Tuesday, March 1, 2016

9-05-2013 Communications with British Consulate Office in Texas-Not Helpful, Although, There Was A Reply.


Dear Ms. Truscott,

      Thank you for your prompt reply.  Four nights ago, here in Phoenix, AZ, I was egged, at a bus stop, in front of a Women’s Resource Center, where I utilize the free phone and the free computers.  I was scared to death, and out of cell phone charge, and, I had to walk down the same street, that my attackers assaulted me from--McDowell.  I had no way of obtaining any shelter at all at that time.  I had no money, and, it was in the middle of the night.  The complete lack of money, and, a complete lack of available shelter, here in Phoenix, AZ, has not changed at all. 

     After having been egged at the bus stop, an attack, which I initially, did not consider seriously, another car sped by, and shot at me.  I have been actively seeking safe and clean housing, and well paid employment, here in Phoenix, AZ, ever since I arrived here in Phoenix, AZ, on an emergency need for medical care flight on: Delta, out of Orlando, FL.  On June 19, 2013, I was run over, by State Farm Insurance client Sara Amanda Cole, while she was speeding down Granada in Ormond Beach, FL, at approximate 45 miles--minimally, per hour, according to the Ormond Beach, FL homicide detective, to whom I spoke, in a 3 ton vehicle--a Mitsubishi (2008), also according to a police homicide detective, in Volusia County, FL.

       Additionally, there was a sign posted, across from the historically Black university in Daytona Beach, FL, named Bethune Cookman, at a gun shop, that was selling some style of gun, that I am not familiar with, at a discounted price, and for the expressed and solely intended purpose, of killing, "Bayo."  I was soo shocked, that, I took a picture, of the gun stores advertisement, outside of their place of business.  And, that is a just a report to you, of what has happened to me, here in the USA, most recently.  The last 15 years of my life, here in the USA, have been pure misery, in too many ways--ways which involve torture, as if I were, a foreign terrorists, which, is: completely, and totally, and without any exception, not, the case, in so far as me, and who I am, and how I behave, and interact with others, is concerned.

     Thank you so much for your recent communication.  I am changing my password again, on my gmail email account, however, someone other than myself, who does not have permission to do so, is accessing my email again, and is apparently answering some of my emails.  This situation has occurred to me before.  I am not close to anyone, here in Phoenix, AZ, and my children, who need to be returned to my care, are currently located in Florida, with my Mother.  The security of my yahoo email account, was breached, about a year ago, and now, I no longer utilize the yahoo account at all, because, I was unable to keep the perp., out of my yahoo email, although, I did discover who he was, and, I did report him right away, to the USA FBI.  Thank you again.


Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

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