Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rought Draft Number 2:Appeal To Dean:Northcentral University For Re-Admissions-Graphics Still Missing

March 13, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
       The following is a brief explanation of the circumstances, which prevented me, from being able to continue with my classes, last year, beginning in the Month April/May: 2015. I will explain what occurred, last year, as well as present evidence, to support my case. I am requesting:

1.      Immediate re-entry, into my previous Post Masters Certificate Doctoral Studies Program-where I left off, in my studies. I am working towards the Ph.D., in Business Administration, with a specialization, in Advanced Accounting;

2.      Total grade forgiveness, for the: Failing grade that I was given. I was earning, almost straight:”A’s,” prior to the circumstances, that arose last year, that were beyond my control, as I will prove, here today, in this presentation, of both: information, and evidence. More evidence, is available, upon request, if required, for you to make a final determination, in my case, and appeal to the Dean;

3.      An immediate removal, of the academic debt, which accumulated, when I was not able, to continue forward, with my studies, due to circumstances, that were, well beyond my control.
Thank you for your time, and for your continued consideration, patience, and assistance, regarding the matter, briefly stated.

           It was May, of 2015, that my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq., and I were having disagreements, about how she has: mistreated, and abused me, for over 16 years now. My adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq., has a number of my belongings, that she stole from me, and, that she refuses to return to me. Additionally, my adopted mom, refuses to allow me to speak to my 3 children, and to talk to them, on the telephone, on a regular basis. When I complain, about how she abuses me, she gets irrationally angry at me, and she: Baker Acts me, with her legal degree, to a mental hospital-when I am not mentally ill. Last year, in May 2015-I complained to another of authority figures, about my adopted mom, continuing to pretend, as though, I am seriously mentally ill-when I am not.

          My adopted Mom, Susan Cary, Esq., got angry with me-again, for complaining about how severely she abuses. I posted the complaints, about my adopted mom, online, along with my: N.C.U. homework assignments, and, my other complaints. My complaints, in regards to how, my adopted mom abuses me, and my children, are not: fictitious, unhealthy, or unreasonable. I have been complaining about how my adopted mom, abuses me-illegally, to Federal authority, in the U.S., since: 2007, and, the: F.B.I. and C.I.A.-have never responded to any of my numerous complaints, that I am aware of. 

          Due to the extremely dangerous position, that I have been in, in relation to my adopted mom, for over ten years now, last year, I began making plans, to apply for political asylum, in Europe. I have told my adopted mom, over and over again, that I am not leaving my 3 children, here in the U.S., while I go to Europe, to seek political asylum, because of how abusive, she is to me-and with no consciousness-it is illegal.

             I am not seriously mentally ill, and my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq., sends me to a mental hospital, when she is angry at me. My adopted mom and I, discussed my continued dissatisfaction, with how she treats me, over and over again, last year, before I began complaining online-again. Local law enforcement, does not respond to my complaints, about my adopted mom-either. She does, whatever she wants to do, regardless of who speaks to hear, about how she treats me, or, my 3 children. Her behaviors towards me, are illegal, a great deal of the time, and her treatment of me, does not alter-even after she has lost to me, in the American court system, with: a psychiatrist and Judge, who speak to her in court. My adopted mom, walks out of the court room, and then decides, that she could care less, because she does not: like, or agree with, the Judges final decision, in the case.

          The last time, that my adopted mom, sent me to a mental hospital, for no legal reason, was while I was enrolled at: N.C.U.. My adopted mom, did not like my homework assignments, that were posted online: Then, my adopted mom, did not like the nonprofit organization, that I established, as a homework assignment: Emergency International Internet Relief. Then my adopted mom, did not like the fact that, I want to plead for political asylum, and move my company with me overseas. Then, my adopted mom, did not like the fact, that I do not want to leave my 3 children here in the U.S., while I am establishing my nonprofit, and attending law school, in the U.K.. Then, my adopted mom, did not like the fact, that I hired: Lexington Law, for credit repair-because she ruined my credit, and I could not qualify, for anything, that I needed: housing, employment, student loans, credit cards, bank accounts, etc..

Exhibit 1: Contact Information Regarding Illegal Psychiatric Care at Shands At Vista, in Gainesville, FL U.S.A.:
 Everything, that I have clearly stated above for you, was explained by a psychiatrist, at: Shands at Vista Mental hospital, here in Gainesville, FL U.S.A.. None of the reasons mentioned above-my adopted mom’s, continued complaints about me-none of them, are indications of any mental illnesses. I requested, many times, for public defenders, in: Alachua and Baker county, to please assist me, with obtaining a free copy, of the transcripts, from mental health court. I am indigent. I have almost no money. The public defenders, should have been willing to assist me-however, my adopted mom, is also trained as a public defender, and Alachua county, is her community. The public defenders of both: Alachua and Baker county, refused to assist me, in obtaining copies, of the mental health court hearing transcripts. 

           The first hearing, began on: May 7, 2015. I could not afford any of the transcripts, however, I desperately need the transcripts, for International Human Rights Court, in Europe. I was recently able to purchase, just the last hearing date, which occurred on: May 21, 2015. The transcript cost me: 130.00 dollars, that I do not have to spend. I should be receiving, the 21 pages, later this week, from the Gainesville, FL-Alachua County Courthouse, and I will happily send you a copy, of what was said, in mental health court, as soon as I receive it. I will post a copy of it, to my current Blogger spot: I post important information there, which relates to my nonprofit organization: Emergency International Internet Relief and: civil and human rights legal cases, that I am presently carrying.

Exhibit 2: Receipt for Mental Health Court Records: Shands At Vista: Gainesville, FL U.S.A.
May 21, 2015:
It was illegal for me to be sent to Shands at Vista. I am not seriously mentally ill. My adopted mom, has used something called an: Ex-parte, to send me into Shands at Vista, and Meridian-both mental hospitals here in Gainesville, FL U.S.A.-over and over again, when I was not: psychotic, manic, depressed, delusional, hallucinating, suicidal, or experiencing any other serious symptoms, related to a mental illness. I object every time, and my adopted mom, writes whatever she needs to write, on the referral paperwork to Shands at Vista, to give the hospital reason, to illegally detain me there. Although her reasons are lies, the staff at Shands at Vista, never listen to my explanations, and pretend, along with my adopted mom, like I have a variety of problems, and mental illnesses, that do not exist.

              However, for the first time-that I am aware of, although it may have happened before, my medical insurance provider, finally agreed with me, that the illegal mental health, medical care, that: my adopted mom, and Shands at Vista, was forcing me to accept, was unnecessary medical treatments. My medical insurance, determined that the inpatient treatment, from Shands at Vista mental hospital, was unnecessary care-in fact, Medicaid fraud. Prestige, my medical insurance provider, made their correct determination, in June, of 2015. However, upon receiving the information, from my insurance carrier, Shands at Vista, refused to alter their care of me. I was tortured-over and over again, the entire time I was there, just as I am, every time, that I am illegally sent there, for unwarranted, mental health, inpatient medical care.

Exhibit 3: Advertisement From Posey-Makers of Physical Retrains For Patients in Mental Hospitals-Only to Be Used In The Most Extreme Situations-and, They Are Illegally Used, All of The Time, on Me, and on Many other People, Who Are Being Illegally Detained In Mental Hospitals, For: Illegal Reasons: Sociopolitical, Socioeconomic Reasons, ect.:
While I was at: Shands at Vista, this past time: 2015. No: blood, urine, or E.K.G. reading, were taken. I was forced to take, psychotropic medications, that I have never required. I had heart palpitations, from my well established heart murmur. I requested a heart specialist, when I began to have some heart pains, from the medications. My requests were denied. 

            I suffered from excruciating pain, from previous injuries, that I came to the hospital with, from prior attempts on my life, in the community. The doctor refused to proscribe and effective pain medication. I was sexually harassed, by staff at Shands, and by other patients. I was assaulted, by a patient at Vista-who was then promptly discharged. I was illegally placed on phone restriction, over and over again, for reasons that were not real. Over two weeks went by, when I was not allowed to speak to the general practitioner. I was over dosed on the medications-again. I am abused and tortured, every time I am illegally admitted to a mental hospital, and, for mental health issues, that do not exist.

Exhibit 4: Prestige Florida Medicaid Health Insurance State of Florida Provider: Statement of Refused Medical Insurance Coverage: Treatment Deemed Unnecessary: Medicaid Fraud Claim:
Shands at Vista, in June of 2015, refused to cease and desist, with their unnecessary, unsafe, and unwarranted care of me. I called N.C.U., when I was allowed phone access, which was rarely, to attempt to explain the circumstances-which were clearly beyond my control. I was doing very well in studies, with: N.C.U., up until the point, when my adopted mom, became irrational, and locked me up in the mental facility again, because she again, was angry with me, and not because, I was having a serious mental health problem.

             Shands at Vista Mental Hospital is extremely dishonest, and should be closed-forever immediately. The staff at Shands at Vista, sent me to the State Mental Hospital, although, they knew, and have known, for years, that I do not have a serious mental disorder, and, the force care, is illegal. Just prior to being sent to Shands at Vista, last year, I began filing courts cases, against Shands at Vista, and individuals who assist them-such as my adopted mom: Susan Cary, Esq., in repeatedly: torturing, abusing me, and illegally detaining me, for extended periods of time, every other year. The hospitalizations are illegal. 

                I began cases with: The Hague, and The International Criminal Court, as well, as: The European Court of Human Rights. I informed the: State Attorney, in Gainesville, FL and The Public Defender’s Office, of Alachua County, that I had already begun to process my cases, and neither cared. When I told police in Gainesville, FL, that I was taking the problems with my adopted mom, to an International Court overseas, they told me, that they did not care, that they too, are doubtful, as to how an International Court, will impact a case of: Torture-Civil and Human Rights Abuses, here in America. I seriously think, that disregarding the cases that I have begun filing, through the International Court system, is the wrong attitude to have. My cases are valid, and do have merit.

          When my adopted mom, illegally locked me up, in Shands at Vista, last year, for mental health care, that I have never required, she stole my belongings. My adopted mom, has a history of stealing my things from me. My adopted mom, stole my belongings, and filed the police report, on my stolen belongings herself, after she herself, stole-at least some of my belongings, which are listed, on the police report. That is a serious problem for me, and, for other people as well. It is my sincere opinion, from my interactions with my adopted mom, that she sends anyone to a mental hospital, that she wants to, with her law degree, when people do not do, what she wants them to do. I have complained to the Florida Bar Association Members, on a number of occasions, with no response, or reply.

Exhibit 5: Police Report, In My Adopted Mom’s Handwriting, of Police Report, That She filed Last Year, About My Stolen Belongings, When-She In Fact, Stole At Least Some of My Things-Herself:
I recently, had to amend the police report, that my adopted mom, filed last year, after she returned some of my stolen items. My adopted mom, returned, all of my stolen cellphones, a digital camera, batteries, and wires. My five years, of hard work-investigative journalism, both: pictures and video, had been completely erased, and all cellphones, are no broken. My adopted my, illegally locked me in a mental hospital, stole some of my most valuable work from me, reported that it had been stolen by someone else, and completely destroyed, all of my records of work, with no care, or apology.

Exhibit 6: Copy of the Recently Amended Police Report, From 2015:
Two days ago, my adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.-returned more of my belongings to me. When she returned some of my belongings to me, she gave me paperwork, stating, that she had finally paid, a Cox Cable Internet bill, that she was supposed to have paid, last year. Last year, I had contracted, with: Lexington Law, because my adopted mom, has a long history, of ruining my credit. My adopted mom, would get angry at me-all my bills would be paid on time, then, she would send me to a mental hospital, for soo incredibly long-almost a year each time, that I would not be able to pay on my bills on time, although, I would normally pay on time. I am responsible, with money. My adopted mom, did it over and over again, until my credit got soo bad, that I could not get approval, to rent anywhere, for housing. I tried negotiating, and paying the debts off myself. However, after a number of years, the problem, became too much for me to deal with on my own, and that is where: Lexington Law, came into the picture.

Exhibit 7: Lexington Law Contract 2015: It Was Necessary For Me To Re-Contract With Lexington Law, Because, My Adopted Mom, Ruined My Credit-Again:
Lexington Law, repaired my credit, for several months last year. My credit was improved to the point, where-if I had money, I could finally get an apartment, on my own. I have been homeless, for almost 6 years now, because my adopted mom, kicked me out of my home, to steal my belongings, and then, she ruined my credit, so I could not qualify for housing, on my own. Lexington Law, was a life saver. One of the reasons, that my adopted mom, sent me to the mental hospital last year, is because she did not like, that I had contracted with Lexington Law, to repair my credit (It was clearly stated in court.) I gave my adopted mom, cash money, to pay my Cox Internet Cable bill last year, and my adopted mom, was still mad at me, so, she decided not to pay the bill, even though, she told me, that she would. She ruined my credit again. 

           When my adopted mom, finally paid the bill owed to Cox Cable, just recently, she also just returned my router, that she stole from my apartment last year. I was not able to list, everything, that had been stolen from my apartment last year, because my adopted mom, filed the police report. I never saw the scene of the crime, she had me illegally detained, at: Shands at Vista, for mental health care, that I clearly, did not require. She stole something else from me, and then, just provided me with the evidence. I have to amend the police report, from last year-again!

Exhibit 8: My Adopted Mom’s Typing, And Explanation About, How She Just Returned My Stolen Modem, And About How She Just Paid, The Cox Internet Bill, That She Agreed To Pay, Last Year, With The Cash Money, That I Gave To Her-My Credit Is Ruined Again:
 In my opinion, my adopted mom, steals other people’s belongings, as well. The 3 children, are scared to death, of my adopted mom. Living with my adopted mom, is not a healthy environment for them. She will not allow me to visit with my children. My adopted mom, rarely allows my 3 children to speak to me by phone. And, my adopted my, abuses my 3 children, just as she abuses me, and then, she tries to keep them from telling me, and, she threatens them constantly, just like she threatens me. 

        When my adopted mom gets angry with me, she locks me up in a mental hospital, and she steals all of my belongings. My adopted mom ruins my credit-intentionally, so I cannot gain anything I need. My adopted mom, tries to ruin my academic records, by interrupting my studies, and by stealing documentation that I require to write research papers. My adopted mom, says things to people, that are not true, as well, and tries to ruin my reputation. My adopted mom, steals my post mail, etc. My adopted mom, also calls various businesses, that I contract with online, and elsewhere, and she changes the address on file, to her home address, with my name still intact, although, I have not been allowed inside of my adopted mom’s house, in years. 

              When I visit my 3 children, at my adopted mom’s house, I am forced, to: pee, and to defecate, on the front porch, because she does not want me to ever come into, any of her homes, ever again, because, I take my belongings back, and, I take pictures, of the house falling apart, and of all of the mess, that she never cleans. I have posted photos online, at my Flickr pages, of the inside of my adopted mom’s home, compared, to the inside of my most recent apartments:  and 

There are also photos, posted to the above Flickr websites, of the extreme tortuous circumstances, that I have experienced, since my adopted mom, in 2010-kicked me out of my home, and stole all of my belongings, and left me, with ruined credit, to look for: employment, and housing, and anything else, that I need.

          When my adopted mom, sent me to a mental hospital, to steal from me-not only did she interrupt my studies again, and not only did she ruin my studies again, and not only did she ruin my reputation again, and not only she broke a lease on me, she also interrupted the advancement, of my business. It was stated in court, that my adopted mom, thought that I was mentally ill, for establishing, a nonprofit business. No one would hire me in the U.S.. I was illegally “Blacklisted,” so I established a nonprofit: Emergency International Internet Relief, and, I hired myself. My adopted mom, was really upset, that I finally had a legitimate and legal title and entity, to share my business under.

Exhibit 9: Password Codes For My Two Google Business Accounts, That I Can No Longer Access, Because I Was Illegally Detained, For Such A Prolonged Time-I Spent A Great Deal Of Time and Energy on Both. Then, I Had To Start Over-Again:
Because I have been so severely abused and mistreated at Shands at Vista, and by many of the same psychiatrist, for a number of years. I requested formal complaints forms. I want the psychiatrists, who have knowingly abused me, for over 16 years, at Shands at Vista, to lose their licenses, to practice medicine. Closing the psychiatric facilities, at Shands at Vista, would never be enough. The psychiatrists, would open a new unit, under a new name, and, they would simply locate, to somewhere else, in the U.S., or somewhere else in the world, to practice illegal psychiatry. “No! I object!”

Exhibit 10: A Blank Complaint Form-For Every Psychiatrist, Who Has Ever Mistreated Me, In Gainesville, FL U.S.A. .I Can Scan The Form And Email It In. I Need More Copies:
I have been, as proactive, as I can possibly be, with constant complaints-even from within mental facilities. Complaints, here in the U.S., have not gotten me far enough.

         When I was transferred, from Shands at Vista, I was sent to the state mental hospital. I have been to Macclenny State Mental Hospital before, because my adopted mom, has sent me there before, for no reason. I have seen the Judge there before, in mental health court, with my adopted mom. The last time, I saw the mental health Judge, at Macclenny, FL, he told my adopted mom, that any problems, that occurred, at her property-mildew/mold and plumbing issues, were her fault, because I reported over and over again, that the house required repairs, and she refused to fix them. The Judge, and the psychiatrist, have also told my adopted mom-before, that I am not seriously mentally ill, and that I do not belong in a mental health facility. My adopted mom, did not like the Judges opinion. She refused to listen to the Judge, and, she sent me to the mental hospital, again, an again-after that, when nothing was wrong-again.

Exhibit 11: Discharge Paperwork, From The Psychiatrist At Northeast Florida State Mental Hospital, and, A List of Current Medications, That I Was Taking, At Discharge-None Of The Medications, Are Psychotropic Or Mental Health Medications:
My diagnosis at Northeast Florida State Mental Hospital, after I was discharged by the Judge, and court, from the hospital, for the second time, is: Depressive Disorder-NOS. Depressive Disorder-NOS, is not a serious depression problem. My depression, if and when I am not happy enough, is related to how my adopted mom abuses me, to my homelessness, to my lack of financial resources, to the fact that I miss my children, etc. I am not suicidal, or a threat to myself, or to anyone else. Depressive Disorder NOS, according to Wikipedia:
Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DD-NOS)
Examples of disorders in this category include those
 sometimes described as minor depressive disorder

I do not suffer from a major depression, that makes it difficult for me to function. I sometimes suffer, from a: minor and brief, depression. You also have to keep in mind, that the definitions, of various mental illness change, and are defined in different ways, by various psychiatrist-that does in no way mean, that I gain new problems, that did not previous exist for me, when someone else, changes the definition, of any given disorder. The following, is my explanation, of: Depression NOS, that I provided, for my psychiatrist, at: N.E.F.S.H.:

March 16, 2015, Bayo Elizabeth Cary, Diagnosis: Depressive Disorder NOS 311

General Depression

Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DD-NOS) is designated by the code 311 in the DSM-IV for depressive disorders that are impairing but do not fit any of the officially specified diagnoses. According to the DSM-IV, DD-NOS encompasses "any depressive disorder that does not meet the criteria for a specific disorder."
For most people who suffer the condition, their life will be significantly affected Depressive Disorder NOS can make many aspects of a person’s daily life difficult to manage, inhibiting their ability to enjoy the things that used to make them happy. Sufferers of the disorder tend to isolate themselves from their friends and families; they tend to lose interest in some activities, experience behavioural changes and sleeping disorders.

DSM IV-TR classification

Minor depressive disorder: episodes of at least 2 weeks of depressive symptoms but with fewer than the five items required for Major Depressive Disorder.
Symptoms of the disorder may arise due to several reasons. These include:
  • Distress due to medical conditions
  • Environmental effects and situations

It is possible for this disorder to progress over time. A patient suffering from the disorder can improve the condition with treatments. There are several types of therapies that may improve the condition, but depending on a patient’s experience of the disorder or the cause of the disorder, treatments will vary.
  • Psychotherapy including behaviour therapy, Gestalt therapy, Adlerian therapy, psychoanalytic therapy and existential therapy.
  • Pharmacotherapy through medications including antidepressants.
Comments: The medicine Zoloft improves my condition significantly, whereas medications, which are classified as anti-psychotic medications, cause my state of mental health to deteriorate. Anti-psychotic medications, cause me to become severely depressed, to the point of becoming suicidal, and they cause me to become psychotic, and mentally, and emotionally unstable.  I was misdiagnosed, for many years, as bipolar, and schizophrenic, the anti-psychotic medications, associated with the treatment of those disorders, were detrimental to my well being.

The following, is a list of all of the medications, that I was taking, when I was discharged from: N.E.F.S.H. . I was not taking any psychotropic medications. I do not require a maintenance medication. I am rarely depressed, and when I am-it usually passes, quite quickly.
Exhibit 12: Medication List From Northeast State Mental Hospital At Discharge:

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