Friday, March 11, 2016

Northcentral University Doctoral Studies:Reapplication Process After Illegal Detainment Communication 1:Appeal to Dean


   Dear Ms. Maul,

          Thank you for speaking to me, at length, earlier today. I happy that I have received your email. I will write up-as we agreed upon today, a full explanation for you, and the dean, at N.C.U., and send to you, the necessary documents to support my claim, for re-admissions, to: N.C.U.-no later, than early Monday morning, before you arrive at work (the Eastern time zone-does benefit me some). I really enjoyed working with Dr. Achilies, we only had 1 disagreement, and that pertained to my usage, of wikipedia, as a resource. My homework assignments, did improve, after that issue, and the issues regarding citations, were reviewed.

           I post my homework assignments online. I never participate in academic dishonesty-I, however, have had some issues in the past, with my homework assignments being plagiarized. I fear, that some one will steal my homework again, so I post my assignments online, so there is some accountability somewhere, for the academic works, that I have worked so hard, to complete. I am proud of my academic efforts, and I do work to improve upon, my: style, quantity and quality of information conveyed, as well as the entertainment value, the positive contribution to society, and accuracy of the information, as well as the correct, and required documentation, and attributions, that must be documented, in any field of research.

          My homework assignments, some from the program at: N.C.U., and a few from my Masters Degree program, are posted at the following web addresses:   and  . Thank you again for your assistance today. There are documented extenuating circumstances, that did not allow me, to complete my course of study, with: N.C.U. last year: 2015. The circumstances, were far beyond my control, and they were also, utterly unfair. I will explain the circumstances to you, and your colleagues, in full details, and then, if the: N.C.U., re-admissions committee, requires any additional information, I will happily submit to your attention, any additional information, you all require.

         It is my sincerest hope, that the outcome of my appeal, will be favorable. I have almost no money, although, I do respect academia, and thoroughly comprehend the advantages, of a hard earned honors graduate level education. I have already benefited, a great deal, from my recent studies, with: N.C.U., and, I do intend to study through, to the PhD level, after having completed, my post masters certificate. I will be applying for the: N.C.U. Kick Start Scholarship, to pay for the remainder, of my PhD studies program. I want to open stores, similar to The Dollar Tree, when I relocate to Europe, with my children, to fund the nonprofit I established last year, after I began my doctoral studies with: N.C.U., and, to use the-my European DollarTree Store, to continue to fund my nonprofit, and to donate desperately need items, to the: poor, indigent, destitute, immigrant, refugee, and homeless population, of my new home in Europe.

         I continue to appreciate, your time, and patience, regarding the matter mentioned above. I do hope, that once the grade has been removed, and I have been re-admitted, to finish my course of study, that N.C.U., will be able to forgive the balance, which is owed on my account. I work very hard, to cover my numerous expenses, with almost no help from anyone, and almost no resources. It would be a huge burden to me, and a very difficult task, for me to find a means, to cover the balance, that was left over,last year, on my academic account, after I was no longer able-due to circumstances beyond my control, to attend classes. 

      Thank you for your time, and for your continued consideration. I will send you the formal appeal-as discussed, as soon as possible. Thank you again. i do look forward to working with your offices-again, in the very immediate future. Please have a wonderful day. My current contact number: 352-519-9722. Please feel free, to contact me, by email, or by cell, at anytime, should any other additional matters arise. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.L.I.S.

Current Email:

Current Telephone: 352-519-9722

Current Post Address:
812 NE 8th Avenue
Apartment 812 Duplex
Gainesville, FL

11.03.2016, 15:12, "Leslee Maul" <>:

We talked a while ago about your return to your program. You are wanting the F grade removed from your grade report. I will need you to email me a letter with your request and the circumstances surrounding that failed course. Please submit documentation of your claim showing dates that coincide with the circumstances. Once this is submitted I will see if there is something I can do about this. Please get this to me right away! If you have any questions please give me a call tomorrow at 480-253-3480.

I look forward to working with you!


Leslee Maul
Sr Re-Entry Specialist

toll free: 866-776-0331, ext. 3480
p: 480.253.3480
f:  928.515.5621

Office Hours:
Monday 8am to 5pm and Tuesday– Friday  5:30 am to 2:30 pm Pacific Time

Learn more about NCU by reading our student and alumni newsletter, Higher Degrees!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, A.A.,B.A., M.L.I.S.

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