Friday, March 11, 2016

Intention to Apply For Law School Admissions to Northumbria, Newcastle UK Emailed to Law School Today Initial Inquiry September 2016 Term

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
11.03.2016, 17:10, "Bayo Elizabeth Cary" <>:

         It is my intention, to submit applications, to law schools, in Europe, for the September 2016 term, as soon as I am able. I am requesting a full scholarship, due to my current: asylum seeking status, and, my soon to be, refugee status-even if, my refugee status, is not achieved, in the country to which, I am applying for law school. 

        Thank you for your time, and attention. Below, I have provided a little information, and evidence, about my current cases. This is not a full or formal application, for law studies. I will soon submit, the full required materials, to your attention, and, I do hope, that I will receive, a favorable review. I have been accepted, to law school in Europe, at three schools, in the past: Buckingham University, Cardiff, and Northumbria.

        My reapplication, to law school in Europe, for the beginning term, of September 2016, is intended, as an entrance date, when I will be able, to begin, to actively attend classes. I do intend, to continue to collect evidence in support of, and to continue to carry, my pre-existing cases. Please do contact me, in you have any questions, or, you seek any additional information, in regards to processing my pending applications, for law school in Europe, with the beginning date, of September: 2016. Thank you again, for your time, and, for your attention. 

My contact information, is presented, at the bottom of my email to you. Thank you.


To Whom It May Concern:

     Thank you for your continued assistance. I was more than pleased to hear, that: C.C.H.R., has received, at least some of my complaints, regarding the: International Mental Healthcare System. I recently spoke, to one of your representatives, in the California office, to confirm, that at least some of my complaints, have been received. I want to actively pursue the complaints. The situation, regarding mental healthcare, and false diagnosis-for me, has been soo extreme, that I now require political asylum-and so do my 3 children-in Europe.

     I was concerned, that your offices, may not receive all of my complaints-and I have more, I therefore, began posting a few of them online, at the following websites. I update, and add information, to my Blogger sites, when I am able to do so. My current Blogger websites, are as follows, both links are up and running-although, only 1 link appears active on this page:

Although, I am working to re-enter a former program of studies, to complete my post masters certificate, that will lead to my PhD, in Business Administration, I am also an applicant, for law school in Europe.

     Last year, I established my own nonprofit organization, while studying towards my post masters certificate, because, I have been illegally: Blacklisted, in the US, and no one has offered me, any employment-since 2008, although, I am competent, and could be employed. As of yet, i have not received any contributions, to my nonprofit. I am having financial difficulties, and, I am therefore actively seeking donations, for my nonprofit organization. I work-everyday, whether I receive any donations, or not.

         I have spoken, to a number of US attorneys, about assisting me with my cases, against mental health facilities, because of the: illegal detainment's, illegal treatments, rapes, and other illegally tortuous abuses, that I have unfairly suffered, in mental hospitals. your organization: C.C.H.R., is the only organization-Internationally, that has ever responded, in any way, to my: excruciating pain, and continued sufferings. My situation, became so unbearable, that I decided to attend law school, overseas in Europe, after having applied for political asylum, to represent myself, in my court cases, because, no US lawyer, would consider my cases.

            Since last year, a great of my collected court evidence-in fact, 5 years worth of photos and video, has been stolen-even by my own adopted mom, and illegally deleted. I just yesterday, had to file a police report, against my own adopted mom, for stealing my valuable, and irreplaceable court evidence, and deleting the information, while, at the same time, pretending as though, some one else, has stolen, all of my hard earned work-from me. I will need your assistance in court.

       I recently ordered a number of brochures, from your organization, to add to my files, to support my application, for political asylum in Europe, for myself, and for my 3 children. When finances allow, i will happily order, more supportive documentation, and information, from your organization, about the reality of horrors, which do compose, the: International mental healthcare system. Thank you again!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Current Cellphone: 352-519-9722

Current Address:
812 NE 8th Avenue
Apartment 812 Duplex
Gainesville, FL

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
11.03.2016, 14:54, "Free Orders" <>:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your order for a complementary copy of our documentary or information
package has been received and is being shipped to you as a public service.
Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. In the meantime you can watch all our
DVDs on our website at For further information, research and
our psychiatric drug side effects search engine, please visit

We have staff and volunteers that are committed to helping you educate
others and to take action to rectify the abuses covered in this documentary.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please let me know.

I would also like to invite you to visit us on our social media accounts:


Director of Information Requests
CCHR International

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mumbai Bayo Elizabeth" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:43 PM

Submitted on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 14:43
Submitted by (not logged in): []

Submitted values are:

Salutation: Miss
First Name: "Mumbai" Bayo Elizabeth
Last Name: Cary
Company/Organization: Emergency International Internet Relief
Position/Occupation: Freelance Reporter and Director/President of
Phone: 352-519-9722
Country: US
Postal Code: 32601
Postal Address: 812 North East 8th Avenue Duplex
Apartment/Suite/Room/etc.: 812 Duplex
City: Gainesville
State / Province: US-FL
Language: en
Product Finsysid: 10023327
Product SKU: cchrinfo-2012.en.kit
How Did You Find Out About Us?: Friend
Specify: Friend
Which Best Describes You?: Investigative Reporter
Specify: Investigative Reporter


I last ordered a free copy, of the introductory information, from your
organization, when I was being illegally detained, at the Florida State
Mental Hospital: Northeast Florida State Hospital:NEFSH-the staff at that
hospital, failed to provide me with, a great quantity of post mail, that was
delivered to me there. I still have friends, who are being illegally
there, as:political prisoners and hostages. I attempted to send your
a great deal of personal information, concerning my situation, in regards to
being abused by the mental health system. I have called you r offices
times since-to see if you have received any of my complaints? I mailed out
10-over stuffed, no postage required envelopes, from Macclenny, FL, to your
attention in California. Then I emailed your offices, both: here in the US,
and overseas in the UK. My current email address: I then submitted a complaint form, by webpage
submission, online as well, to your offices. And finally, I have called
several times recently, and provided your offices, with my new cell number:
352-519-9722 I have posted some evidence, in regards to my complaints,
online, and would like you to peruse the information. I am applying to,
The Hague, and to: The European Court of Human Rights, in France, in regards
to the inhumane abuses and torture, I, and others have illegally suffered,
the mental health system. Online info;
http:/// and I will update the Bloggers soon, and add
another account. I have double-checked, the URL's provided above-do work.
Please feel free, to contact me at anytime, in the very near future. I will
look for the free informational video package-in the mail within 10 days.
Thank you. I will require additional help from you in the future. My friends
and I, want to close mental hospitals down-Internationally. Thank you again.

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Order ID: 56df4795ade47-1457473429-222

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

-------- End of forwarded message --------

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

-------- End of forwarded message --------

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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