Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Northumbria Law School Scholarship And Emergency International Violation of Civil and Human Rights Case Assistance Requesteds

July 20, 2016

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

1)      Intention To Enroll At Northumbria in Newcastle, UK September, 2016 LLB Programme: International Law, Specialization: Civil and Human Rights, and;

2)       Application For Full Scholarship, for: Tuition, Books, Housing, Transportation, Academically Related Costs in General, and;

3)       Request for Assistance of Northumbria Student Legal Aid Clinic For International Court, and International Court Cases: The Hague and European Court of Human Rights-thus far.

Dear Mr. Chris Morgan,

      I am too greatful to hear from you, in regards to my application, to study in the Northumbria LLB programme, beginning this Fall, with a September 2016 Matriculation. I have already earned a Masters Degree, here in the United States. I do not believe, that I am eligible, for any additional undergraduate educational funding or financial aid, from the United States. I am studying right now, at quite a leisurely pace, for a post-masters certificate, in advanced accounting, which leads to a formal doctoral degree in the US, and it is an online program. However, the doctoral studies program, is brief, and I am already close to its completion, additionally, the business administration, PhD program, is fun, and not very challenging. I know I will be ready to begin my studies at Northumbria, this fall, of 2016.

        Last, that I contacted Northumbria, I enquired about the possibility, of available scholarships.  As I was told, there are scholarships for International students available, if, the student would be willing, to come to the UK, and to study on campus. The US, is in the middle of political turmoil, at this time. I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway-the case I have their, has not been responded to, by a lawyer appropriately yet. I did attempt to apply for political asylum, from the US, to the United Kingdom, and was instructed, not to complete the application, because it would in many damaging ways, hinder my application for a student visa, to study at Northumbria.

       It is my intention then, when submitting my full application to Northumbria, at some soon date-to, at that time, apply for a full study scholarship, which is available, to a female student, from the United States.  My situation, has been soo extremely difficult in the US, for the past 20 years, and then even more so-since Obama became president, that, I have been homeless in the US, for 6 years now. I am more than a little at odds, with the torturous experiences, that I have barely survived in the US.

       I am in desperate need of legal counsel. The US legal system, has been broken, in too many ways, since Obama took office. I have no way-within the US, to address, any of the grievances I have, in relation to, violations, of my: civil and human rights. I am, therefore, in many ways, attending law school, with the intention of specializing in International Law, and violations, of: civil and human rights, to first begin to: represent and defend myself, against the government, and others in the US, who have never had any well wishes for me.

        There are Africans, both: in the United States, and abroad, who have developed an extreme antipathy towards me personally, due to me distant relation, to: Princes William and Harry. Not only in the US, also, while I was pleading for political asylum in Norway, many Africans, made inappropriate, and nasty comments towards me, for being a relation, of William and Harry, and who-like: Princess Diana, is refusing to give: blow-jobs, for a living.

      I was incensed, where I initially encountered, this type of harsh, judgement, of my character.  The first individual in the US, who expressed such offensive sentiments towards me, was an eight year old child, while walking out of a library, with here parents, in Boulder, Colorado, US. The young child, saw me sitting in the rain, homeless, and sick, and, freezing cold. I have no family, or friends, who care or provide for me in the US. I was not allowed into that library, with my suitcases, from the airport, and she said to me: "Die Bai, die  just like Pincess Diana!" Immigrants to the US, raise their children, to hate me, and to hate the Royal family of the UK.

      Since that time, several years ago, when I was first homeless-my circumstances, have only grown worse. I have flown to: Martinique, France, Manchester, UK, and Oslo, Norway, to request political asylum, because, my life is in immediate danger, in the US. I receive a small amount of money, because of several permanent disabilities, that I have acquired, from the constant: assaults, and attempts on my life. The money is only: 723.00 USD-for the entire month, it does not cover most of my needs, and, is not available to me, after I move out of the US.

      Although I am capable of working, the Obama Administration, illegally "Blacklisted," me, in: 2008. I have the ability to work, and to earn an income, and no one in the US, is willing, or is even allowed to hire me here. Because I am well educated, and working towards my phD, in addition to my application to Northumbria, in the UK, I have brought the attention, of your: MI5, in the UK, to my personal situatiion-it is too difficult for me, to live in the US, with nothing I need, and no houing-almost all of the time. Africans, who barely speak English, and who cannot write English at all sometimes, are filling many of the jobs in the US, reserved only for Americans, because of Mr. Obama, including, and not limited to: FBI, CIA, Postal Services, Local State and Federal US Government positions, across the US-they think it is fair, and quite funny, and, they make fun of disenfranchised Americans, such as myself, who are homeless, and laying dying, on the sides of almost every major road, in every major city-all across America.

             I am not the only American, who is being tortured by Mr. Obama, and by the African terrorists, that he has invited to the US, to kick us out of our homes, and to take over our employment positions. I am too uncomfortable in the US, to leave my children here, as well. I am hoping, now, that I have brought the serious nature, of my situation, in regards to the US government, to the attention of: MI5, that, I will receive some real help, from the UK government, should Northumbria, provide me, with a full scholarship, to study on campus, and, make housing available to me.

      I am located in West Palm Beach, FL US, right now, where the: civil and human rights abuses against me-continue. I am not able to leave West Palm-at this time, due to a dearth of finances. I had initially scheduled, for a plane flight to: Cozumel, Mexico, at the beginning of this month. Africans, at the Miami International airport: MIA, illegally cancelled my flight to Mexico-where I had housing reserved, until the 31st of July 2016, and, I had already changed some USD$, into Mexican pesos. My situation in the US, is soo frustrating, and dangerous, that, I am scheduling to fly to: Washington, DC-next.

      It is too frightening to me, that Norwegians pretended that, nothing is wrong in the US, in regards to my particular political asylum case. I was promised legal representation in Norway, to appeal a legal decision, rejecting my application for refugee status in Norway. However, on the very day, that I was to speak at length, to my first legal representation in Norway, I was deported back to the US, and, this was soo illegally, that I took it upon myself, to contact: Amnesty International-whose headquarters, are right there, in London. I need assistance-not just for myself, for my 3 children as well, with my application for political asylum, among other major legal issues, which began in the US, and, which are directly connected, to the problems America is having, in relation to: The Obama Administration-sociopolitical, economic, and otherwise.

      During my upcoming trip, to Washington, DC-that I will take, just as soon as I can cover my travel costs, I plan to speak, to: President Bill Clinton's attorney: mr. David Kendall-who spends time, in between the US, and the UK, the Russian Embassy-that accepted NSA former employee Snowden for political asylum, the Indian Embassy-to look for my birth family (I am an adopted distant relation, to Princes William and Harry), and to several other embassies, and other major nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations, including to: Amnesty International again-I spoke to them, before I was deported from Oslo, Norway, because, I was relocated, to a: Salvation Army Deportee penal property, so I could not apprise my lawyer at that time in Oslo, of the situation, that was unfolding. It is my sincerest hopes, that President Clinton's attorney, will be able to help me some, although I know there is no guarantee.

     As I understand it, most law schools, do have legal clinics, that take on major legal cases-so that, student have an opportunity, to learn how to actually practice law, and not just the theory. I did not contact, because I was accepted full scholarship to law school in the US, in: 2012-several law schools in the US, in regards to any assistance, that they may be able to provide me, with my many legal cases, directly connected to the: civil and human rights abuses against myself, that were created by the: Obama Administration.  All of the responses, that I received from US law schools, pertaining to my on-going requests, for assists, with US Bill of Rights cases, were flatly denied.

     I have also sought assistance in the US, with my: civil and human rights violation cases, through local legal aid offices, at various locations in the US-where I was also actively seeking: employment, education, and housing.  Legal aid-US, have been even less helpful to me, than any of the US law schools-who also refused to help me. Is there any chance, that the legal clinic, for undergraduate, or even graduate students at Northumbria-might been interested, because of my intention to attend law school in Newcastle, in assisting me, with my growing evidence files, and mounting legal cases, from the US, specifically regarding: civil adn human rights violations, and then I have a few viable cases, from: France, the UK, and Norway-as well.

      Because my life, is always hanging in the balance in the US, and too much of my legal evidence, has already been, both: stolen, and destroyed, MI5, has provided me with access, to a personal MI5 email account, to send important documentation, regarding my legal cases, and my application for political asylum, from the United States, from time to time: My current active personal email:

      Additionally, because so much of my evidence, was illegally being stolen, I began to post, more and more information online, and not just my opinion, and photos, I began posting scanned legal documentation, as well.  I am trying to keep my situation, as transparent as possible.  The more information, that I share online, in the form of: photos, sound byte recordings, legal documents, homework assignments for my PhD program, etc.-the safer me, and my children become, because more and more people internationally, are becoming curious enough, to: "Extra, Extra-Read All About It!"

      Please Google my name online-in all of its permutations, to find out more information about me, and my current situation, in the US. I try to add to my collections, of available evidence resources online, as frequently as possible: Flickr, Google Plus, Goolgle Blogger, Facebook, LinkdIn, Wordpress, Instagram, Tumblr, Vuvox, BlipTV, YouTube, etc. My legal cases are lucrative, and the assistance and guidance that I require with them, is real.
          If Northumbria, were interested, and the students were both: willing and able-at least some of them, to assist me through, the Northumbria legal clinic-then, I, along with your assistance, could help both: myself, and Northumbria, to earn a huge bundle of financial reserves, in several different financial denominations, that, would be a great boon, and that N orthumbria could utilize, for any number of reasons, to improve, and to expand, the LLB, and other advanced legal studies programmes, at Northumbria.  If Northumbria, is interested in assisting me, with my hands on adventure, in defending: civil and human rights, on an international scale, against, ineternational terrorism, then-please contact me immediately. I am always to happy-in general, to receive any of your professional communications, from the Northumbria, LLB programme.  Thank you, for you continued interest and support. I look forward to beginning my law school career, this September, of 2016. If there is any additional information, that you require from me, regarding my law school application, and my request for full scholarship application, or, any additional information required in general, pertaining to the study visa UK application, then, please never hesitate to contact me, by email, or by cellphone. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-219-1872

A Mr. Obama free cellphone, with no privacy at all, for indigent Americans, who cannot in anyway, pay for their own, emergency cellphone, and necessary, communications needs. I hope to hear, from the Northumbria offices, regarding the: LLB programme, and scholarship and the September 2016 start date-again, at some soon date. Thanks.

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