Friday, March 11, 2016

Facebook Does Not Support The US Constitution and Bill of Rights: Legal Case:Human Rights Violations-Against:Facebook

3-11-26 Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Legal Complaint Against Facebook: Case and Point
        Facebook continues to illegally remove posts and commentary, that I have added to my Facebook pages, as well as, continuing to block access to my Facebook accounts. It is because, Facebook supports International Terrorism, and pretends not to understand, US Laws, and how the US Constitution, protects my freedom of speech. I am in the process of applying to an International law school. 

          Facebook is world wide. I have a strong and supportable case, against Facebook, with plenty of evidence, in my continued favor and defense. No!-to Facebook. Facebook supposedly makes money. How does Facebook, really make their money? Is Facebook bought off, by overseas investors, or various governments entities, who pay to have controversial commentary removed-comments that do not support International terrorism. My, overwhelming response, is: YES!

      The way the company: Facebook, is run, is illegal, by US, and by International standards. My new Cell: 352-519-9722, in case you would like to add information to my complaint, or to contribute information, about a more important, and interesting story. Facebook is illegally blocking my complaints, about being tortured in the US. Then, Facebook is illegally blocking my complaints, about Facebook blocking my complaints. Then, Facebook is removing some of my commentary-which is not inappropriate either, without informing me of such, and, Facebook is also blocking me from accessing my older Facebook accounts-illegally again-which contain information, that I still need to access-years later. Finally, Facebook, may also be, deleting my Facebook accounts, after Facebook illegally refuses, to allow me, to access my accounts. 

        All of the above mentioned, are illegal actions against my person, my personal health and well being, and, ultimately-directly impacts me, by endangering my life. I have a right, in the US, and abroad-outside of the US, as an American citizen, to communicate openly-in almost anyway I so choose, about: torturous, and abusive situations-even if it is embarrassing, to the US government, or, to anyone else. I am not a Facebook fan. 

       Facebook supports International Terrorism, and does not support: civil or human rights. I have an extremely strong: human rights violations case, against Facebook now. I will see you in court. Facebook continues to make the wrong decisions, in regards to how they perceive, and treat, and relate to me. In my sincere opinion, my negative experiences, with Facebook-are not limited to myself. In my opinion, Facebook-as a company, treats all users, with the very same, blatant disregard.

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