Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lexington Law:Updating Information about my Credit Repair Situation:Re:My Adopted Mom and Stolen Post mail: Exhibit 2


Thank You Lexington Law. Below, I will explain, the various information, and evidence, that I am submitting to your offices today, re: my current credit situation, as it relates, to: my adopted family, notices that I have received in the mail, and my bill paying practices. Thank you again, for taking me on again, as a client, of Lexington Law.

       My adopted mom, illegally stealing from me, has been an ongoing problem, for a number of years now. Although, right now, I am discussing the post mail. My post mail, is not the only thing, that my adopted mom steals, from me, and then pretends, like: I should not complain, like it is fine to treat me that way, like someone else took it, like I am being ungreatful because she gave it to someone more needy than myself, etc. And sometimes, my adopted mom, puts my children, into the middle of the argument-which is never fair, and she tells me: one of your children needed it. 

       Below, I am posting copies of my contract, with the United States Post Office, here in Gainesville, FL, at the University location-across from campus. Almost all of my newly ordered check books, to my old Suntrust bank account, were stolen out of this post box. I can only presume, that they were stolen by a postal employ, because they were returned to me, after I complained about the situation-about a week later, directly to the post box itself, and not to me personally, by a postal employee. I have complained over, and over again-for over 6 years now, about people I know-my adopted mom, and, about people I do not know, who steal my mail, and who redirect my mail, by forwarding my mail, on to an address, where: I have never lived, where I am not going to live, or back to my adopted mom’s address, where-she refuses to give me my post mail, on almost every occasion. 

      For this particular post box, nothing was wrong with me-again. My adopted mom lied, and told the Gainesville, FL court system, that I was having serious mental health issues, and she had me locked up, in a mental hospital, here in Gainesville, FL. I was then transferred, to the State Mental Facility, where I had to see a Judge, in mental health court. The entire process, took almost a year. The Judge and psychiatrist, at the mental health facility, told my adopted mom, that I am not seriously mentally ill, and to stop locking me up, in mental health facilities. 

        My adopted mom, did not care about what the Judge, or the psychiatrist said, she locked me up, again, for no reason. And, she has locked me up, in mental health facilities, for no reason, for tortuous and abusive treatments, for 16 years now-regardless, to who has spoken to her, about how she illegally abuses, and tortures me. I am now an applicant-and so are my children, for political asylum in Europe, because my adopted mom, is soo incredibly illogical, and abusive, towards, me, and my children.

        When my adopted mom, took over the post box, with the US Postal Office, she was supposed to give me, the mail, that came to the post box. My adopted mom, refused, over and over again, to give me the mail, that came to this post box. My adopted mom, continues to refuse, to provide me with post mail, that she receives, because it comes to her, from any of my previous housing locations.

Exhibit 2: 

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