Friday, July 15, 2016

Secret Service Personal Body GaurdFrom A European Country-Required Last Night-For Personal Safety Reasons-Thank You! July 15, 2016

July 15, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

      Last night, at Flagler Beach, just 15 minutes walking distance, outside of the city of: West Palm Beach, FL, was one of the most uncomfortable evenings, that I have ever had in the United States. I was over heated, and tried hard to sit in the shade, of a tropical beach foliage. However, the Palm County yard maintenance, having some hard feelings against me, and derived from where, I have no idea-turned sprinklers on, in the middle of the day, to spray myself, my legal files, and my computer, and cellphones. I was quite frustrated, and sat in too much direct sun,for the remainder of the day.

     I am afraid of: "City," hired, yard maintenance groups-just early this week, I had problems with Africans running a lawn mower, at the edge of a shopping center, chasing after me, with the lawn mower-while I tried to walk as quickly as possible away. The lawn mower, is not the only threatening lawn maintenance used by city employees. I have open acne sores, over most of my face, and in several other places on my body, very often, yard teams, try to blow: dust, dirt, and leaves all over me-where ever, I am sitting-instead of warning me, and asking me to please move. City yard maintenance teams, are aggressive with their lawn equipment, every where I go, it does not seem to be of particular concern, what race or religion, then individual using the City equipment is.

        Because the lawn mover driver-an African, actually chased after me, with the lawn mower, earlier this week, when he was just supposed to be cutting the grass-I have become more careful and pre-cautious, around city employees, any where in the US, who are supposed to be, improving the aesthetics, of any given landscape. I am making more videos, taking more photos, and capturing more sound bytes, to support my: judgements, assertions, and legal complaints. I am soo busy, and over worked, with no family, no friends, no money, no lawyer, no employment, no housing, etc,-that I am falling a little behind, in placing new evidence collected online. No one is helping me though. I am doing the best that I can, all on my own, in an extremely hostile environment.

      However, there are a few exceptions, when, for unknown reasons-suddenly, some one-usually an unknown stranger, cares enough about me, to help me in ways, that I cannot help myself. Last night, the police, who drive up and down Flager beach, began to harass me soo much, that I had to walk back, from Flager Beach, to downtown West Palm Beach, FL. I am exhausted. The police were trying to arrest me-again, and for no reason-again. Police in the US, arrest me, for absolutely no reason, and then they try to kill me, in private, when they have me in custody, adn my Miranda Rights have been illegally denied. I have many permanent injuries, from an attempt on my life, with a car, by: Sara Amanda Cole, in 2013-that has had no legal resolution, although I have tried repeatedly. Police in the US-try to beat me to death-I end up seriously injured, and requiring a wheelchair-again.

      Last night, police at Flagler Beach, FL, wanted to arrest me, for borrowing a shopping cart, that someone left outside of the public library in West Palm Beach, FL. The officer was trying to argue, that I had stolen the shopping cart, and therefore, I must have other stolen items on me, and therefore, he needed to arrest me, in order to go through all of my belongings. I had to walk back from Flagler Beach, in the middle of the night. The shopping cart was borrowed, and has been returned to the front of the public library. My suitcases are always breaking, and falling apart. I am in soo much pain, from the permanent physical injuries, that I wake up in tears, in the middle of the night some times. I borrow shopping carts I find all of the time, all over the US, and no police officer, has ever threatened to arrest me for it. I think it is not even a misdemeanor offense, to borrow a shopping cart, that you find on the side of the road.

      I was angry at  the police at Flagler Beach. I called 911, to complain to the local rescue team, about their beach police, before I left to cross the bridge, back to downtown West Palm Beach, FL. On the way back to down town West Palm Beach, FL: kids through a cup of ice at me, people walked past me and threatened me, there was tons of Crack cigarette smoke in my face, as I walked past others-who were going nowhere, I was followed from the beach by a stalker-who threatened me, and dared me to try to sleep, with him always two steps away  from me, and, I had no idea-who the man even was? As I began to feel too run down, and out of all energy to defend myself, at the point where I began complaining-again, about how I need: a weapon with a silencer, diplomatic immunity, and a license to kill, an angel showed up, to watch over me-Thank You-whoever you are.

       A man, who looked to be Norwegian to me, who could have been, from anywhere in that general area of Europe, was body gaurd to me last night, so I could sleep a little bit. I sat at a bus stop, next to Publix grocery.  The man was a personal body gaurd to me, for one very long night. The individual-who appeared to be Secret Service, walked small circles around me, and the block I was sitting on, for maybe 6 hours, so that I could sleep safely, without fears, of stalkers, or crazy haters-who I do not even know, attacking me, or even arresting me, as I slept. The body pain last night, like every night, as I slept sitting up, was becoming unbearable, and I did not have the strength, or the energy, to return the shopping cart, all the way, back to the downtown, West Palm Beach Public Library-at that time. I was sitting next to Publix, to purchase some food, for the next couple of days, with the only money I usually have access to-food stamps. Thank God, someone cares about me. Who are you?

      I am in pain again today. However-a miracle, I was allowed into the downtown public library in West palm Beach, FL-again, in order to work: law school application, PhD homework, communications re: my applications for political asylum in in Europe, an still looking for legal: counsel and representation, for my numerous legal problems, that I am not able to negotiate, to resolve on my own-yet. Additionally, I am still seeking employment. I am competent, and hard working. I am reliable. I go the extra mile. I am as honest as I can possibly be. I try to cross all of my t's and dor every last i. I almost never: lie, or cut corners. I understand the importance, of continuous high: quality and quantity. I show-up. I do not give up. I care. I try. Then I try again-until, I succeed. Please consider me for employment, if you have any work position, for which you sincerely believe, that I may be the best applicant, and the most qualified, for the position. Thank you again, for continuing to receive my email communications. I continue to post: information, and communications, to my 3 Google Blogger accounts, as well, as to other social networking websites, where I am an active participant. Thank you. It is easiest to reach me, by email:



Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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