Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lexington Law:Exhibit 3:Credit Repair:Stolen Mail Again-And By Who-Forwarded Where?


Thank You Lexington Law. Below, I will explain, the various information, and evidence, that I am submitting to your offices today, re: my current credit situation, as it relates, to: my adopted family, notices that I have received in the mail, and my bill paying practices. Thank you again, for taking me on again, as a client, of Lexington Law.

         People have been stealing at least some of my post mail, for at least 6 years now, and, it most likely occurred, prior to me becoming homeless, as well. I was homeless, here in Gainesville, FL, for two months straight, because I did not receive my Social Security benefits check, by post mail. My adopted mom-who tries to leave me homeless in the streets-all of the time, forced me to change locations, from different hotels, and back and forth to the streets, for the two months. I told people, where I stayed, that I would come by for my post mail, because I desperately needed my Social Security benefits.

        I am physically disabled. I have had a number of attempts on my life, in recent years. I suffer from debilitating pain. It is hard for me, to: walk, stand, or even sit, on many days, because my pain is soo incredibly severe, from: being run over by a car, from physical assaults, from unnecessary beatings from the police in the US, and from the hardships, of being homeless in the US, and having to carry around my legal case files everywhere, so the majority will not get stolen again, prior to my departure for Europe, to plead for political asylum, and, to apply for law school.

          I cannot survive of the streets anymore. My pain is soo severe, that I really must have, a comfortable bed, a climate controlled environment, as well as a comfortable place to sit, and a hot shower-among other things. My adopted mom, is almost completely insensitive, to my housing needs. She buys me the pine killer: Aleve sometimes, because I cannot afford it. She understands, that the pain is unbearable, and has to be managed, because, my injuries are permanent, and acute, as well as chronic. However, when I ask her to sympathize with me, to the extent, that she: sincerely assist me with housing, or, that she provide me with my most important mail-my adopted mom, most often responds, with complete indifference, to my pain, and continued suffering, that she has contributed, a great deal to.

Exhibit 3: Social Security Mail Set To A Hotel That Was Set To Be Forwarded-When I had No Address. Where was the mail, being forwarded to?

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