Friday, July 15, 2016

Second Request To Northcentral University-Replacement For Professor: "John"-A Must Have! July 15, 2016

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15.07.2016, 11:26, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

July 15  2016
Dear Ms. Miller,
    I am well aware of the fact, that it has been some time, since my last participation in class. I have sent you several emails requesting communications, regarding a replacement of professor. I will attempt to re-submit my last two assignments for the last class, for final grading today. However, I continue to argue, that it is entirely unfair to me, that NCU, and you, are inssisting that I proceed with my course, with an instructor, who is refusing to grade me fairly. I post all of my homework assignments, for NCU, and for any other higher institution of learning online, for full transparency.
     I am continuing to receive complaints from you personally, regarding a lack of attendance in class, and, incomplete homework. However, as a hardworking, and competent student, I think that it is too unfair, that you are not responding to my continued requests, for a replacement, for the: "John," professor, who was assigned to me. He-"John," did not grade my classwork fairly. 
        I am more than reluctant, to submit any additional assignments, to that particular individual. I have requested, over and over again, that: "John," be replaced, with a professor, who does not have a basis against me. It is unfair to me, to have to work soo hard, and then to not receive that higher grade that I have earned. Then, it is also unfair to me, that I complain about the situation, to yourself, and to others at NCU, over and over again, and no in the entire university, has responded to my complaints about: "John,"in earnst-just about my lack of attendance in class.
     Additionally, HigherOne Bank, that holds my student loans, has has my student bank account, in a: -99,000.00 USD frozen account state, for over a year. I have attempted to explain to HigherOne, too many times, that I must have access, to my student loan money, in order to pay for costs, closely associated with my attendance and studies, at NCU. HigherOne Bank-although they know who I am, when I contact them, are not interested, in allowing me any access, to my student financial aid, or, to my HigherOne Bank account in general. I have complained about the situation, to representatives, at the bank too often, and they in turn, have offered to close my student bank account, and to send all my money in a check, to an address, when I do not live. My arguments with HigherOne, regarding access to my student bank account, has become a highly litigious issue for me.
     Once I begin the next class with NCU, I will qualify for US Student Financial Aid-again. However, HigherOne, is refusing me access, to my student financial aid. I must have my student financial aid, in order to pay with some of the costs, related to my studies. HigherOne Bank of New haven , CT, is not concerned with me having access to money in my ban account, even though, they understand, that the money is specifically allocated, for studying, and related costs to my education only-because it is student financial Federal aid. I cannot begin the next class with NCU, until something else can be done, about NCU. I am, at present, seeking a lawyer to represent my case, against HigherOne Bank. I have money in my HigherOne Bank account, and I am expecting money in my HigherOne bank account, and I cannot access any of it, although, it is being held, is a liquid state.
          I will try to turn both completed homework assignments into you today-although, it is Friday, and the library closes early today, where I am diligently working, on my homework for NCU, along with other pressing matters, that require my: computer, and email, etc.  If I do not receive an email back from your offices, or from some other relevant offices at NCU-today, regarding-again, my request for a new professor, then, I will call NCU, this next coming Monday morning to see, if I am need to file a formal grievance, with the Dean office, at NCU, in order to have my current professor: "John"-successfully replaced.
     Thank you so very much, for your continued patience, and assistance. I am  now located-for only a brief while, in West Palm Beach, FL. Thank you again. And, my telephone number, to my cellphone, has once again changed. Due to a great deal of financial difficulties, many of which are related to: HigherOne Bank, denying me access to my student bank account, I am now forced to settle, for a free: "Obama" cellphone. Please try calling anytime. I have not setup, my  voicemail yet. Thanks!  New "Obama" cellphone number: 352-219-1872
        Although I may seem difficult to reach, I am still responding to my email mail communications, through: . I look forward to receiving, your prompt reply, regarding a replacement professor now, or, the beginning of a formal grievance process, through the Dean's office, in order to have, professor: "John," replaced, with someone, who is far more qualified, to facilitate, my: education and doctoral studies, learning processes.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
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13.07.2016, 15:58, "Elizabeth Miller" <>:
Hi Bayo,

I wanted to let you know that to date, it has been 24 days since your last date of participation.  If you do not maintain the minimum attendance requirements included in the policy, of 28 days, you will be at risk of having your course enrollment cancelled, being subject to withdrawal from the course, losing Federal Financial Aid, if applicable, and being dismissed from the University.  Please see the University Catalog regarding Attendance and Continuous Enrollment for more information and for examples of attendance.

Please either accept your retake of the course, ACC7020-8, or you will need to take a leave of absence to avoid dismissal.


Elizabeth Miller | Academic Advisor
O: 480.458.2317 / 888.327.2877 ext.2317| E: | F: 928.515.5564
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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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