Friday, July 15, 2016

Northumbria University Matriculation September, 2016 Diversty Statement And Scholarship Request: Civil And Human Rights-International Legal Honours Studies UK July 15, 2016

Revised:  Friday, July 15, 2016

Legal Studies Applicant: LLB, UK INternational Law
Diversity Statement: Civil and Human Rights

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.
Homeless United States of America
Applicant For Political Asylum in Europe
Telephone: 352-219-1872 Mr. Obama-no privacy, free cellphone, for the indigent.

To Whom It May Concern:
      I attended a minority summer law program, on full scholarship, at Florida State College of Law, some years ago: 1998, while I was still an undergraduate, at Florida State University.  At that time, we had a long and drawn out discussions, among the scholarship participants, in regards to what: affirmative action is, what a minority is, and what was at that time-legally meant, by the term: “diverse”-specifically in regards to the law school environment.
      It was at that time too, Texas law schools were in the process of eliminating affirmative action-as it had previously been applied, to their law school admissions, and for related considerations.  “Minority,” I was told, legally-at that time, included, both: ethnic minorities and women.  Therefore, I did qualify for the summer minority pre-legal studies program, at the Florida State College of Law, because I am a woman, and the single mother, of three children, who are now, almost all adult-two of which, are studying at a university level, and my youngest daughter, is completing high school. 
          I also learned-at that time: 1999- that: “diverse,” in so far as, university environments are concerned, is not necessarily based on: ethnic or racial differences-it was then, at that time, based primarily, on the difference between people, i.e. people with different life experiences.  Although, I am not of a specific ethnic or racial background, which is considered “minority,” due to the fact that, I was raised by a White mother, and my mother's family is White, I have had a diverse life experience, thus far.  I do have brown skin, I am from no specific ethnic background-that I have any evidence or proof, to support. I have been told, on many occasions, by people from India, that I am Indian, and, I have begun contacting the Indian Embassy in Washington, DC, to find my family, however, I have no hopes at this point in time, that anyone will be willing to claim me. It has been almost 40 years now, since my birth, and of course, a great deal has happened, since that momentous day, and I am not the same person, that I might have been, had I been raised by a loving family, in India. 
              My original birth certificate states: White mother, and White child--I was adopted with that birth certificate, which pertained to me, and my birth mother, when I was only 9 months old, from a foster home, here in Florida.  My foster family was also White.  I consider myself an American. However, even though, I have pride in the: US Costitution, and the attendant Bill of Rights,being American, is not enough for me. Right now, I have strong beliefs, in my: civil and human rights, and I am being illegally detained, in a: violent, unfriendly, hostile-America, that will never respect me, as a human being. I am, therefore, and applicant, for: political asylum in Europe. I long to escape, from the nightmare-which is now soo commonly referred to, as the: US-that, used to be my beloved home, under a different, and kinder, political regime. II have no hopes of success, or, of receiving anything I ever need, in this new; “Africa-America.’ I have been homeless here, with no: family or support, for 6 years now, and my situation, is only deteriorating- the police, and the immigrants from: Africa, are always becoming more and more: aggressive, and scary, towards me. I pray some days, when I am at the end of my patience and energy-that an angel will land in front of me, and rescue me. Instead, I am working too hard myself, and every day, with no resources, to save myself. My life is in danger in the US, every second, of every minute, of every day, and I do not want to die!
        My grade point average in the Master’s Degree program, was a perfect: 4.0, and, I completed a 77 page, which was a properly documented voluntary thesis, prior to my August 7, 2010 graduation.  I do not have a car.  I eat, because I qualify for a small monthly amount in food stamps, the money goes to fast. I can rarely afford any housing at all-even at a very low class hotel. Oft times, I wash my few items of clothing by hand. I never have very much to wear. I leave a hotel room, to go for food and supplies, and when I return, someone, has broken into the hotel room, and stolen a number of pieces of my clothing, or just cut all of my clothes up again. New shoes, are usually too expensive.  I skip meals, on a regular basis. I am soo hungry, and have been hungry for soo long, that, even when I have food, I feel like I am starving, because I am worried, about when I will run out of food, and food stamps-again. I am always hungry, because I never have enough money to eat.
           I am very bright, and I will go to law school. I was accepted full scholarship, to law school here in the US, after doing well enough on my LSAT exam-however, I turned down the full scholarship, because I have been refused all employment, in the US, since: 2008. In 2008, when the US government, switched over, from: Clinton, and Bush, to Obama, I was illegally: “Blacklisted.” Because I was illegally “Blacklisted,” in the US, in 2008, I did not want to waste my time, studying US law. I think I will never be offered any work in the US-not ever again, not even after Mr. Obama.
           The US, has become a hellish environment for me, I am only really happy, about leaving here. There is nothing for me-not ever, in the US-absolutely nothing! I will be ready to begin my studies, even as soon as the summer semester of 2016.  I was assured this year: 2016, that scholarships are now available for International students, who are applying to study law through: Northumbria, and that the only specific requirements, to apply for the scholarships, is to apply for the LLB programme, beginning in September, 2016-on time.
           I hope you are considering me, as a serious candidate for admission.  My situation, is highly unusual, which does qualify me, as a diverse candidate.  I will require as much scholarship as there is available, in order to attend the online, or on campus: Northumbria Honours LLB programme. I am pleased-however, with the consistent improvements, in my academic abilities, and my academic progress. I think that I will be an strong candidate for scholarships, and an helpful addition, to the Northumbria LLB online, or on campus, study environment. I am excited to finally begin, and to interect, in a professional and meaningful way, with both: my academic peers, and, my professors. Thank you for your invitation,to re-apply, and for the initial acceptance I received to the Northumbria online LLB legal studies programme, in 2012.
     If you require any additional information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me by email again, at: .  I can be reached by Skype as well: bayo.cary97   I would need you to contact me by email first, in order to make the arrangements, in order to speak by Skype.  Thank you, for your continued support, and for your continued encouragement. It was a relief, when I was able to speak to your law offices, and law admissions offices, from the Manchester Pennine House, low security prison, where I recently considered applying, for political asylum, in the UK.
       I look forward to speaking to your admissions representative, by phone. I hope I will be invited to the UK, to join other international applicants, who are applying to study, this September, of 2016, in the: Northumbria, LLB programme, that leads, to a practicing Barristers license, in the UK. Thank you again. It is easiest, to reach me by email.

Miss B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.
Telephone: 352-219-1872 Mr. Obama, free cellphone, with no privacy, for indigent Americans.

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