Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lexington Law Credit Repair:Stolen Mail:Re:My Adopted Mom: Complaint and Exhibit 1 March 12 2016

Thank You Lexington Law. Below, I will explain, the various information, and evidence, that I am submitting to your offices today, re: my current credit situation, as it relates, to: my adopted family, notices that I have received in the mail, and my bill paying practices. Thank you again, for taking me on again, as a client, of Lexington Law.

Exhibit 1: American Libraries Magazine

      My American Libraries Magazine, has my adopted mom’s address on it. It was being mailed to her house, although, I redirected all of my post mail, to another address. My adopted mom, goes online, or calls, various businesses, that I contract with, and she changes my contact information, to her contact information. Then, when my post mail, arrives at her house, if I am not sitting on her front porch, waiting for my mail-she refuses to give the post mail to me. It is a Federal crime in the US, to steal someone elses, post mail. My adopted mom, is a really dishonest attorney, and she does whatever she wants. She does not listen to other lawyers, regarding US law, or to Judges, who try to speak with her.

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