Tuesday, March 1, 2016

1-17-2016 Request For Emeregency Political Asylum Fom Gainesville, FL USA

1-17-2016 Political Asylum Application Continued:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S. 

Locale: Americas Best Value Inn, 1900 S(W) Main St. rm 138, Gainesville, FL 32608 352-372-1880 

      I am not feeling well today. Mentally I am healthy, and physically, I am in excruciating pain. I recently had x-rays taken, because of the severe beatings, that I received, in my last hostage situation, here in the US. I do not know the results of the x-rays. I do not presently have any medical coverage, to seek any medical care, or, to obtain the wheelchair/ and walker that I require, or, the physical therapy, that I now need again-as well. 

       I have been homeless in the US, for 6 years now-ever since my adopted mom, kicked me out of my 2nd home, and stole, most of what I owned. She told me, that she sold whatever she did not want, of my belongings, on eBay, and Amazon.com, and then, she did not give me any of the proceeds. I have traveled all over the US-since my homelessness began, desperately seeking employment and shelter, or assistance from friends, or my adopted mom's family. I have received almost no assistance in the US-at all, because, I refuse to prostitute. 

        I am fit to work, and have been refused all employment, although, I am well educated by US standard-working towards my Dr., in Business Administration-pre-legal, and pre-medical, and accepted full scholarship-although I refused to accept, to law school in Boston. I have filled employment applications, all over the US, since 2008, with almost no response, and no opportunities. I have been illegally:"Blacklisted," in the US, because I refuse to prostitute. 

        I attempt to contact my adopted mom for assistance-her family in Seattle, WA-has disowned me, and she, is trying to do the same. Susan Cary, Esq.-my adopted mom, does not answer her phones: 352-372-7899 and 352-219-3459. She does not allow my children to answer their cell phones either-Hadiya Elizabeth:352-256-6930, Omari Jonathan "Peter":352-872-3626, and Nadira Helena:352-642-2769.

         I am desperate to leave the US, along with my 3 children. I am worried they will be beaten and tortured-as I have been, for 16 years, for refusing to prostitute. I am worried, that their cell phones, will be stolen too, and then, I will not even be able to leave a message for them. I cannot gain access to a debit card, or even an email account, because no one is willing-at present, to help me gain access to cellular service. 

         I receive a pithy amount of US welfare, for my permanent physical disabilities, related to attempt, after attempt on my life, siunce approximately 2010-when I was run over by an SUV, while riding a bike to my adopted mom's house, to visit my 3 children.I have sole custody paperwork, for my 3 children, and, i am hardly allowed to see, or to speak to them, although, I have never abused them. I am left isolated, for months at a time, in hotel rooms, in Gainesville, FL, with no way to contact my children, with no way for anyone to call into me, and with almost no food. 

         I have been left in this hotel before, by my adopted mom, with 1 weeks worth of food, for an entire month, and, I had to wash all my clothing out by hand, in the bathroom sink, when there is a reasonably priced, washer and dryer, with in view, of the room I am staying in. I am requesting emergency assistance, to depart from the US, as a political asylum seeker, along with my 3 children, due to the deteriorating sociopolitical situation in the US. My cell phone is with Verizon Wireless. I am on a month to month plan. I need to be able to make International calls, to proceed with arrangements, to leave the US.

       I cannot locate an AID organization, within the US, that is willing to assist me. I cannot create an email account, that I can access, or confirm a debit card, to load my welfare benefits on to, or even apply to re-enroll in my post masters studies-etc., without a cell phone. My new cell number is: 352-363-3969 My security key: 5927 The Customer Service Number for pre-paid wireless service is: 1-888-294-6804 The general Verizon info line is: 1-800-922-0204. 

     I have valuable information to upload onto the web, and to send overseas. I am writing all over the world for emergency assistance, because, I do not have help, here in the US. Thank you for receiving my communications. I am now on Twitter: @Bayom21005 and on Google+, and elsewhere on the web: Emergency Intl Internet Relief URL: bayocary.blogspot.com I am ready and willing to interview-please respond to my communications for immediate assistance.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.
Americas Best Value Inn, 1900 S(W) Main Street room 138, Gainesville, FL 32608 352-372-1880 Your emergency assistance, to exit the US, me, and my 3 children, to plead for political asylum in the UK, is respectfully requested. Thank you.

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