Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lexington Law:Exhibit 4:Explanation of Locksmith Receipt From Previous Residence:Owed by Adopted Mom-Ive been homeless since she kicked me out, in:2010


Thank You Lexington Law. Below, I will explain, the various information, and evidence, that I am submitting to your offices today, re: my current credit situation, as it relates, to: my adopted family, notices that I have received in the mail, and my bill paying practices. Thank you again, for taking me on again, as a client, of Lexington Law.

         I used to rent a house, from my adopted mom. It was way back in 2008, that I began to notice, that my personal belongings-really important paperwork, and other small items-such as jewelry, were beginning to go missing, from the house. My adopted mom, has a habit, of passing out keys, to her homes. If she needs the carpet to be cleaned-she gives out a key. If she has a maintenance repair, she hands out a key. If she wants a childcare provider to come over, when she is not home, she hands out a key.

      The problem is, that I do not share my home, or belongings, or other spaces, with other people. My adopted mom, passed out keys, to my homes as well. My adopted mom passed out keys, to people I knew sometimes, however-she did not have my permission, to pass the keys out. When keys are passed out, there is not regulating, who copies the keys, or, how many copies are made. When I noticed, that things were missing, stolen, and damaged, at the last home, where I lived, that my adopted mom, held the mortgage I, I paid a lot of money, to have the locks changed.

        My adopted mom, then: locked me up in a mental hospital, and took everything I owned. She blamed me, for any damage there was, around the house, although, she had intentionally neglect the property, and had refused to respond to my calls, about maintenance issues, at the house. I was in 90 degree heat all Summer, and then 50 degree cold-Fahrenheit, in the Winter. My adopted mom, after we went to mental health court, and the mental health judge told her, that the damage to the house: mold/and mildew, were not my fault-kept almost all of my belongings, and forced me to sell her some things, at almost no cost, so I could pay, for a hotel.

        My adopted mom, took out the mortgage, for the: “Lincoln Estate Home,” because she told me, that she was really concerned, about me being homeless. She told me, that GMAC, gave her a special reduced rate mortgage, because the home is located in a minority neighborhood, and it is intended, for a disabled minority. I was never allowed to re-enter the home, to collect my stolen belongings. I have been homeless-for the most part, ever since, I was kicked out of a rental-where my adopted mom, held a special mortgage, intended just for me. The: “Lincoln Estate Home,” is now my adopted mom’s office. My adopted mom-ruined my credit, over and over again, and, right now, is trying t make me homeless again. 

           When my adopted mom, gets angry with me, she: pretends that I am mental, and sends me to a mental hospital, she ruins my credit-so I cannot obtain: work, housing, credit, or anything else I need, on my own, she steals from me, she forbids me from seeing my children, she refuses to give me my post mail, etc. All of the above-are illegal, and are acts of abuse, and aggression, towards a vulnerable adult. 

         I am not: retarded, or mentally ill, or dysfunctional, or incompetent, however, I am extremely physically disabled, after years and years, of: neglect, abuse, and torture. I have reported the situation, over and over again, to various authority figures in the US: Department of Children and Families, Local Law Enforcement, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, Florida Bar Association, FBI, CIA, etc., and, I have achieved no notice, or justice, here in the US. I am-and so are my children-therefore, applicants for political asylum, in the US. I am being badly abused, and so are my children, here in the US-to the extent of persecution, and, US authorities, have never adequately responded, to any of my complaints-not about abusive and tortuous treatment, from my adopted mom, or, from anyone else.

        Additionally, to make the situation-even more uncomfortable, after I was kicked out of the house-illegally, by my adopted mom, the lock smith, who changed the locks for me, gave my adopted mom, the original locks, that were on my home, back to her. I thought that was scary. The lock smith, did not object, to my adopted mom, kicking me out on to the streets, or, to stealing, and forcing me to sell her, my other belongings-either. 

          My adopted mom, has another property in Tallahassee, FL-which also used to be my home. The house is at: Orchid Seed Lane. The original purchase of the home, is in my name. It was my FHA home. My adopted mom, also took that home, and without giving me anything-she just forced to sign it over-she did not even give me: $ 10.00. 

             My adopted mom, rents that house, in Tallahassee, FL, and I know from my rental experiences with her, that she could not be fair, to those renters either. My adopted mom, is a slum lord. The apartment I am temporarily living in now, has a few problems-however, my adopted mom, is not the realtor, so, the problems, are slowly being fixed. If my adopted mom, managed the property where I am temporarily living now-nothing would ever get fixed, until she kicked me out, and, I did not damage this property at all. I moved in, as a sub-lease, and there were a few maintenance issues, when I began to rent.

Exhibit 4: A Copy of My Receipt From The Locksmith: The Address of My Former Home In: “Lincoln Estates.” Now, My Adopted Mom’s Office-While I have been homeless, for 6 years-almost constantly.

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