Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Instagram: Terrorists Voiced Over My Video Posts: Complained On Wordpress: Entries Post-Mostly Photos-Removed: Illegal and Offensive: Case Against Wordpress


Freelance Reporter: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Current Contact Information:

812 NE 8th Avenue
Apartment 812 Duplex
Gainesville, FL 32601

Current Email:

Current Cellphone: 352-519-9722

Photos With Stories That I Posted To Instagram: 

              Some of the stories and comments were edited and restricted, by: Instagram. Someone accessed my posts, without my permission, to: Instagram, and voiced over my video posts, with a terrorist voice over. I complained about the situation, to the: F.B.I., and, I received no response-although, I did frequently call their offices, in both: Houston, and in Dallas, while I was in Texas. Apparently, the photos that I posted, with the original blog, to Wordpress, were soo offensive-they clearly show, and elucidate, the continued suffering, and torture, I have been illegally subjected to, here, in the U.S. . 

             The photos, are graphic, however, they are not difficult to look at. Wordpress allows Crazy people, to post long blogs, about how mentally ill they are, and about how many unhealthy thoughts they are presently having, however, my photos-which are not that extra ordinary, were entirely deleted, from the Wordpress blog account, that, I just established. I now have a legal case, against Wordpress. What Wordpress removed from my new blog, was not: unusual, fictitious, or, highly offensive materials.

New Wordpress Account: Already Unusable:

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