate danger. I can barely cross the street, in the US. Cars speed by, and make illegal turns, left and right-in front of me-speeding, and barely missing me, almost every time. It does not matter, that I am crossing the street, on a walk signal. It does not matter, that I am on the sidewalk, and not sitting in the street, or on the edge of the curb. Some of the African bus drivers, in: West Palm Beach, FL, take the huge city bus, over the curb, to scare me to death, while I am sitting, or sleeping, on the very corner, and curb that they are rounding. I do believe that city buses run people over, here in West Palm Beach, FL, just as they do in other parts of the world, such as double-deckers, in London.
        It is not fair to me, because I am well educated enough to work a difficult and challenging desk job, and ever since Obama has been president of the US, I have had absolutely, no opportunities for anything-whatsoever. It is clearly, political, that I am: homeless, unemployed, excluded socially, not able to have safe banking, US law enforcement-and their lack of responsive to me, the court system-and the legal system in general-continuing to have complete disregard and no concern-for me-and my dangerous situation. I do believe that the US government is attempting to eliminate me. I have had several conversations, with Obama support! This is yet another email communication, requesting your immediate response, and assistance, in regards, to my application, for political asylum, in Europe. The situation in the US, is far more dangerous for me, in the US-although Obama supports International Terrorism, in the US, I am closer to the epi-center, of the destructive forces. Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications. I do sincerely pray, that someone, will respond to my desperate please for help, sometime soon. I am always rescuing myself. The feelings that I am left with, after no one anywhere has responded to any of my: constant and ceaseless voice for emergency assistance, I think is much worse, than the actual torture itself, I think it is more like the idea, that the rest of the planet, may be, a total: black hole of a vacuum, of retarded ass holes, who should have been aborted. Hello-is there any other intelligent life out there? I await your prompt reply. Thank you again.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.
New Cellphone Number: 352-219-1872 I have a new free Obama phone. I cannot afford a cellphone bill right now, and, I had too many problems with my cells-they were always breaking on my, dropping calls, disconnecting the cameras, refusing to send text messages, and, not giving me many of my voicemail messages. Please call my new free Obama phone-it may ring?

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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