Tuesday, March 1, 2016

10-18-2013 Seeking Directions For My Application For Political Asylum, In the UK-No Response Again!

Oct. 18, 2013

           I called the USA Embassy in London, in February, of this year, 2013, to enquire, as to how one should go about applying for asylum in the UK.  I received information from the UK Border Agency webpage, which states where to apply for asylum in the UK, and, that it is necessary to make, the initial application, from a country, other than the one that you are defecting from. 

       I have written to the British Embassies in Canada several times--I am now, almost a full year later, finally, almost to their borders, however, they have not responded to my requests for defection directions, from the USA, and clear directions, as to how I go about applying for asylum, in Canada, for the asylum that I do truly need at this point, in the UK.  It is Winter here in Seattle, Washington.  I am freezing cold most of the time.  

        I have been homeless for almost 3 years now.  If it were not for food banks, I would have starved to death by now.  I will look for your response by email: bayoelizabethcary@yahoo.com  or , bcc9638@my.fsu.edu, or by text or phone to: 602-332-2149. Please respond to me, from an email address, that,  I may reply to. Thank you once again, for your assistance, earlier this year.   


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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