Sunday, July 24, 2016

Doctoral Research-Northcentral University-Rough Draft-Work In-Progress Today: July 24, 2016-Independent Review of Audit of Financial Accounting City of Washington, DC CAFR 2015 Online PDF Record

July 24, 2016

Northcentral University (NCU) Doctoral Studies:
Business Administration, Specialization: Advanced Accounting

Assignment 2: Non Profit Organizations: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.): City of Washington, DC Year 2015- Financial Accounts Audit Exercise

PhD Candidate Student: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Location: Homeless in United States 6 years now
West Palm Beach, FL
Hostage and Political Prisoner in the United State
Applicant for Political Asylum in Europe
Telephone: 352-219-1872

Assignment Directions:
            A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a government's complete accounting of: "net worth.” The CAFR, was established as a public accounting record, and is mandatory by Federal requirements, for all local governmental entities, within the United States.

          Obtain a CAFR from a city or county governmental entity-these are usually available as a .pdf download from the entity’s web site. Using the questions in exercises and problems 2-1 in Chapter 2, evaluate the CAFR, according to the criteria presented. Attach a copy of the report as an appendix to your paper, when you submit your assignment, and upload it online.

Exercises and Problems 2-1 Examine the C.A.F.R.:
Examine the financial statements included in the financial section and answer the following questions, as they pertain to, the city of: Washington, DC, US, based on information made available to the general public online, in the most recent CAFR available-2015.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Office of Financial Management:
        Last year, in 2015, when I initially completed this assignment, I chose the City of Gainesville, FL US, for my: CAFR, audit accounts student exercise. I grew up, in Gainesville, FL US, and, I attended and graduated from, the University of Florida, research and developmental high school, as well as, Santa Fe Community College-which is now just: Santa Fe College, as well as: The University of Florida-itself.
            My impetus, for auditing the accounts, of the City of Gainesville, FL US, was, a continued lack of employment, in my hometown of Gainesville, FL, although, presumably, I still had friends, in town working, who, quite possibly knew me well, knew that I was homeless, and quite capable academically, and of employment. Because, I am under the impression, if people care about you, and they are aware of the fact that you are in need, and you can help yourself-with even a little assistance from the outside, such as: employment, etc.-that, family or friends, should they exists anywhere-would, because they do care, that you should live-offer you some sort of employment, that, you very well qualify for.
           My first Master’s Degree, from: Florida State University, is in the area, of: Library and Information Science, with a specialization, in information science. Therefore, the first employment positions, that I applied for, in Gainesville, FL, were positions, in the field, of library sciences, at both: the public libraries, and, the private university libraries.  When-after several weeks, I received no response, to my applications for work, at the local libraries, it was at that time, that I began to apply, for employment positions, in other fields-not even closely related, to library studies.
           I still was qualified for the employment positions, for which I applied-however, I was soo qualified for the position, that I was: “overqualified.” I had some choices, in Gainesville, FL, in regards to where to apply for work, and then again, it was not until-even after my request for employment as a janitor, was rejected, that I then decided, to perform and independent audit, of the accounting books, of the entire city, of: Gainesville, FL, US. What I discovered, in my independent analysis, of the accounting records, for the city of: Gainesville, FL, US, was not positive information. Gainesville, FL, has been-as of the 2015 CAFR: “cooking the books,” and engaging in many forms, of illegal accounts management, for at least 10 years.
         I was illegally, and immediately, then, shipped off by my adopted family-who have completely abandoned me, to a mental hospital, in the Gainesville, FL area: Shands At Vista, for many reasons-none of them pertaining to mental health problems, as defined by the: DMS IV.  In large part, my immediate hospitalization, for mental health problems, that were none existent-again, was a response to, the: “A” grade that I received, on my assignment-this very same one, that was-instead of being focused, on: Washington, DC, US-focused, on: Gainesville, FL US. I am now, because of continued torture, abuse, neglect, and complete abandonment, by my adopted family, in the United States, an applicant for political asylum, in Europe.
         At present, I am located, in: West Palm Beach, FL-so, I will not decide, to audit the accounts, of the city of West Palm Beach, FL.  However, because of my, pending applications, for political asylum, in Europe, I will be flying, from West Palm Beach, FL, to, Washington, DC-to speak to various embassies there, including the: Russian Embassy-in about, 2 weeks-long after this Northcentral University doctoral studies homework assignment, has been emailed, to all of my International contacts-who are assisting me, with my political asylum application process, and, posted online, at several of my blog spots, for interesting reading, and important information about the International state of affairs, as it relates, to: terrorism, America, and the Obama Administration-that I happily share, as a freelance reporter.
What's in the CAFR?
           There are basic guidelines, for the presentation of information, with in the yearly required: CAFR presentation, of information, about an American city’s: financial accounts, and money management.  However, due to the fact, that there is some flexibility, in the presentation requirements, for the information, presented in a: CAFR, when I am communicating information, on: “the CAFR,” I am specifically, only referring to, the: Washington, DC, CAFR-at this point, and only the one, that has been made available online, in PDF format-as required, from the year: 2015.
      Although, the city, of Washington, DC, received, in 2015, a good review, by what is reported as, an independent auditor, of their, 2014 financial accounting, that in no way means, that all the information, required to be in the city’s CAFR-is present. A good review, by an independent auditor, of a city’s financial management and accounting, does not mean, that the city did anything correct-at all. In 2015, I, as a student still, and working towards my PhD, in business administration, with a focus, on: advanced accounting, did this exact same exercise, however, at that time, my focus, was: the city of Gainesville, FL US-instead of Washington, DC, US.
         The city of Gainesville, FL, US, in: 2015, had received, a total, of at least 9 years, of unqualified, positive reviews, with complete approbation, for the accounting standards, and techniques, that are applied to all financial matters, through the city of Gainesville, FL, US. However, when I, as a doctoral student, of: advanced accounting, looked closely at the accounting records, provided by, the city of Gainesville, FL, in their: 2014 CAFR, I found-after reading closely in my university text books, regarding what financial management techniques, are: approved, allowed, legal, and functional, etc. , within the United States: “Red Flags’-everywhere!
       Too often, people are fooled, by outside appearances-they see a White lab coat, and they think, the person wearing that lab coat, must be a well-qualified medical doctor. Or, people see a police officer in a uniform, and a person might think, this man or woman, in the city’s finest uniform, must be a professional, working to keep me safe, and-unfortunately, that is not always the case either.
           Then too, with a: CAFR, from any city in the United might read, a positive review, from what is supposed to be, an unqualified, independent from the city-auditor’s comments, in regards to the published report, and the auditor, presumably qualified for their employment position, may write about how wonderful the city is, and how no financial accounting or management problems, or issues exist, and, the auditor’s commentary-may all be, complete: lies and nonsense-i.e., the: city of Gainesville, FL US example, and the: CAFR, from: 2014.
          The Washington, DC CAFR, from: 2015, is presented under three major headings, which divide the report, into three sections.  The three major subheadings, are listed above, a number of sub-headings-introductory, financial, and statistical:
  1. Introductory section:
A.    Letter of Transmittal
B.     Organizational Chart
C.     Principal Officials
D.    GFOA Certificate of Achievement;
  1. Financial section:
A.    Independent Accountant Report
B.     Management’s Discussion and Analysis
C.     Basic Financial Statements
D.    Index to The Notes to The Basic Financial Statements
E.     Required Supplementary Information
F.      Other Supplementary Information General Fund
G.    Non-major Governmental Funds
H.    Fiduciary Funds
I.        Supporting Schedules;
  1. Statistical section:
A.    Financial Trends
B.     Revenue Capacity
C.     Debt Capacity
D.    Demographic and Economic Information
E.     Operating Information. (Alexander, C., Omisore, D, & Slack, B. 2015, p. Table of Contents)

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