Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Amnesty International Job Application: Emergency Assistance Requested-Part II MIss. Bayo Elziabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

July 20, 2016

Amnesty International Employment Application
Part II

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Homeless West Palm Beach, FL

Current Contact Information:
Cellphone: 352-219-1872

              Due to the fact, that I was illegally "Blacklisted," by the United States government, I have spent more time than most, focused on my education. My initial presumption, regarding my lack of employment, was that I was not qualified enough to work. I, therefore, spent a more time, studying and working hard-to learn more skills, that would make me more employable. Sometimes, when I could not find work, too, I would presume, the lack of available employment, was due to, my lack of experience.

                I have spent a great deal of time, and energy, in the United States: studying, memorizing, applying what I have learned in the classroom, creating new opportunities for myself, and learning additional skills, and information, that are not necessarily, available in any educational program-anywhere. I was under the impression, that if I could make myself soo helpful, and invaluable, that I would finally be hired, and, that, I would be able to keep the position.

             The more difficult information is to understand, or analyze, or to memorize, or to communicate, or to apply-then, that is the more interesting: information and task, that I apply myself to. I am employable. I am bright. I am a quick learner. I am smart as a whip. I love a challenge. I am an aficionado, of: new languages-oral, written, computer, code, extinct, and otherwise.

        I have found, that not only my traditional university educational programs-also, long hours spent, memorizing such things, as the glossary, at the back of my:

  1. Chemistry and Biology Honors text books;
  2. Listening to music online in every language imaginable;
  3. Traveling overseas as far as possible to meet new and different people and cultures;
  4. Enjoying the dances songs and foods of other cultures;
  5. Being out spoken and gregarious/extroverted while out about town and socializing;
  6. Observing unfamiliar interactions;
  7. Remaining curious about other people and other circumstances;
  8. Going the extra mile to stick to my word, to really care instead of pretending like other people matter;
  9. Showing up to investigate problems myself-even when they are happening on the other side of the world;
  10. Keeping my promises;
  11. Practicing moral and ethical behaviors;
  12. Respecting myself, etc. .

Years of preparing myself for employment, in fun, creative, , interesting, non-traditional ways-have all lead me, to becoming an indispensable, and far more valuable employee, and, I understand, that employment itself, and a record of paychecks-that is important too, however, I am living in an extreme difficult and impossible situation in the United Stats rights now, where I am a political prison and hostage, and, I am also a long time torture victim. I end up making too much lemonade-it is a good think, that I am always: hungry!

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