Friday, July 29, 2016

Additional Evidence, For INternational Civil And Human Rights Court, Stolen-Again, By Pro-Obama Africans: Hollywood International Airport, Ft Lauderdale, Florida July 27, 2016

July 29, 2016

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Contact Information:

       At present, homeless-6years now, working towards my PhD, and traveling to: Washington, DC: desperately seeking emergency political asylum-again-no assistance provided by any country anywhere, as of yet. I am supposed to begin law school, through the United Kingdom, beginning, this: September, of: 2016.

Cellphone: 352-219-1872


Ft Lauderdale, FL Hollywood International Airport
My Cellphone & International Court Evidence, Stolen Again, And By Pro-Obama Africans-Again!

To Whom It May Concern:

     I hate the United States. I do not like anything, about this country-ever. All people do here, is: harass, threaten, steal from you, and try to kill you. I feel asleep, at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Hollywood, International Airport, and someone, stole-another one of my cellphones, that was full of evidence. The thief-also, apparently, erased my online evidence collection bank, by discontinuing, one of my active Twitter accounts. I hate America soo much, that I cannot even begin to express how high my level of disgust is, with this nasty, unfair, retarded, illegal government.

      People, who are Americans, never help me, with anything. Once my 3 children and I, have political asylum in Europe, I never want to visit this country again-or, to ever socialize with an Americans, ever again. My experiences in the US, have been, worse than torture. I hate every last second, of every last minute, of every last day, that I have been confined, to the circumscribed boundaries, of the United States of America. This country owes me everything, for how badly I have been: tortured and abused here. I never, ever, want, to have to step my foot, on American soil-not ever again.

      I hate America soo much, that I can hardly tolerate being here, during the interim-waiting to leave for Europe again. I have gained nothing beneficial, from any of my experiences here, in America, it has been a complete, and total lack of time, and energy-a waste of my time, and, a waste of my life! I will never forget, or forgive. I hate everything here. I am having a hard time eating. My disease on my face, is getting worse-although I am treating it all of the time. I cannot stand, to be around other people. People stalk me, all over America, and the globe, to steal from me, and to touch my belongings.
         I need political asylum in Europe, to such an extreme extent, that, I cannot really explicate, how bad the circumstances are for me, in America, in just 1 or 2 emails. I carry around, two huge suitcase-that are way too heavy for me, that are full of hard copy evidence, to support my case, for political asylum. I am exhausted all of the time. I am in pain, in the US, all of the time. I never have what I need in the US-all of the time.

        People steal everything from me, in the US-every time, I am illegally searched, I am illegally confined, every time I fall asleep in public, and, the worst offenders, are my adopted family. I have no family or friends in the US, and my adopted mom, locks me up, to erase my evidence for court, and to to steal of my belongings-then, she reports to the police, that some else was the thief, and, no one in America cares, about the false police report, that my adopted mom files.

      I have no-way, to get what I need, in the US. My bank accounts, are illegally overdrawn-and for no reason, by the banks themselves. My credit and debit, and other identifying cards, such as, my driver's license, and social security card, are stolen from me, all of the time, and, no one in America cares-I report every time, and law enforcement-in the US, has never responded to me!

        I have two homes, that my adopted mom, illegally took from me, and the second home, was full of all of my belongings. My adopted mom, kept all of my belongings, without my permission, and has left me homeless, on the streets, with no financial compensation, or resources, for 6 years now. My adopted mom, does not even return my phone calls, and it does not matter to her, if I am injured, and bleeding internally, with no access to medical care either.

      I am turning 40 years old, this year. I have been tortured and severely abused, by my adopted mom, for at least 20 years. I have complained, over and over-again, and no one, not at any level of law enforcement, or civil/human rights-has ever responded, to any of my complaints. I hate everything about the US. I waste, all of my time, filling complaints, that no one ever responds to, or, if there is a response, it is completely ineffectual, in producing, or obtaining for me, what I so badly need.

       My adopted mom-has completely disowned me, from my family-although, I gave birth, to all 3 of my children, and, no court anywhere, has ever given my adopted mom, any custodial rights, over any of my, 3 children. My adopted mom, is just as abusive, and tortuous towards my 3 children, as she is to me. I hate everything about America. No one helps you here, if you really need help with something-not the: police, FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, Department of children and Families, etc. No one in America, has ever cared about me!

      I am always concerned, about the health, and well-being, of my 3 children, because of how poorly, I am always mistreated, in this country. Almost no one in the entire country, ever speaks to me. Because of the Obama Administration, this country is full of Crazy/retarded African immigrants, that Mr. Obama invited here. I have had absolutely nothing I need, since Obama has been president.

         I lost my housing, my family, my friends, my banking access, employment, my access to medical treatment and medically necessary medications, etc., the second Mr. Obama, was officially recognized, as US president. The Africans, that Mr. Obama invited to the US, consider themselves soldiers, and they are always: Aggressive, and violent, and instigating, and aggravating, and Stalking, and trying to create an unpleasant chaos.  The new Africans, have made my life impossible, they are sociopathic, in their complete, and total disregard, for the pain and suffering, that they constantly cause me-which, did not exist to such an extreme nature-prior to their arrival, in the US.

       My adopted mom: Susan Elizabeth Cary, Esq., goes around-just like the new Africans, that Mr. Obama invited to the US, to bully Americans, and, she tries to send people to a mental hospital, for many different reasons-none of which, constitute mental illness, according to the DSM IV.  My adopted mom, is soo mentally ill herself, and believes her African soldier cause, so just, that she took special classes, at the University of Florida, to Baker Act me, and anyone else, on her own, for mental health issues, that do not exist-almost any time, she cares to.

        The mental hospitals, in the United States, are: "rape therapy," centers, where male patients, are paid, huge amounts of money, to systematically, anally rape-everyone, and anyone, including staff, in a United States, mental hospital.  Mental hospitals, jails, and prisons, in the US, are used regularly, to illegally detain US citizens, who are viewed unfavorably, as: political dissidents.

      Even after you win, in a mental health court, if you encounter, the same crazy asshole-again, who was pretending you were mental before, you can be immediately Baker Acted-again, and, for no reason again. I need to see my 3 children, and my adopted mom, illegally keeps us apart, so, she can be in the middle, and prevent my 3 children, and I, from having a relationship, and friendship-with each other. My 3 children, are all almost adults, and, I have never abused my 3 children-no in any way, not sexually, or otherwise. 

        I should not require anyone's permission, to speak with, or to spend time with, my 3 adult children. My adopted mom, threatens to send me, to a mental hospital-all of the time, and for no reason every time. My 3 children, are scared to death, of my extremely: mentally ill, sociopathic, homicidal, etc.-adopted parent, and therefore, because my adopted mom-not only holds Florida bar membership, as a lawyer-she does not listen to anything a judge, or court system says.  I have won in court before-against my adopted mom, and, it was not helpful at all. Susan Cary, Esq., did not care at all, about what the judge said. Susan Cary, decided, that although she is not a judge-she is not obligated to listen to a US court order. 

        My 3 children, need to be returned to my care, with the assistance, of more than one branch, of US law enforcement. My adopted mom, is soo mental, that-even if I had a court order, if I showed up t her house, with just police, and the court order, to have all 3 of my children, returned to my care, she would have me sent, to the nearest mental hospital, and, for no reason at all-again. I hate my adopted mom, Susan E. Cary, Esq., with every cell,in my vibrant living body.

        Susan Cary, is the nightmare, that is soo unbearable, that, I myself initially believed, that she could not possibly, really exist, in such a twisted, and maliced state, and with no opposition-not from anyone anywhere, I thought-it would simply be, too insane, for anyone to be that: "deranged!" I require your assistance, to have myself, immediately removed from the United States. My life is in constant danger, and, I have no resources available to me, to: care, or to take care of myself, although-should I have access to money, I would be able, to easily do so.

       I have attached to this email, a number of other emails, which explain to various extents, my continued discomfitures, with the American country.  I do not want to move, to another country in Europe, that is full of Africans. Africans, are: mean, aggressive, violent, and unpleasant towards me, in unbearable ways, anywhere I travel to, in the United States.

        I am concerned, about the on-going threats to my life, that I continue to receive-even at a US airport, from Africans, who have recently immigrated, with the support of Mr. Obama, to America. Africans who support Mr. Obama, tell me, that they are the ones, who killed: Princess Diana. Africans, tell me, and brag about how they killed Princess Diana-everywhere I travel to, anywhere in the world, where, there are also Africans. Africans tell me, that I too should die, just like Princess Diana, because I will not give any blow jobs either.

      I have repeatedly shared this information, with the United Kingdom, and apparently-they could careless, which, is more than a little disheartening, for me. I Tweet, to my distant cousins, Prince William, and Prince Harry, and I share with them, sad news, about their mum's death, so that they will have a more realistic idea, about how much British, really care about their Royal English family, and, about the tragic loss, of: Princess Diana. I know, from my own prior experiences, that it is never helpful, to forgive, and to pretend that others care-when, they have no consciousness, and, they sincerely, do not not care about anyone at all.

       At present, I am at: Ft. Launderdale, Hollywood International Airport. The current date, is: Friday, July 29, 2016. Tomorrow, I am flying to Washington, DC, to speak in person, to various embassies there, to see, if someone, anyone of the embassies, will please assist me enough, help my 3 children and myself, to relocate, to a safer country for us. I have no support system, in the United States, to reply upon, for any problems at all. It is like  am captive, as both: apolitical prisoner, and a hostage, and fight for myself, in a country that is now run, by: anarchy, and useless American dollars.

         If I need protection, from US police-apparently, I have to have enough money, to buy off, my own police officers, and, I, would never consider that alternative. I am sending out these emails, prior to my arrival in Washington, DC, in the hopes, that, some of the embassies, who receive my correspondence, will be curious enough, to wonder why I need political asylum, so badly. I have conserved, more evidence than Snowden, although, a great deal of my court evidence, supporting my application for political asylum, has been illegally stolen-in many different ways, and erased. 

        I care about myself. I am competent. I am responsible. I am writing to your offices this evening, to respectfully, and to humbly request, your assistnace, in regards to, all of the matters, briefly stated above, and many more, which all relate, to my application, for political asylum, in Europe, and, my immediate need, for an emeregency response, to my on-going, and valid request.

        Thank you, for continuing to receive, my email communications. My situation, is becoming far more desperate, therefore, I am now flying to: Washington, DC-to walk across your front door step, to finally speak to you, in person. Please agree, to assist me, if you are both: willing and able, and then too, please feel free, to forward my information on, to any others, in your professional support network, who care enough, to be of some help-as well.

        I can only ask. And, due to the serious, and continuing crisis nature, of my situation in the US-not having anything I need, almost all of the time, I am forced, to continue requesting assistance, until someone, somewhere, agrees to respond in such a way, that an actual difference, is made, and is achieved, for both: myself, and, for my 3 children. Thank you-again. I hope, and pray, that you care enough, to at least see me, while I am in town.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

Cellphone: 352-219-1872
I do not know, if the email account,or, if the cellphone number, work at all?

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