Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Amnesty International Emergency Assistance Requested: Applying For Employment

July 20, 2016

Amnesty International
Request For Emergency Assistance
Applying For Employment With: Amnesty International

Miss. "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Job Application: Amnesty International: Part 1

         I was illegally "Blacklisted," by the US government, under the Obama Administration, in: 2008. I am cable and competent. To earn money, and to have work that I knew would be both: challenging and enjoyable, I utilized provided by my current PhD studies program, in: business administration, to establish my own nonprofit organization: Emergency Intl Internet Relief. I am self employed. I receive almost no support, or interest-that I am aware of, however, the work I do, is of great importance.

         I am studying hard, to support my love of: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-"the American dream. I am in the process of applying to law school. It is my sincerest opinion, that I will better be able to defend my rights, and the rights of others-Internationally, with a legal degree.  The law school is called, Northumbria, it is located in the UK, and my chosen program of study, is: International Law, with a specialization on: civil and human rights violations. My legal studies program matriculation, is this September, 2016.

             I am hopeful, that scholarships will be available, however, just studying the law-the theory, could never be enough. I am applying for work, at Amnesty International, because I need practical application, of the legal skills, that I learn in the class. I have a number of skills, which are helpful, in the legal field, including, and not limited to:

  1. Investigative researching;
  2. Writing;
  3. Tutoring;
  4. Freelance reporting;
  5. Photography;
  6. Office running;
  7.  Film making and editing;
  8. Basic computer/printer/general electronics maintenance-software and hardware-updates,etc;
  9.  Grass roots marketing;
  10. Social networking on online social network websites;
  11. Information gathering-analysis, trading, sharing, editing, evaluation, comparison;
  12. Product testing-safety and use analysis;
  13. Computer hacking;
  14. Cyber security;
  15. XHTML/CSS and webpage validation;
  16. Commercial making;
  17. United States Masters Degree-For Teaching At A University Level;
  18. Music making;
  19. Mass media communications;
  20. On site private investigations;
  21. Grass Roots Fundraising-events, grants, community outreach/donations and thrift stores;
  22. Basic document preservation and storage;
  23. Evidence and pertinent records collections;
  24. Meta data organization and file organization-computerized, and hard copy;
  25. Geneology chronologies;
  26. Criminal background checks-investigative, some experience with languages other than English; etc. .

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