Thursday, July 21, 2016

American Airlines Culable And Refusing To Admit To Pain and Suffering-Gross Negligence

My current cellphone: 352-219-1872  

July 21, 2016

Complaint From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Complaint: American Airlines-Continued-No Resolution Achieved:
Complaint Number: 0017893756184
American Airlines Wrote:
“Your refund for ticket number 0017893756184

We'll mail your refund check for USD74.63 within 10 business days to:

To Whom It May Concern:

          No, I do not want you to send a check, to the address, that you have on file. American Airlines, owes me the entire: 177.00 balance of the ticket, not just a small portion of the ticket, based on a connecting flight, that I was not allowed to take. I made housing arrangements, for this entire month, in Cozumel, Mexico.

            When your African, American Airlines employees-almost 3 weeks ago, illegally cancelled my ticket, and would not allow me to check into my flight, after I waited at the gate, the entire night, I was left homeless, here in South Florida. I need money to live off of, and it is expensive, paying for what I must have, in a community that I cannot leave, because I have no money for a plane ticket. I need to leave the US-again!

          I am incredibly physically ill. I have excruciating back pain, and nowhere safe and comfortable to sleep, or anywhere to take a daily shower, to care for the infections on my back, and face, and arms and legs. What your African staff did to me, in Miami-at the airport there, was really wrong, it was not some sort of minor mistake, that is going to be brushed under the rug. I am an applicant, for political asylum in Europe. 

          It is not safe for me to be in the US-at all. The Africans, that American Airlines hired-which was irresponsible, knew that I needed to fly down to Mexico, to get back out of America, to go somewhere that would be safer for me-again. It is more than just unfair, that you-American Airlines, are pretending like you only owe me, half of the ticket price, and then, you want to mail it to a mailing address, that I do not live at, when, I paid for the ticket, with my debit card.

           When you pay for any service or product, with a debit card, or a Visa card, or a debit Visa/Master card, credit card-then you credit a refund, for services, that have been illegally cancelled-immediately, back to the: credit/debit card. I paid for my plane ticket, with my Visa debit card. My Visa debit card, needs to be credited, for the entire cost of the plane ticket, from: Newark International airport, to Cozumel, Mexico, because American airlines, has already caused me, to many problems, and too much pain, and suffering, by illegally cancelling my plane ticket to Mexico, and then, taking forever, to begin to resolve the issue.

         Instead, you at American Airlines, are pretending like the incredibly abusive way, in which your airline staff handled me-that, American Airlines is culpable for, is just an acceptable mistake. My life is in danger, every minute, of every hour, of every day, that I have to remain here in the US. I speak conversational Spanish. 

       I have almost no money all of the time, and cannot afford to live in the US-even if people were not trying to kill me here. I would have been safe, and very happy, in Cozumel, Mexico, playing on Wifi, eating mangoes, and sun tanning, on the beaches, and visiting the various Mayan ruins-I have been there before. I would have been extremely happy, and comfortable in Mexico-I love it there, and, Mexicans, are not trying to kill me, in America-Africans, however-are!

          American Airlines, had been unprofessional, in regards to their services towards me, through out, this entire complaint process. Because your American Airlines African staff-illegally cancelled my ticket, at MIA-my ticket to Mexico, should have been immediately reissued. Do you think it is funny, to always be in extreme physical pain, and to have nowhere to live, and to have no friends or family to turn to for help?

         I have no one who is willing to help me in this country. I made plans to fly to Mexico. I spent hours booking housing arrangements in Cozumel, so I could have needed accommodations, for my permanent physical injuries, and somewhere to shower, to clean the infections all over my body out, and every day. I was as responsible, for myself, as I could possibly be, and then-your African staff, at MIA, cancelled, everything I needed, for my: safety, health, and survival needs. I am really angry at American Airlines, for treating me, and my needs, with complete apathy, and lethargy-like you believe, I do not matter to anyone-not even to myself. 

            I care about myself, and American Airlines, has caused me more than a little, serious damages, by not allowing me to catch my connecting flight in Miami to Mexico, after I sat, and then spent, the entire night at the gate-waiting to check in. The illegal way, and completely careless way, in which American Airlines, has treated me-when my life is hanging in the balance all the time that I am located in the US, is a much bigger financial problem, for your entire airlines, than you have had the opportunity, as of yet, to clearly reflect upon.

       Sending me a small check, of only: 77.00 dollars, to my adopted mom's home address, is not an acceptable resolution, for me-in regards, to how badly I have been abused by American Airlines. American Airlines needs to feel really badly-the entire company, about how badly you have abused, and literally tortured me, by leaving me homeless, and on the side of the road, in this community of West Palm Beach, FL-which is not even Miami.

          After my plane ticket was cancelled, by your American Airlines African staff members in Miami, at the MIA airport, I was chased out of the airport, by African security-for nothing. Your African staff, at MIA, would not assist me, in making arrangements, for a replacement plane ticket, after they acknowledged, that it was their fault, that I was unable, to: check into my flight, or, to board my flight. 

         Then, your African staff, for American Airlines, told the African security on duty, that they did not like my attitude, because I was complaining about my cancelled plane ticket to Mexico, and one of the African men on duty, was threatening to re-book my flight to Las Angeles, instead of allowing me to fly on to Mexico. Your American Airlines Africans at MIA, made the airport soo scary for me, that, I had to take the train, all the way to West Palm Beach, FL, soo I can leave Florida, and fly out of the US, from a different airport, that is not full of Crazy Africans.

         I do not, in any way, appreciate you, at American Airlines downplaying the incredibly uncomfortable, and dangerous situation, that your airline, has placed me into. If I had no sense at all, and if, I were not as bright as I can possibly be-all of the time, and if, I were not completely Competent-I would be dead already, and, it would entirely be the fault, of American Airlines.

            I arrived in West Palm Beach, FL, with almost no money, after I had to pay so much in transportation, to get, from Miami, to West Palm, and, my money reserves were low, because I had already changed some of my US dollars, into Mexican pesos. Mexico, is much cheaper than America, so, I did not arrive in West Palm Beach, FL-from MIA, with thousands of dollars, in my back pocket.

     I am soo poor, and it is soo difficult to live in the US, with no money, that I hacve to depend upon concerned individuals-who even come from different countries-even from countries that are as far away as Europe, to keep me safe, and to give me small financial donations, so that I do not die. It has already been weeks, since I first requested my refund from American Airlines, or even just a replacement ticket, to somewhere else in the world, and, your response, is-yet again-rude, and completely dis-concerned about me, as a customer, or even a human being.

      American Airlines owes me a full refund, for the entire: 205.00, and directly to the Visa debit card, that I used to pay for the plane ticket. I never get any post mail in the US, and then, I get a piece or two, of post mail, that has no money in it, and, post mail, that is not important at all. I do not live in Gainesville, FL. I do not have access to any post mail, that arrives at that address. I gave my adopted mom's home address, in Gainesville, FL, as a point of reference, for emergency situations. My adopted mom, offers me almost no help, she has never paid my bills, and, she steals my post mail from me-along with everything else I own.

           I think that American Airlines, is being as evil, as they can possibly be, by pretending like I would get any money, send to my adopted mom's address, in Gainesville, FL, and by pretending like, the way I was treated, by your African staff members, in Miami, at MIA, was in anyway-acceptable. If, American Airlines, does not want to credit, the full amount of the plane ticket, that they owe, directly back to the Visa debit card, that I used, to pay for the original ticket with, then, American Airlines needs to give me a free first class plane ticket, to anywhere in the world, that I want to fly to! No deal. 

          I do not agree, with what you-American Airlines tried to offer me, as an apology, after you left me: homeless, with no resources, and stranded-as a political prisoner again, in South Florida-US.  I am an applicant, for political asylum from the US, for many, many good reasons. And, in considering what you-American Airlines owe me, financially, or in any other way, your lawyers need to consider, the whole of my circumstances, and not just the value, of the stupid plane ticket. I am a person. I am a human being. 

           I deserve to be treated with: care, concern, respect, understanding, etc. I am not an object. I am not just money. The pain and suffering, that American Airlines, has knowing caused me, is going to be far more costly, to American Airlines-as a company, than a first class plane ticket, to anywhere in the world, if you try to ignore my complaint, and if you try to brush me off again-like I do not matter. I resent the disrespectful and mean ways in which, your staff, and representatives, have treated me, thus far. 

          I do not care, if you say sorry, you owe me more, that a fake apology, for how you have intentionally tortured and abused me. How can anyone live in the US, or anywhere in the world, with nothing-no housing, no food, no WiFi, no shower, no friends. You need to reconsider your inappropriate offer to me, and then, immediately get back to me, with something else-something that says: "Sorry Miss. B. Elizabeth, American Airlines feels bad now, about how we have mistreated you." 

        American Airlines, may even have to give me, a very public apology, that is shared Internationally, through the Associated Press-it is that dangerous for me, to have to stay here in the US, while you, at American Airlines, pretend, like you are going to give me a swift refund, of my full plane ticket fare. I will be waiting to hear your reply again, and in writing, and by email again:

My current contact information, is as follows; email: 

My current cellphone: 352-219-1872  

Every day that passes, with me here and homeless, and stranded, and in danger, in West Palm Beach, FL, is the complete fault of: American Airlines. Every day that American Airlines does not respond, to my continuing complaint, and my continuing pain and suffering, increases exponentially, the culpability, of the entire American Airlines company, and not just the fault, of your local-Miami, FL, or West Palm Beach, FL-offices.

            I have nothing I need and my life is always in danger in the US, and it is the entire fault, of only American Airlines-at this point, that I was not allowed, to fly somewhere safer-think about that. I will look for your prompt reply. I advise you to speak seriously to your legal department, prior to responding to my complaint again.


Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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